蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀


The Chinese garden art of Suzhou is a demonstration of ancient wisdom and philosophy. We have been understanding and exploring the spirit and techniques of ancient Chinese garden through designing and execution. The freshness, grace, and leisure found in the natural elements of Chinese gardens are timelessly innocent. We believe designs expressions incorporating Chinese gardens should focus on the spirit rather than the skin. Furthermore studying on modern lifestyle and spatial experience triumph cloning traditional garden building.

▼水院一覽,overall view of the water garden

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀


Stream Villa is located in Suzhou’s Gusu District. It’s less than one kilometer from the famed Liu Garden. Just under ten thousand square meters, the area is surrounded by towering trees and filled with history and living atmosphere. The courtyard consists of entrance, carpark, upper and lower water compound, and inner compound. The courtyard will be the future community centre and open to the public. It will also serve as the entrance to the residential area.

▼建築鳥瞰,周邊樹木環繞,aerial view of the building surrounded by trees

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀


蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀


Ancient poetries written in Chinese gardens usually convey people’s desire to follow nature, sense the feeling and value of nature, beyond simply describing enjoyment of life. Similarly when designing the courtyard we considered the unique regional history and culture, infusing the idea of nature in the experience and thinking of eastern artistic conception. Within the limited land area, structures, interior and landscape achieved harmonious complement.

▼掩映在綠意中的大門,gate behind greenery

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼質樸的大門,打開一片自然的綠意,open the unadorned gate to see the green

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼光與影的長廊,corridor of light and shadow

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀


Empty woods


Empty woods is the first water yard after coming through the entrance. The tranquil water surface adds radiance and beauty of the structures and three walls of corridors. The water mirrors the woods behind the structures, the cold stonewall, as well as the sky. The space of the yard seems inward and empty on purpose, but it is fully loaded with reflection of everything. It separated the project from the rumble of the street outside, presenting an image of serenity and leisure.

▼水庭院一層,water garden on the ground floor

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼水鏡滿載著建築、樹林、山石牆和天空Water mirrors structure, trees, stonewall, and the sky

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼連廊中的人在水面形成倒影,human figure mirrored in water

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼連接上下層庭院的山石牆和漂浮的臺階,seemingly floating staircase connects upper and lower courtyards by the stonewall

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼水庭院二層,water garden on the second floor

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蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼二層水庭院一側的休息空間,圓形開洞落下天光,rest area on one side of the water garden on the second floor

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蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼寧靜的空間,space with tranquil feeling

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀




Passing through the revolving wooden door from the water yard comes the tree yard. Contrasting the minimalism of the water yard, the tree yard holds fresh natural atmosphere, with slender plants, ups and downs of terrain, rich and delicate ground flora, as well as theme set by full-bodied stone wall. The tree yard forms part of the living space, where residents are able to conduct all sorts of activities as they feel like. We emphasise on the experience of spatial ambient, rather than point to point pure visual stimulation. Under the shadow of the tree, greenery of the nature signifies the start of living.

▼樹的庭院,樹蔭下的自然之趣,tree yard, delight in the shade of trees

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼轉角的天光,natural ceiling lighting

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼室內空間,小樹的柔美對比厚重的石牆,interior space, slender tree against full-bodied stone wall

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼從室內看向庭院,view to the courtyard from interior

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼連接上下層空間的室內樓梯,indoor staircase

蘇州銀城原溪庭院 / 承跡景觀

▼夜景,night view

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▼總平面圖,site plan

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