



首先,我們來分析development- 展開

OG中明確指出,想在development這個維度拿高分,文章必須 well-developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details”,也就是說文章必須提供清晰的解釋、舉例和細節。

以OG給出的範例為例: At the heart of any discussion regarding an issue pertaining to creating a new holiday, it has to be borne in mind that a delicate line has to be trod when dealing with such matters. The human resources involved in such matters cannot be guaranteed regardless of all the good intentions that may be lavished. While it is true that creating a new holiday might be a viable and laudable remedy, it is transparently clear that applied wrongly such a course of action could be calamitous and compound the problem rather than provide a solution.(OG第4版第208頁)


第一句只說我們在設置假期時應該劃定一條“delicate line”,但自始至終並沒有告訴我們這條線是什麼,並沒有對自己的topic進行一個合理的解釋,即缺失explanation部分。



想要滿足development這個評分維度,這個段落的正確打開方式應該是這樣的: 先給topic sentence,說出我們應該劃定一條“delicate line”,緊接著兩到三句話解釋一下“delicate line”的具體含義,保證explanation確實存在,然後舉一個詳細的例子去證明,按照這種方式去做會成功(也可以舉一個詳細的反例去證明沒有“line”確實不行),同時滿足exemplification和detail的要求。總之四步走:topic sentence + explanation + exemplification + details。


organization-組織,也就是文章是怎樣安排、銜接的。同樣由三方面組成:unity統一、progression連續和coherence連貫;同時避免三種現象:redundancy重複、digression跑題和unclear connections無邏輯性連接。這裡重點說一下段落的無邏輯性連接。

很多考生誤以為每段開頭寫個firstly, secondly就算邏輯性連接了,其實不然,真正的連接是靠內容推進完成的,不是簡單地堆砌關聯詞。

我喜歡騎馬。1. 騎馬很帥;2. 騎馬性感;3. 騎馬讓我看起來精神抖擻。大哥,這是3個理由還是1個理由?

還是看OG範例:However, a significant advantage of living by oneself is that people develop leadership skills. Individuals that live by themselves learn to do and sustain their own decisions. On the contrary, people who live with their parents are more shy and less confident. For instance, many of the greatest world leaders are or have been people that were separated from their parents when they were kids. Another advantage of living independently is that people can fully develop their creative potential. When people is forced to difficult situations, they can surprise us with outstanding abilities and values that otherwise remained hidden. A good example are blind people, these person show a remarkable ability for art and music. In a similar way, when parents are absent or too away for help, individuals manage to survive and be successful. (OG 第4版第304頁)

第1段說自己住有一個好處是可以培養領導力(領導自己?可疑), 第2段說自己住可以激發創造力。光看段落內部,也算解釋清楚了。

但是!OG說它not well connected to each other or to the generalizations made by the writer!也就是說,這兩段沒有明確的邏輯聯繫,沒有過渡,完全就是各說各的!

想要滿足organization這個評分維度,我們一定要做到:1. 千萬不要跑題!2. 千萬不要重複!尤其是支持段的分論點不管是內容還是角度都不要重複,結尾段通過paraphrase的方式避免重複和前面一樣的話!3. 一定要有過渡句!如 “ 接下來我會給出詳細的解釋和舉例來證明我的觀點 ”。可以出現在前一段結尾,或後一段開頭。

最後我們來看language use- 語言運用

有效的語言運用被分為三個維度:variety&range, accuracy, domesticity。

