OMG! 英语"Battery" 竟然不只是电池,还是一种罪?

battery: Battery is the crime of hitting or beating someone. 殴打罪

Lawrence punched a man in a Los Angeles nightclub and was charged with battery.


can you please try and think for a second 字面意思是请你能不能试着去思考一秒钟? 用我们通俗的话说就是你能不能用下你的脑子?

grotesque 美/gro'tɛsk/: If someone or something is grotesque, they are very ugly. (面目)丑陋的

"Even if the boy lives, he'll be a cripple, a grotesque." (那孩子就算活下来也是跛子,畸形的怪胎)----美剧《冰与火之歌》

pipe down: to stop talking, making noise, etc 安静下来

"Pipe down or I'll stuff a pillow with you!" (安静,不然我把你们塞进枕头里面!)----《守护者联盟》

"Pipe down or you'll get a spanking." (安静,再打闹就打屁屁了)----美剧《大西洋帝国》

That’s all for today

July 22, 2018. XOXO