把英语读成英语训练:Man gets fired

把英语读成英语训练:Man gets fired




如下文的To film:to film means we use a video camera to record what is happening.


1) 原版英语

Man fired after being filmed purposely splashing pedestrians

A worker driving a company van through the streets of Ottawa was filmed appearing to purposely splash pedestrians by driving through puddles on the street.

Unfortunately for him, his company recognized him and fired him for his behavior.

2) 把英语读成英语,用英语表达英语,把英语用起来:

1. Man fired

Man fired means the man gets sacked by his boss or employer.He gets unemployed.His jobor his employment is ended by his employer.He is dismissed from his job.


2. after being filmed purposely splashing pedestrians

2a.When we film something,we make a movie of something,we recird or photograph something with a video camera.


2b. When we splash water on people,we scatter water,we sprinkle water on people so they will get wet.

2c. When we do something purposedly,we do it on purpose,we do it intentionally.

3.People who walk on the sidewalks of a street are pedestrians,or who are walking on foot,who are not driving are pedestrians.

4. A worker driving a company van(a company truck,a cimpany car,a company vehicle) through the streets of Ottawa was filmed appearing(seeming,looking like) to purposely splash pedestrians by driving through puddles on the street. Unfortunately(Unluckily,Sadly,muserably,regretably) for him, his company recognized him and fired him for his behavior.

5. driving through puddles on the street.



把学过的英语用起来表达puddle:a puddle is a deep body of water,or a deep pool of water on the ground.

记住英语a puddle is a deep body of water,or a deep pool of water on the ground比记住中文“水坑”对你的英语重要的多。