








例如:What’s the objective of the information? Is it to makepeople more confused and astray? I partly agree with theauthor’s contention that the enormous and otiose information sometimes render people lose their way and fail to consider question penetratingly and originally.

在作文的開頭就扔出兩個問題,然後接下來的陳述卻與問題基本毫無干係。作為讀者,首先要考慮那兩個問題的答案到底是什麼,然後才能往下讀。這些在中文裡可能會被評作“引人入勝”的好詞好句,在英語的論文寫作裡面,可以說是最大的敗筆之一。如果你一定要問問題的話,那就改成陳述句式,例如:Whether this issue is right or wrong? 可以改成:It has been a controversial issue that.....


避免集中使用"Be"動詞,包括is, are, has been, have been, etc.

例如:What is the purpose of education? Some people may say that the purpose of education should be to create a totally academic environment that separates from the outside world, for,they think, this situation allows students to focus on their academic research work without beingdisturbed by practical concerns. In fact, this suggestion is harmful to the scientific research work.

這是某一篇文章的開頭。作者除了要注意不要使用疑問句以外,還有很重要的一點:總共兩三句話,出現4個"Be"動詞。這種寫法,在英語裡面被稱作"non-act"的動詞。"Be" 僅僅表示一種狀態,例如:"i am here", "you are there". 對於母語者來說,"Be"動詞其實就是寫在紙上,而沒有任何感情色彩。所以應該儘量避免成篇累牘地使用。我們的例子可以改為:

Some people argue that the purpose of education lies in its strength in creating a totally academic environment separated from the outside world. They think this situation allows students to focuson academic research by excluding outside disturbance from practical concerns. However, this suggestion in fact does harm to the scientific research work.

我們可以看到,使用了lie in, exclude, do harm to以後,句子更有色彩了。



例如:The author argues that to understand one’s own culture, one must know about at leastone another culture which is distinctly different from one’s own culture. While as I am concerned, Ican’t agree with the author’s assertion.


很容易的我們就可以改正:The author argues that the knowledge of another distinctly differentculture helps us to truly understand our own. However, I disagree with this assertion.

這句話把原來的三句分句合成了並無冗長感覺的一句。精簡的同時,也恰當地避免了重複多次使用culture,one的問題。用了"this assertion",也避免了在近距離使用兩個"author"。



例如:Things happened in the past, known as history, is great treasure for us huan beings,through and only through studying the past can we gain valuable experience which serves as ameans of guiding our development of the society.


History consists of the things happened in the past and it is a great treasure to human beings.Through and only through studying the past thoroughly can we gain valuable experience fromhistory. The historical experience serves as a means of guidance for the new development in thesociety.


例如:For getting a satisfying score, students have to prepare for and review their textsfrequently, remember all the knowledge they have learned deep in mind, enlarge their learning if itis possible and so on, especially when examinations are coming. All these efforts, no matter whattheir aims are, will surely lead to a corresponding paying back.

段中的這一句"no matter what their aims are",在整個上下文表達上面沒有任何實質性的意義,完完全全是句廢話。


無論是寫什麼類型的論文,我們都需要引述別人的觀點的觀點。在英語裡有很多引述觀點的詞,如find,suggest, discover, support, show, indicate, cite, confirm等等,除了他們用於引述不同的內容,意思區別,有很多詞還隱含作者本身的觀點,甚至有褒貶義,所以用的時候並不是完全通用的,下面就讓我們來分別看下吧。

(1)reporting research activities: (引述研究活動)

這類詞有discuss, look at, examine, study, investigate, consider (+noun phrase),一般後面加名次詞組,引述的內容一般是別人做了一個什麼樣的調查。

(2)reporting findings: (引述研究的發現)

這類詞有discover, find, suggest, indicate, show (+that…),後面一般加that引導的賓語從句,引述的內容是別人做了研究以後得出的結論或者發現。

(3)reporting arguments: (引述論點)

這類詞有suggest, indicate, argue, point out, claim, note (+that),右面一般也加that引導的賓語從句,引述的內容是別人的論點。


第二個問題就是reporting arguments的時候,並不是所有的詞都是可以互換的,很多詞在潛意識中就已經隱含了作者本人的觀點。具體來看一下:

(1)argue:中文裡這個詞翻譯成“爭論”,感覺肯定不是中性的(想一下,面紅耳赤,像兩隻公雞 )。但是argue在英文裡恰恰就是個非常中性的詞,describing somebody’s reporting idea。所以引述別人的論點,比如“某某認為…”“某某的觀點是…”,不摻入任何作者的感情色彩。


(3)cite, refer, 和state。Cite和refer後面都要加引用的原文,也就是要用引號引起來的,而state則要paraphrase,也就是轉述,但不能用人家原來的語句。





如果你用了現在時或者現在完成時,就跟你扯上關係了,一般來說或多或少表示你贊同這個觀點。The research findings may correspond to the writer’s own opinion, the current state of knowledge or the research itself may be close to the writer’s own research.



中國學生寫作最大的問題,就是一篇短短200-400字的論文中,各種人物粉末登場,I,we,you輪番上陣,走馬觀花象跑龍套的,搞的老外頭昏腦漲。在formal writing中,為了使argument有說服力,最好不要出現太多的人物——因為你不是在寫小說。下面就I,we,you的問題分別討論一下。


Avoid ‘we’, because it is often unclear who ‘we’ refers to. You and your marker? You and a co-author? The whole world???

It is also very bad style to refer to yourself as ‘we’—writers sometimes do it when they have problems with their essay and they want to ‘distance; themselves from it, saying in effect, ‘Do not blame me for this result’.

Avoid ‘we must teach like this’ or ‘we should concluded that…’. If you do this, you are making two mistakes. First, you are telling your marker what to think and do (not a good idea) and second, you are limiting your own position. You are saying ‘things are defined and clear cut’, whereas they are often NOT!


Avoid ‘you’. It is too personal and conversational. That the ‘expert talking to learner’ style used in textbooks and handbooks is NOT appropriate in formal writing, since you are still a learner.


You can use ‘I’ at several points, but making certain the sentence refers to something you are, as a student and as the author of the assignment, responsible for. Thus you could put ‘I shall divide the argument into two main sections’ (you could also write ‘the argument is divided into two main sections’). On the other hand, you do not want to write, ‘I have argued elsewhere that adults learn grammar faster than children’, as this makes you sound like a world expert with 30 books published!

Try and avoid ‘I think X is a good idea’. We want you to argue the case WHY X is or is not appropriate, rather than simply assert(=state) that you think it is. This is one of the big differences between conversation and university assignments. In an assignment, you have to make sure you give the evidence for opinions and you need to use impersonal verbs like ‘seem’.

Thus you would write, ‘Smith would seem to be wrong in arguing that…’ or ‘This seems incorrect’, rather than ‘I think Smith is wrong’.


(1)Aviod "can","should"

大概是媒體語言看多了,中國人說話自然而然帶了一種官腔。西方人同我們不同,他們希望看到的是你有什麼具體的方法解決具體的問題,而不是每天拿著小旗幟揮,喊slogan——我們應該怎麼樣,我們必須怎麼樣——but HOW?

You can use 'can' to describe yourself as in this sentence: 'It is hoped that the essay CAN...'. However, you had better not use 'can' as in 'The teachers can do something...', which sounds like an order. The same or we say even worse with 'should'.

If you say 'the government should...', it would be a very bad style. You are learners but not policy makers--the only thing you can do is to argume or make suggestion but not ORDER/DEMAND/FORCE. What you can do is to argue convincingly and try your best to persuade others but not force them to believe. Don't make yourself so important--as you are, in fact, not important! You can try 'may''had better''might' more.

(2)Avoid emotional and poetic words

避免詩情畫意的用詞。在formal writing中,人就是人,沒必要說a famous writer,也沒必要出現一些過於情緒化的詞語。

Avoiding emotive words can be difficult in a foreign language, but it is very important to try. Avoid words like ‘My dream is to answer this question’ or ‘I am starting this fascinating essay with a wonderful, and deeply enriching, tantalizing comment by the highly celebrated and world famous expert R. Smith’. You may personally think that Smith is wonderful and justly famous, but in an academic assignment, PEOPLE ARE JUST PEOPLE! Your argument depends on the content of your points, not on the fame or excitement of the topic, the author or your opinion.

(3)Avoid ‘some’

formal writing中,要使你的論據佔的住腳,就避免模糊用語,例如some。

The British use ‘some’ in conversation all the time. BUT it does not have the same effect in writing. There, it appears weak; this makes you look as though you are not in control of your own argument. Try and use more positive expressions, like ‘a number of Ws’, ‘a series of Xs’, ‘several Ys’, ‘a range of Zs’.

(4)Aviod 'as we all know' 'it can not be denied' 'there is no denying that...' 'everyone knows'... 'only by doing this, can we...'

無論是什麼考試的閱讀理解,大家應該都有一個印象,就是如果出現“all” “only”這類極端詞彙的選項,99.999999%肯定是錯的。

Then why most of you keep using this kind of phrases in your essay? Remember, most likely, there is no single standard answer in social science--since people have different understandings towards different phenomena. Also, remember, the one you can represent is YOU yourself, but no one else. So you CAN'T say 'as we all know'! As I often DON'T know!

(5)Aviod 'as far as I am concerned' 'I think' 'in my opinion'


The marker knows clearly that YOU have written this essay--so they know clearly that it is YOUR opinion! So why keep repeating these 廢話?記住,寫作千萬不要湊字數。

