04.08 英语晨读行动|HOBBIES AND PASTIMES^爱好和消遣

--- lesson3 HOBBIES AND PASTIMES^爱好和消遣

--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

I like to read books in my spare time.^我在空闲时间喜欢读书。

Collecting stamps is a relaxing pastime.^集邮是一种令人轻松的业余嗜好。

My uncle likes to go fishing.^我叔叔喜欢钓鱼。

He has soccer practice every afternoon.^他每天下午都进行足球训练。

I enjoy hiking in the mountains.^我喜欢到山上远足。

Have you ever gone skiing?^你滑过雪吗?

What do you like to do for fun?^你有什么嗜好?

Everyone needs to relax after work.^每个人都需要在工作后放松放松。

Let’s go play basketball at the gym.^我们去体育馆打篮球吧。

I like to collect antiques.^我喜欢收集古玩。

My favorite hobby is bungee jumping.^我最大的嗜好就是蹦极跳。

What do you like to do in your free time?^你空闲时间喜欢干些什么?

I really like adventure stories. I especially like the ones where people travel to far off places and they meet very different cultures.^我真的很喜欢探险故事。我尤其喜欢那些讲人们到偏远的地方遭遇到不同文化的故事。

I was wondering if you could tell me where you find baseball cards to collect.^我想知道你是否能告诉我,你在哪找到棒球卡片来收集的?

I hope my son enjoys this hobby as much as you seem to.^我希望我的儿子象你一样喜欢这项业余活动。