體悟實相 | Understanding Reality


Words of Dharma Wisdom

體悟實相 | Understanding Reality

Everything is constantly changing with many combined causes and conditions. Nothing is fixed with a nature nor controlled by anything else. Common people are unaware of the fact that everything is of non-self. Therefore, they attach to the appearance of things and believe in the substantiality of the state. Based on the deluded thought of people something is superior, something is inferior, something is loved, something is hated. Hence, they will create good and bad karma which trap themselves in endless afflictions.


Buddhist dharma teaches us to understand the fact that all things are in a state of incessant change and all things lack inherent identity. We should see through the illusion and let go the various attachment of external realm in order to live a better life and treat others better as well.


Source: Robot Monk Xian Er


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

