


先說不定式,它的構成是“to+動詞原形”(有時候to可以省略),通過這個構成形式,我們不難看出:1. 不定式具有動詞的一般特徵,2. 不定式的動詞不受“人稱和時間”的變化而變化。3. 不定式通常表示:“想要做,打算做,計劃做,或者將要做”等意思。4. 不定式可以做:主語,表語,賓語等,舉例:it is important for you to finish homework tonight. (it是形式主語,真正的主語是不定式) My plan tonight is to finish all the homework. (不定式作表語,通常跟在be動詞,連繫動詞seem等後面).

再談談動名詞,它的構成是“動詞的ing”形式,顧名思義,就是由一個動詞加上ing變成名詞,因此它最大的特徵就是相當於一個名詞。在句子中,同樣可以做主語,賓語,表語,定語等。舉例:smoking is harmful for our health. (動名詞作主語, smoking表示吸菸這件事情,對我們健康有害)。My dad considered giving me a present at my birthday party. (動名詞作賓語)。

需要強調的是,有些動詞後面既可跟不定式,又可跟動名詞,但是他們的意思則截然不同。舉例:stop doing sth (錶停止正在做的事), stop to do sth (錶停下來去做另外一件事)。

Forget doing sth(忘記做過某事,說明這件事已經做了),forget to do sth (忘記將要做某事,說明這件事沒做)。



好的。總體來說,不定式,英文中是infinity,不確定性,也就是表示沒有做,英文中很多動詞後面用不定式,比如would like/want/need/plan/decide/determine...都是表示打算做,計劃做,決定做,可事實上還沒做。不定式還有種主流用法在表目的,比如To succeed in the upcoming job interview,I have to familiarise myself with those skills required by the position.至於動詞ing用法也非常廣泛,一種是表示進行時,這個不多解釋,還有是介詞後面很多時候也加ing。這裡稍微難點的就是ing做非謂語動詞可以做主語,Speaking a foreign language seems to be a challenge to me.還有ing表示後置定語,表主動 Do you take notice of the man holding a cigarette?(The man holds a cigarette).最後講一個ing表示結果,Setting fireworks is banned during spring festival,leading to a public demonstration.leading to表示結果。當然某些詞後面既可以加ing也可以加to,do。Let's stop working.(別幹活了,該吃睡了。)Let's stop to work.(別玩啦,該幹活了) I remember borrowing you some money,now let me pay back. I remember to hand in my assignment,otherwise I'll be asked to write lines(罰抄).



1) 動名詞與不定式的區別:



2) 接不定式或動名詞,意義相同.


①hate,like,love前有would(should)時,如:I'd like to have a cup of coffee.

②當謂語動詞begin,continue,start等是進行式時,如:Thestudents are starting to work on the di fficult maths problem.

③begin,continue,start與know,understand等狀態動詞連用時,如:I soon began to understand what was happening.


Our teachers don't permit our swimming in the lake.

Our teachers don't permit us to swim in the lake.

4) 部分動詞後接不定式或動名詞時,意義差別較大,應根據句子語境選擇使用.


Don't forget fo post the letter for me.

Have you forgotten meeting her in Beijing Airport?

Remember to close the windows before you leave.

I remember writing him a letter a year ago.

We regret to tell you that all of you are not invited toattend the meeting.

They regretted ordering these books from abroad.

動名詞與不定式語義不同的有11 組:

1 stop to do     stop doing   

2 forget to do     forget doing

3 remember to do   remember doing      

4 regret to do     regret doing

5 cease to do     cease doing        

6 try to do      try doing

7 go on to do     go on doing        

8 afraid to do     afraid doing

9 interested to do  interested doing 

10 mean to do      mean doing

11 begin/ start to do  begin/ start doing


1) 動名詞與不定式的區別:

動名詞表達的是:狀態,性質,心境,抽象,經常性,已發生的 不定式表達的是:目的,結果,原因,具體,一次性,將發生的

2) 接不定式或動名詞,意義相同.


①hate,like,love前有would(should)時,如:I'd like to have a cup of coffee.

②當謂語動詞begin,continue,start等是進行式時,如:Thestudents are starting to work on the di fficult maths problem.

③begin,continue,start與know,understand等狀態動詞連用時,如:I soon began to understand what was happening.


Our teachers don't permit our swimming in the lake.

Our teachers don't permit us to swim in the lake.

4) 部分動詞後接不定式或動名詞時,意義差別較大,應根據句子語境選擇使用.


Don't forget fo post the letter for me.

Have you forgotten meeting her in Beijing Airport?

Remember to close the windows before you leave.

I remember writing him a letter a year ago.

We regret to tell you that all of you are not invited toattend the meeting.

They regretted ordering these books from abroad.

動名詞與不定式語義不同的有11 組:

1 stop to do     stop doing    

2 forget to do     forget doing 

3 remember to do   remember doing       

4 regret to do     regret doing 

5 cease to do     cease doing         

6 try to do      try doing 

7 go on to do     go on doing        

8 afraid to do     afraid doing 

9 interested to do  interested doing  

10 mean to do      mean doing 

11 begin/ start to do  begin/ start doing




1. 1) 某些特定動詞,一般只接不定時,如,want,plan,promise,decide,agree等等。

Tom decided to plan to agree to join us


He enjoys keeping finishing doing his homework first.


By working hard,he succeeded in passing the final exam.

2. 有些動詞後,即可接不定式,也可接動名詞,但,表達的含義不同。如,

1) forget to do,忘記去做(未做)

forget doing,忘記做過(已做)

2) remember to do,記得去做(未做)

remember doing,記得做過(已做)

3) regret to do,後悔/遺憾去做(未做)

regret doing,後悔做過(已做)

4) need to do,

need doing=need to be done

5) like to do,(多接,一次性偶然性的動作)

like doing,(多接,經常性習慣性的動作)

Tim likes running outside,but today he likes to stay at home.



To finish the project on time(表目的),the experts are busy investigating.


It has taken us almost half a month to fight against the coronavirus(新型冠狀病毒).






Swimming is fun in summer. 夏天游泳是有趣的事。

Swimming in this river is a great pleasure. 在這條河裡游泳是件非常快樂的事。


To see is to believe. = Seeing is believing. 眼見為實。

Fishing is his favorite hobby, and collecting coins also gives him great pleasure 釣魚是他的愛好,集郵也給他帶來極大的樂趣。


Is doing morning exercises good for your health? 做早操對你身體有好處嗎?


It’s no good/use talking to him. 找他談是沒有用的。

It’s useless discussing the matter. 討論此事無益。

There is no stopping him. 無法阻止他。

No parking! 禁止停車!


It took us two hours to get there. 去那裡我們花了兩個小時。

It’s foolish of him to do so. 他這樣做是愚蠢的。

It is necessary for us to learn English well. 我們有必要學好英語。



It's nice having friends to chat to. 有朋友聊聊天是很愜意的。(經常性、一般性或習慣性的行為)

It's nice to be talking with you here. 在這裡跟你交談是非常愉快的。(一次具體的正在進行的行為)



這需要平時對一些詞和短語的固定用法有很好的記憶和理解及運用,比如,try to do sth. ask sb. to do sth . want to do sth. expect to do sth ,等等,情態動詞後一般都省略to,比如 will do , can do ,must do, shall do ,總之學習需要日積月累,一點一滴,堅持不懈,分分秒秒



常見的動詞和短語後面接不定式,如decide, refuse, want , wish, expect 等。

常接動名詞的有,enjoy, finish, feel like, avoid, imagine, appreciate , can't help(情不自禁), fancy 等。大體上,想要願望類一般用不定式,喜歡想象類一般接動名詞。


不定式:to do something,表達的主要是將要做什麼,如果有打算表達一種意願或計劃、打算,此時即可使用不定式,如would like to do something, want to do something。

動名詞:doing something,主要表達的是現在正在做什麼,如我正在喝水,I am drinking water. 當然,如果很近的將來也可以用動名詞表達,如我正要去學校,可以用 I'm going to school.
