09.17 「金句+」英語寫作乾貨—學生生活

1. 對於這個app,他最中意的一點是使用方便。

What he likes best about this app is that it is easy to use.

2. 你過去常常做美食,然後把照片分享到朋友圈,是嗎?

You used to make delicious food and share the photographs in Moments, didn’t you?

3. 不僅僅是梅西的球技,他的體育精神也給我們留下了深刻的印象。

We are deeply impressed by not only Messi’s skills, but also his sportsmanship.

4. 約翰總是以自我為中心,與樂隊成員格格不入。

John is always self-centered and can’t fit into the music group.

5. 他想搬出去住,因為他不想依賴家人。

He wants to move out, because he doesn’t want to depend on his family.

6. 我總是有自己的主見,從來不依賴父母給我建議。

I always have a mind of my own and never depend on my parents for advice.

7. 我對休斯頓火箭隊的歷史瞭解得很清楚。

I am clear about the history of the Houston Rockets.

8. 新電腦如何工作,湯姆瞭如指掌。

Tom is clear how the new computer works.

9. 他的下一張單曲唱片預定在本月下旬發行。

His next single is due for release later this month.

10. 我並不喜歡週末,因為爸媽總把妹妹留給我(照看)。

I don’t like weekends, because my parents always leave my younger sister with me.

11. 抱歉,我又把作業落在家裡了。

I’m sorry that I left my homework inside my house again.


The fans were really pleased to hear that England reached the World Cup Finals.

13. 我覺得這個英語聽力小程序非常好用。

I find the mini program for English listening easy to use.

14. 遇到生詞時,你為什麼不求助於詞典呢?

Why don’t you turn to the dictionary for help when you come across new words?

15. 這個手機的確不錯!唯一的問題是太貴了。

It’s a nice cell phone! The only problem is that it costs too much.

16. 我覺得我最大的問題是不知道怎樣提高英語(水平)。

I think my biggest problem is I don’t know how to improve my English.


Will Smith is famous as an A-list actor in Hollywood. I’m a big fan of his。

18. 盯 iPad 屏幕時間太長對你的眼睛傷害很大。

Staring at the iPad screen for too long will do great harm to your eyes.

19. 微信是很好的聯繫方式,電話留言和手機短信現在很少使用了。

WeChat is great for keeping in touch, while telephone messages and text messages are seldom used now.

20. 我們學校的高三學生週末不休息。

Seniors in my high school don’t have weekends off.

21. 我下週要請一天假,因為我要去看“結實姐”(Jessie J)的演唱會。

I’m having a day off next week because I will watch Jessie J’s concert.

22. 我接下來談論一下“韓流”和韓國人口這個話題。

Now I’d like to move on to the subjects of “K-pop” and South Korea’s population.

23. 我已經在籃球社待得夠久了,該乾點兒別的了。

I’ve been in the basketball club long enough — it’s time for me to move on.

24. 聽電臺的英語節目對提高英語水平很有幫助。

Listening to English radio programs is very helpful in improving English.

25. 這部電影太乏味了,我差點睡著了。

The movie was so boring that I could hardly keep from falling asleep.

26. 他的傷勢使他無法參加昨天的比賽。

His injury kept him from playing in the game yesterday.

27. 我爸爸不會說英語,但他認識不少英文單詞。

My father does not speak English, but he knows quite a few English words.

28. 我覺得去英語角對我們有很大幫助。

I find going to the English corner can be of great help to us.

29. 與其有很多無意義的朋友,還不如有一個真正有價值的朋友。

It is better to have one friend of real / true value than to have many friends of no value.

30. 在天最熱的時候,除了游泳,我什麼事也不想做。

I want to do nothing except (for) swimming in the heat of the day.

31. 由於下雨,我們只好取消了這次班級的秋遊活動。

We had to cancel the class’s autumn outing because of the rain.

32. 多虧他的幫助,我的演講才如此成功,人人都為我喝彩。

Thanks to his help, my speech was so successful that everyone cheered for me.

33. 如果你兩點方便的話,我們一起去看由茱莉亞·羅伯(Julia Roberts)和歐文·威爾遜(Owen Wilson)聯袂主演的電影吧。

If two o’clock is convenient for you, let’s go to a movie in which Julia Roberts stars opposite Owen Wilson.

34. 現在人們用手機付賬非常方便。

Nowadays it is convenient for people to pay bills with the mobile phone.

35. 許多年輕人包括我自己想從事影視業的工作。

Many young people, myself included, want to work in the film and television industries.

36. 我覺得她花這麼多時間看言情小說對她不好。

I think it’s bad for her to spend so much time reading romantic novels.

37. 人們認為他在班裡唱歌唱得最好。

He is considered (as) the best singer in class.

38. 她的小說最近逐漸受到人們的歡迎,其中有一部譯成了英文。

Her novels have grown in popularity recently. One was translated into English.

39. 我對泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)很痴迷,收集了她的不少唱片。

I’m crazy about Taylor Swift and I have collected many records of hers.

40. 無論你去哪所大學讀書,都要(和我)保持聯絡。

Whichever university you go to, keep in touch (with me).

41. 我近視,看書得戴眼鏡。

I am short-sighted, and need glasses for reading.

42. “大富翁”(Monopoly)是有史以來最暢銷的遊戲之一。

“Monopoly” is one of the best-selling games of all time.

43. 他爸爸想送他去澳大利亞的悉尼讀書。那是個非常不錯的地方。

His father wants to send him (away) to school in Sydney, Australia. It’s a fantastic place.

44. 在體育館看五月天的演唱會是一種享受。

It is a joy to watch the Mayday’s concert in the sports hall.

45. 我們隊輕鬆獲勝是非常高興的事!我們要出去慶祝一下。

An easy victory for our team is a great joy. We’re going out to celebrate.

46. 歌曲《阿根廷別為我哭泣》會讓我們想到世界盃。

The song Don’t Cry for Me Argentina will remind us of the World Cup.

47. 媽媽提醒我不要違反與朋友之間的君子協定。

My mother warned me that I shouldn’t break the gentleman’s agreement with my friend.

48. 這首歌不可能流行不起來,它會在國內外廣受歡迎。

The song can’t fail to be a hit. It will be popular at home and abroad.

49. 新手機一上市,許多年輕人就喜歡把自己的手機換成最新款的。

Many young people enjoy changing their phones for the latest ones once they are on sale.

50. 對溜冰感興趣的人請到學生會報名。

Those who are interested in skating please sign up at the Students’ Union.

51. 我打算高考後報名學開車。

I intend to sign up for driving classes after the College Entrance Examination.

52. 因為我知道你喜歡閱讀,所以向你推薦《紅樓夢》這本書。

Knowing your love of reading, I’d like to recommend A Dream of Red Mansions to you.

53. 提到去北京參觀,我強烈推薦的一個必看景點就是鳥巢。

I highly recommend the Bird Nest as a must-see attraction when it comes to visiting Beijing.

54. 掃二維碼付賬是很常見的。

It’s common for people to scan the QR code to make a payment.

55. 我希望當時能聽從別人的勸告,別在“雙十一”買這麼多沒用的商品就好了。

I wish I’d listened to the people who warned me against buying so many useless products on November 11th.

56. 最有力的論點之一是共享單車可以減少汙染,緩解交通堵塞。

One of the strongest arguments is that shared bikes can reduce pollution and relieve traffic jams.


It’s ages since we played that game, as my parents think it is a waste of time.

58. 電腦和智能手機是很偉大的現代發明,很難想象生活中沒有它們會是什麼樣子。

Computers and smart phones are great modern inventions. It’s hard to imagine life without them.

59. 過去不可能想象到社交網站會變成一種趨勢。

It was impossible to imagine that social networking websites would become a trend.

60. 手機現在已經成了青少年的必備品。

The mobile phone is now a must-have for teenagers.

61. 他最喜歡和好朋友們泡在一塊兒了。

He loves / enjoys nothing better than hanging around with good friends.

62. 沒有比等待考試結果更令人焦慮的事兒了。

There is nothing more anxious than waiting for the test results.

63. 我喜歡閱讀,正考慮加入一個閱讀俱樂部。

I’m keen on reading. I’m thinking about joining a reading club.

64. 我想週日我們可以租個車去兜兜風。

I thought we might hire / rent a car and go for a drive on Sunday.

65. 今天是週六,今晚我們可以痛快地玩了。

It’s Saturday today. We can have a good time tonight.

66. 我今天倒黴透了,我的錢包丟了。

I had had a bad time today — I lost my wallet.


It takes me ages to drag myself out of the bed on Saturday.

68. 昨晚我本來打算看世界盃,但我困得實在熬不住了。

I intended to watch the World Cup last night, but I couldn’t stay / keep awake any longer.

69. 你最好穿上秋褲以免感冒。

You’d better put on the long john pants to avoid catching a cold.

70. 互聯網是結識新人的一種方式。

The Internet is one way of meeting new people.

71. 考試前感到緊張是很正常的。

It’s pretty normal to feel nervous before a test.

72. 我們能得到多少並不重要,重要的是我們付出了多少。

It doesn’t matter how much we get. What matters most is how much we give.

73. 我是個佛系青年,無論你做什麼決定對我來說都行。

I am a Buddha-like youngster, so whatever you decide is OK with / by me.

74. 我睡過頭了,急匆匆地跑向學校。

I overslept and ran to the school in a hurry.

75. 昨天你沒有看到梅西(Messi)踢進致勝一球,真是太可惜了!

It’s a pity you didn’t see Messi score the winning goal yesterday!


She was lost and, worst of all, she didn’t have a phone with her.

77. 對於一個“吃貨”來說,四川的吸引力在於有許多吃的。

For a food lover, Sichuan is attractive because there is plenty to eat.

78. 我總是後悔夜裡吃東西,我應該減肥。

I always regret eating late at night. I should lose weight.

79. 就我個人來講,相對於看電視我更喜歡閱讀。

Personally speaking, I prefer reading to watching TV.

80. 我媽媽把我的零花錢從每月 300 元減到了 200 元。

My mother cut my pocket money from 300 yuan to 200 yuan each month.

81. 我相信上大學會為我將來的生活打下良好的基礎。

I believe going to college is a good preparation for my future life。

82. 我認為我們學生做志願工作是非常有意義的。

I think it is meaningful for us students to do volunteer work.


When is it convenient for you to join me for a movie?

84. 我們需要考慮如何備戰高考。

We need to consider how to get prepared for the College Entrance Examination.

85. 我不知道小說裡到底是什麼使他哭了起來。

I don’t know what it was in the novel that made him burst into tears / burst out crying.

86. 我很喜歡去看籃球比賽這個主意。

I quite like the idea of going to the basketball games.

87. 還有周杰倫演唱會的票嗎?

Are there any tickets left for Jay Chow’s concert? / Do you have any tickets left for Jay Chow’s concert?

88. 我們週末沒有什麼安排,你來我家聊聊怎麼樣?

We don’t have any plans for the weekend. Why don’t you come over to my place for a chat?

89. 她答應了九月份和我去聽演唱會。

She has agreed to go to a concert with me in September.

90. 我在等候購買最新款蘋果手機的名單上,但有 100 個人排在我前面。

I’m on the waiting list for the newest iPhone, but there are 100 people ahead of me.

91. 休完長假回到學校是什麼感覺?

What is it like coming / to come back to school after a long holiday?

92. 倘若獲得獎學金,我會考慮出國學習。

I would consider studying abroad on condition that I get a scholarship.

93. 我們一見如故,這種事不是誰都能遇到的。

We felt like old friends from the start and that doesn’t happen to many people.

94. 如果我卸載了這個遊戲,那我可愛的蛙兒子怎麼辦?

If I unload the game, what will happen to my adorable baby frog?

95. 我整個週末都得學習,因為我考試不能有閃失。

I have to study all weekend because I can’t afford to fail the test.

96. 為了讓順豐快遞寄我的包裹,我得另外付錢給店主。

I had to pay the shopkeeper extra money to have my package sent by Shun Feng Express.

97. 我爸爸好像只在乎我的分數。

The only thing my father seems to care about is my grades.

98. 你畢業之後打算做什麼?

What are you planning to do / What do you plan to do when you graduate?

99. 班上還有其他人喜歡拳擊和摔跤嗎?

Who else in our class likes boxing and wrestling?

100. 你的筆跡真是難以辨認。

Your handwriting is really difficult to read.

101. 為了佔個好座,我們早早到了自習室。

In order to get good seats, we arrived at the study room early.

102. 儘管手機在我們生活中扮演很重要的角色,但是我們要理智地使用。

Although mobile phones play an important role in our life, we need to use them reasonably.

103. 你願意我跟你一起去露營嗎?

Would you prefer me to go camping with you?

104. 我是班裡第一個得到小豬佩奇玩偶的人。

I was the first in my class to get a Peppa Pig doll.

105. 我沒有足夠的時間準備,因此我決定不參加這次托福考試了。

I don’t have enough time to prepare. Thus I decide against taking the TOEFL examination.

106. 在這家網店消費滿 99 元包郵。

The online shop doesn’t charge for delivery services if you spend more than 99 yuan.

107. 他們吵過之後就絕交了。

They were finished with each other after the quarrel.

108. 我想我爸要找我麻煩了,因為我上週五逃課了。

I think I’m in trouble with my dad, because I skipped class last Friday.


Seeing the shared bicycles in a terrible mess, we volunteered to put them in order.

110. 這個暑假最開心的事情就是我和父母一起去香港旅遊了。

The nicest thing about this summer holiday is that I went for a trip to Hong Kong with my parents.

111. 中學時足球是我的第一愛好,它對我來說就是一切。

Football was my first love and it meant everything to me in my middle school.

112. 我迫不及待地想在朋友圈分享我的照片和感受,期待有許多人點贊。

I couldn’t wait to share my pictures and feelings on WeChat Moments and expected to get many likes.

113. 我厭倦了天天穿校服。

I’m getting sick of wearing the school uniform every day.

114. 一想到在公共場合演講,我就害怕。

The very thought of delivering a speech in public frightens me.

115. 欣賞著美麗的風景,我們禁不住拍了許多照片。

Enjoying the beautiful scenery, we can’t help taking lots of photos.

116. 我們應該努力通過學習來提升自我,為未來做好充分的準備。

We should take pains to improve ourselves through learning so as to get well prepared for the future.

117. 我父母夢想我能上一所名校並找到一份薪水可觀的固定工作。

My parents dream that I will go to a famous university and find a permanent job with a decent pay.

118. 甲殼蟲樂隊 — 我是百聽不厭。

The Beatles — I never get fed up with listening to them.

119. 她的衣服品味太差了 — 我可不想要她幫忙挑衣服。

She just has such awful taste in clothes — I don’t want her to help pick out clothes.

120. 日常生活中,你聽懂英語有困難嗎?

Do you have any difficulty in understanding spoken English in your daily life?

121. 我一到家,媽媽就開始盤問我去哪裡了。

The instant I got home my mother started grilling me about where I had been.

122. 對我而言,微信創造了一種全新的生活方式。

WeChat has created a lifestyle that is completely new to me.

123. 邁克爾·喬丹於 2003 年從籃球界退役,繼而成為一名成功的商人。

Michael Jordan retired from basketball in 2003 and went on to become a successful businessman.

124. 現在萊昂納多(Leonardo)已經是好萊塢的一線男星之一了。

By now Leonardo has become one of Hollywood’s top male stars.

125. 我這個月一點兒餘錢都沒有。

I’ve got absolutely no money to spare this month.

126. 現在花錢太多就意味著下月缺錢用。

Spending too much now will mean a shortage of money next month.

127. 她很受學生的歡迎,因為她很時尚,也容易相處。

She has won popularity with the students as she is very fashionable and easy to be with.

128. 我最好的朋友對我瞭如指掌,每個細節都知道。

My best friend knew everything about me, down to the last detail.

129. 我們班主任把班會安排在了每週一。

Our head teacher scheduled a class meeting for every Monday.

130. 因為數學考試沒及格,我決定一門心思學數學。

Having failed the maths exam, I decided to concentrate all my efforts on studying maths.

131. 很難看到男生不喜歡打電腦遊戲。

It’s quite a rare sight to see a boy who doesn’t love computer games.

132. 我很生氣,因為媽媽試圖強迫我接受她的想法。

I am annoyed as my mother is trying to force me into accepting her ideas.


I fell in love with One Republic the first time I listened to their music.


Sometimes your idols can rescue you from depression.

135. 他參加了畢業典禮,標誌著他高中生活的結束。

He attended the graduation ceremony, which marked the end of his high school days.

136. 傑克就是這種人,把所有零花錢都花在買遊戲裝備上。

It’s just typical of Jack to spend all his pocket money on gaming equipment。

137. 令我感到驚喜的是,朋友們為我舉辦了一個生日聚會。

To my surprise and joy, my friends held / threw a birthday party for me.

138. 我漸漸喜歡上了這個針對青少年的真人秀。

I grew to like the reality show aimed at teenagers.

139.《蠟筆小新》(Crayon Shin-chan)適合各年齡段的觀眾。

Crayon Shin-chan is aimed at audiences of all ages.

140. 你這麼快就適應了新學校,真令人難以相信。

It’s amazing that you adapt to the new school so quickly.

141. 在我心中,科比(Kobe)是最厲害的籃球運動員,無人可以替代。

Kobe is the best basketball player in my mind and he can be replaced by nobody / nobody can replace him.

142. 看完這麼恐怖的一部電影,我心中充滿了恐懼。

After watching such a horrible film, I was filled with horror.

143. 我渴望在粉絲見面會上見到我的偶像。

I’m dying to meet my idol in his fans meeting.

144.為了減肥,我限制自己每天攝入 1000 卡路里的熱量。

I’ve limited myself to 1,000 calories a day to lose weight.

145. 我們希望週末能打一場籃球比賽。

We’re hoping to get in a basketball game over the weekend.

146. 小豬佩奇(Peppa Pig)毫無疑問是一個非常成功的卡通人物。

Without doubt, Peppa Pig is a highly successful cartoon character.

147. 你能想象當你上大學時會是什麼樣的嗎?

Can you imagine what it would be like when you go to college?

148. 我等了好久才輪到我打飯,食堂人太多了!

I waited so long for my turn to get the meal — there were too many people in the canteen!

149. 即使是在週末,我爸媽也不允許我熬夜。

My parents don’t permit me to stay up late, even on the weekend.

150.克里斯托弗·諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)的電影一向很燒腦,比如《盜夢空間》(Inception)。

Christopher Nolan’s movies, such as Inception, are almost impossible to follow.

151. 媽媽進來時,他假裝在做作業。

When his mother came in, he pretended to be doing his homework.

152. 阿黛爾(Adele)被視為音樂界的領軍人物之一。

Adele is viewed as one of the leading figures in the music industry.

153. 你也許認為闖一次紅燈沒什麼,但許多壞習慣就是這樣養成的。

You might think it won’t hurt to go through a red light, but this is how many bad habits are formed.

154. 學習了一天之後,什麼都比不上躺在床上聽音樂。

There is nothing like lying in bed and listening to music after a day’s study.

155. 當她收到大學錄取通知書的時候,高興地跳了起來。

When she received the university admission letter, she jumped up with joy.

156. 我已經習慣了每週六晚上看《快樂大本營》。

I’ve become accustomed to watching Happy Camp every Saturday evening.

157. 外賣APP的優惠對我很有吸引力。

The discounts offered by take-out food APPs strongly appeal to me.

158. 當時下著前所未有的大雨,但是快遞員還是準時把包裹送到了我家。

It was raining harder than ever, but the delivery man still delivered the package to my house on time.

159. 明天的比賽你們有信心打敗另一個班嗎?

Do you have the confidence to defeat the other class in tomorrow’s match?

160. 我把我的兼職工作看作自己獨立之路上的又一次進步。

I saw my part-time job as a step further on the path to independence.

161. 半程馬拉松比賽後託尼費勁地喘著氣。

Tony struggled for breath after the half marathon.

162. 自從手機支付普及開來,我出門就很少帶現金了。

I rarely go out with cash ever since mobile payments became popular.

163. 他當飛行員的理想因為視力不好而落空。

His ambition to become a pilot was stopped by poor eyesight.

164. 聽說你融入新學校有些困難,我很難過。或許下面的建議能幫到你。

I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting into the new school. Perhaps the following suggestions can help you out.

165. 熱烈的討論後,我們一致推選傑克為我們學習小組的組長。

After a heated discussion, we agreed to elect Jack as leader of our study group.

166. 我經過的時候,他伸出腿來將我絆倒,這讓我很生氣。

I was annoyed that he stuck out a leg and tripped me up as I passed.

167. 我覺得我有冷場的天賦。

I think I have a talent for creating an embarrassing atmosphere.

168. 我把一張好身材的照片設為手機壁紙,它是我健身的動力。

I set a picture of a fit figure as a mobile wallpaper, and it is an inspiration for me to exercise.

169. 我弟弟沉浸在遊戲中,沒聽到我進來。

My younger brother was so absorbed in his game that he didn’t hear me come in.

170. 大部分學生在學校不能使用手機。

Most students don’t have access to mobile phones at school.

171. 我同桌畫的“三八線”快把我逼瘋了。

The “38th Parallel” drawn by my deskmate is going to drive me crazy.

172. 我的舍友把髒衣服弄得滿地都是,真讓人抓狂。

My roommate leaves dirty clothes lying all over the floor and this is driving me mad.

173. 沒有必要把分數看得那麼重要。

There is no need to attach great importance to scores.

174. 無論你和你的同學之間有多大的分歧,你都應該和他當面談一談。

You should talk to your classmate face to face no matter how much you may disagree with him.

175. 他非常喜歡足球,是不可能離開足球隊的。

He is keen on football and there’s no question of him leaving the football team.

176. 我的偶像是賈斯丁·比伯(Justin Bieber),他對我有很深的影響。

Justin Bieber is my idol and he has a strong influence on me.

177. 坐在老師的正對面給我的壓力很大,我都不想講話了。

Sitting directly opposite the teacher put too much pressure on me and I didn’t want to talk.

178. 只要和家人在一起,我覺得住哪兒不是很重要。

I don’t think it matters much where I live as long as I live with my family.

179. 我保證你會喜歡《侏羅紀世界2》(Jurassic Park II),它反響不錯。

I guarantee you will love Jurassic Park II. It had good reviews.

180. 我們來到英語角,希望把英語學好。

We come to the English corner in the hope that we will learn English well.

181. 貝克漢姆(Beckham)代表英格蘭出場超過 100 次,僅次於門將希爾頓(Shilton)。

Beckham played for England over 100 times, second only to the goalkeeper Shilton.

182. 他在《碟中諜6:全面瓦解》(Mission: Impossible — Fallout)這部電影裡證明了自己是個多麼優秀的演員。

He proved what a great actor he was in the film Mission: Impossible — Fallout.

183. 你有時間的話,我強烈建議你看《我不是藥神》(Dying to Survive)這部電影。

If you have time, I strongly recommend watching the film Dying to Survive.

184. 我一看起肥皂劇,馬上就會無可救藥地沉迷其中。

If I start watching a soap opera, I will immediately become hopelessly addicted to it.

185. 肯德基的炸雞披薩又上架了。

The Chizza is on offer again in KFC.

186. 如果我週六不用去上補習班的話,我是很願意跟你去看音樂會的。

I’d love to watch a concert with you on Saturday, supposing I don’t have to take extra classes that day.

187. 我只是因為太餓了才吃垃圾食品的。

I ate junk food, but only because I was starving.

188. 我對免稅店種類繁多的商品感到驚訝。

I am amazed at the wide range of products on offer in the duty-free shops.

189. 關於網約車(ride hailing)的安全問題,我持有完全不同的看法。

I am in total disagreement with you as to the safety of ride hailing (services).

190. 我爸爸收藏了非常多的體育雜誌,我有時會翻看一下。

My father has a big collection of sports magazines, which I look at every now and then.

191. 你應該給自己的原創圖片加上水印。

You should add watermarks to your original images.

192. 歌曲已添加到當前的播放列表中。

The song has been added to the now playing queue.

193. 家是世界上最溫暖的地方,這是不言而喻的。

It goes without saying that home is the warmest place in the world.

194. 與這款遊戲的新版本相比,我更喜歡最初的版本,這是喜好問題。

I prefer the initial version of the game to the new version. It’s a matter of taste.

195. 我現在身上的錢不夠,得去取錢。你能幫我留著這件衣服嗎?

I haven’t got enough money with me right now. Can you save the clothes for me while I go to get / withdraw the money?

196. 他保存體力,以便在賽跑的最後階段發力。

He’s saving his strength for the last part of the race.

197. 真開心,我們正巧分在了同一個班。

By a happy coincidence we were in the same class after the class division.

198. 我媽媽終於失去耐心,跟我嚷起來。

My mother finally lost her patience and shouted at me.

199. 邁克無法說明他週二曠課的原因。

Mike could not account for his absence from school on Tuesday.

200. 我玩手機是有時間限制的。

There is a limit on the time I can spend (in) playing with the mobile phone.

201. 媽媽每次購物時,都特意把購物發票留起來。

Every time my mother goes shopping, she makes a point of keeping the shopping receipts.

202. 我剛坐下手機就響了。

I had hardly sat down when my cell phone rang.

203. 傑克向我詳細講解了如何安裝和更新這個軟件。

Jack talked me through loading and updating the software.

204. 我去試穿這件外衣,你照看一下我的包好嗎?

Will you keep an eye on my bag while I go to try the coat on?

205. 我不太想去,但媽媽硬要我去。

I didn’t really want to go but my mother insisted.

206. 我太粗心了,沒鎖門。

It was careless of me to leave the door unlocked.

207. 這部電影令我們反思了自己對待生活的態度。

The movie made us reflect on our attitude towards life.

208. 野營旅行時,他隨身帶著一張地圖。

He equipped himself with a map during his camping trip.

209. 一個月一百塊錢你是怎麼應付的?

How do you manage with 100 yuan a month?

210. 售貨員說:“如果你現在付款,我可以給你打九折。”

The sales assistant said, “I will allow you 10% off the price if you pay now.”

211. 不要不懂裝懂。

Don’t claim to know what you don’t.

212. 多數大學生聲稱他們經常使用多個社交媒體應用程序。

Most university students claim that they use social media apps on a regular basis.

213. 父母對手機帶來的改變表示擔憂。

Parents have expressed their concerns over the changes caused by phones.

214. 幾天前,我在網上下單買了一雙皮靴。

Several days earlier / The other day, I put an order through for a pair of leather boots online.

215. 如果你明年上大學,你介意離開你所在的城市嗎?

Do you mind being away from your city when you go to college next year?

216. 我忙於看言情小說的時候,時間過得飛快。

Time flew quickly as I was occupied with reading romantic novels.

217. 在好幾個世紀前建的大街上閒逛,我們饒有興趣地看了大本鐘和倫敦眼。

Wandering along the streets that dated back several centuries, we were fascinated to see the Big Ben and London Eye.

218. 老實說,我很難對數學產生熱情。

To be honest, I find it difficult to be enthusiastic about maths.

219. 她想專心做家庭作業,卻發覺自己的思緒又回到了小說中。

She tried to concentrate on her homework, but found her thoughts wandering back to the novel.

220. 假如你們今晚要出去,就別把我算在內。

If you’re going out tonight you’ll have to count me out.

221. 我媽媽思想前衛,給予了我文化和藝術的薰陶。

My mother was ahead of her time. She surrounded me with culture and art.

222. 彼得是大家公認的慷慨之人。

Peter is generally acknowledged to be a generous man.

223. 我盼望嘎嘎小姐(Lady Gaga)來中國辦一場演唱會。

I long for Lady Gaga to hold a concert in China.

224 .當他看到用紫色紙包裝好的禮物時,表情和我期待的不太一樣。

As he saw the gift wrapped in purple paper, the look on his face was not exactly what I was expecting.

225. 他陷入沉思中,差點兒撞上前面的樹。

Losing himself in thought, he almost ran into the tree in front of him.

226. 我覺得自己對有機食品沒有什麼特別的偏好。

I can’t say that I have any particular preference for organic food.

227. 他們最新的唱片遠沒有上一個好。

Their latest album isn’t nearly as good as their last one.

228. 你也許有興趣知道,我們學校提供了多項獎學金。

It may interest you to know that a number of scholarships are available in our school.

229. 放“馬後炮”沒有意義。

There is no sense in being wise after the event.

230. 世上沒有免費的午餐。

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

231. 在朋友們的安慰和鼓勵下,我終於擺脫了壞情緒。

With my friends’ comfort and encouragement, I finally got rid of my bad mood.

232. 我討厭在課堂上朗讀我的作品 — 我害怕同學們會嘲笑我。

I hate reading out my work in class — I’m scared that my classmates will laugh at me.

233. 無論跟誰說話,他都能說到一塊兒。

He can suit his conversation to whoever he’s with.

234. 如果你看完那本雜誌,我能看看嗎?

If you’ve done with that magazine, can I have a look at it?

以上內容選自《新英語900句 —— 高中英語輸出表達教程》