
Doctor Drops Some Coronavirus Truth Bombs On Fox News, Lights Up Twitter


Ed Mazza 埃德·馬紮

HuffPost 赫芬頓郵報April 2, 2020, 4:52 PM GMT+82020年4月2日,格林尼治標準時間下午4:52 +8

A doctor’s no-holds-barred analysis of coronavirus testing shortcomings is going viral ― not just because of his blunt talk but because of where he made his case: live on Fox News.


Dr. Rishi Desai, chief medical officer of the Osmosis website, vigorously shook his head “no” as Fox News host Martha MacCallummentioned, as President Donald Trump has, that there were supposed to be millions of tests available. She also said people were still waiting for a quick test for COVID-19.

滲透網站的首席醫療官裡希·德賽(Rishi Desai)博士用力搖了搖頭,表示“不”,正如福克斯新聞(Fox News)主持人瑪莎·馬卡勒姆(Martha MacCallum)和唐納德·特朗普總統所說的那樣,本來應該有數百萬種測試可供選擇。她還說,人們仍在等待COVID-19的快速測試。

Desai responded with a fact-check.


“Yeah, they’re working on it,” he said. “They should’ve been working on it for months.”


Desai noted that the World Health Organization had issued a warning about the virus on Dec. 31, 2019.


“We knew coronavirus was coming, we knew that it was a respiratory disease, we knew it was person-to-person,” he said.


Yet it’s only now that the FDA approved a 15-minute test and even it has shortcomings. Then, Desai explained how South Korea was able to get ahead of the situation by testing early and often.


“Look at what South Korea did, and what we did,” he said. “Their population is one-sixth of ours. Look at the cases they have. Look at the mortality they have. It’s a trifle compared to what we’re dealing with right now because we’ve had a very weak response and they had a really strong response.”


MacCallum wrapped up the segment:


How to ensure you don't get follow-up questions on Fox, apparently. pic.twitter.com/nOUqw4ZVhO


— Ben Smith (@benyt) April 2, 2020

-本·史密斯(@benyt) 2020年4月2日

In the longer interview on the Fox News website, Desai also called for a nationwide shutdown.


“We would see a drop off in cases within two weeks,” he said. “Within two weeks, the number of cases would start to fall, and the entire country would breathe a sigh of relief.”


Desai quickly found a new fanbase as his name trended on Twitter:


Somebody decided to invite Dr. Rishi Desai onto Fox.

I don’t think they’ll be asking him back.



— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) April 2, 2020

- JoshuaPotash (@JoshuaPotash) 2020年4月2日

So Dr. Desai won’t be invited back onto Fox News but God damn it was worth it.pic.twitter.com/tUN5ZkqGK7


— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) April 2, 2020

-布萊恩·泰勒·科恩(@briantylercohen), 2020年4月2日

Hope you come back, Dr. Desai.

(Something tells me Dr. Desai won't be asked back.) pic.twitter.com/dtDFzzcXUf


— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) April 2, 2020

——傑弗裡·賴特(@jfreewright), 2020年4月2日

No doubt her producers were yelling in her ear to shut this segment down STAT!

Great job Dr. Desai! https://t.co/92UnH7gc2J


— Dr. Christine Eady Mann (@DrChristineMann) April 2, 2020

- Christine Eady Mann博士(@DrChristineMann) 2020年4月2日

When Dr. DeSai nods his head like that, it means he is NOT here for your bullsh*t, Martha McCallum. pic.twitter.com/t26TwZef4X


— Covfefe Jones- King Of Shade FBR (@King_Of_Shade) April 2, 2020

王-瓊斯Covfefe陰影FBR(@King_Of_Shade) 4月2日,2020年

I don’t know Dr. Desai but the man just crushed it there. https://t.co/fdzUHIMjLm


— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) April 2, 2020

-布拉德利·p·莫斯(@BradMossEsq) 2020年4月2日

Dr. Desai bringing truth and impartiality to Fox “news”. https://t.co/jcdRm4jBqW


— Stephanie J. Block (@StephanieJBlock) April 2, 2020

-斯蒂芬妮·j·布洛克(@StephanieJBlock) 2020年4月2日

The best part of this is the awkward silence from the @foxnews host after Dr. Desai speaks the truth. pic.twitter.com/TqtEumFuLy


— Steve Hall (@being_steve) April 2, 2020

——史蒂夫·霍爾(@being_steve) 2020年4月2日

Dr Desai ain’t having it https://t.co/zXZnFV2zag


— SweetnSaltyRN (@saltywidowrn) April 2, 2020

- SweetnSaltyRN (@saltywidowrn) 2020年4月2日

Holy Shit balls. Listen to Dr. Desai on Fox. He's spitting the truth so fast they can't stop him! https://t.co/HI2npNYQ6l


— Pheznt Huntr in ND (@BottomofAgassiz) April 2, 2020

- Pheznt Huntr在ND (@BottomofAgassiz) 2020年4月2日

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This article originally appeared on 這篇文章最初發表在HuffPost 赫芬頓郵報.