


Virtual Reality

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Broadly speaking, virtual reality refers to a modern high-tech method that takes computer technology as the core. By building, overlaying, and integrating virtual information into the real environment or virtual space, an integrated computing platform for interactive scenarios is formed.



VR: The New Technological Revolution


Since the concept of virtual reality was proposed by Janet Lanier, an American computer scientist who was honored as the "father of virtual reality" in 1987, over 30 years of development, various VR virtual reality devices have emerged in an endless stream, and their equipment has become from bulky to lightweight.


From rough to fine, the concept moves from the laboratory to the public and the market.[2]


Current VR technology most commonly uses virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments, sometimes in combination with physical environments or props, to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment.


Facebook has 400 employees focused on VR development; Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Sony and Samsung all had dedicated AR and VR groups. Dynamic binaural audio was common to most headsets released that year.





However, haptic interfaces were not well developed, and most hardware packages incorporated button-operated handsets for touch-based interactivity. Visually, displays were still of a low-enough resolution and frame-rate that images were still identifiable as virtual.


Virtual Reality ——Integrate into People's Lives


The VR industry has the attention and support from the national policy, and has also initially received the attention and favor of consumers.


Virtual reality devices and technologies will be increasingly used in various industries and fields. Examples include medical, education, games, movie entertainment, news broadcasts, and social media.


(1)News broadcast 新聞播報

In recent years, VR has gradually begun to show off in live broadcasts or recorded broadcasts, providing viewers with a different kind of visual experience. Many media, including the BBC, have integrated virtual reality in news broadcasts.


They use virtual studio systems to seamlessly synthesize live video and computer-generated scene images in real time according to certain perspectives. Virtual reality actors are placed in virtual scenes. The screen output meets people's increasing appreciation requirements.



The appearance of the virtual studio is a major change to the traditional studio technology. The fundamental difference between it and the traditional color keying technology lies in the introduction of information interaction technology in virtual reality technology.


Breaking the shackles of the traditional studio space, it can give full play to the creativity of the production staff and create effects that cannot be achieved under real conditions.


For example, the video wall can rise from the ground and then sink into the ground, the virtual characters perform on the same stage as the real people, and the actors of the two places can simultaneously compose a virtual scene.


At the same time, the video production staff also puts forward higher requirements to create. The novel high-quality programs require the close cooperation of directors, actors, creators of virtual scenes, virtual equipment operators, and lighting technicians.


(2)Video games電子遊戲

Due to the fact that the requirements for realism of VR in terms of entertainment are not too high, VR has developed most rapidly in this area.



Linden Labs, the inventor of the game “Second Life”, has built a next generation of virtual world platform: “Sansar” VR game was released in the spring of 2017. Linden Lab has been able to get rid of the “second life” paralysis, and it is completely VR from scratch. Different from Second Life, this time, Linden Lab no longer designs a huge, single virtual world.



(“第二人生”遊戲截圖 圖片來源:百度圖片)

They built Sansar into a virtual world platform. The creators themselves create their own dream world.


It was originally designed for virtual reality, which means that it should be able to support various VR functions that are now common, such as "transport" mobility mechanisms or native support for common VR motion controllers.


Of course, most of the senior authors should use a variety of third-party tools to facilitate the creation of a more complex virtual world, but Sansar itself offers preset options for various functions, including creating scenes directly in VR.


(3)Social interaction 社交互動

Facebook unveiled its first foray into social VR in 2017, giving users a new way to interact with each other through avatar-based chats and shared media experiences.


Facebook Spaces, lets users design their own avatars, and then meet with up to three of their friends in a virtual space of their choosing.

Facebook Spaces讓用戶設計自己的形象,然後在他們選定的虛擬空間中與朋友們見面。

Upon first entering Spaces with a VR headset, a user has to create his or her avatar as a digital representation of their persona. Users can also decide to start from scratch, and select the color of their avatar’s skin, the shape of their mouth, the hair style, and more.


Users can then invite any of their Facebook friends to join them in Spaces; Users can do video calls from within VR to talk to other users, even if those users don’t have a VR headset.



Once in a shared space, users can access a curated selection of 360-degree photos and videos to virtually “travel” to these locations. Users can also access their own photos and videos, and any media shared on their Facebook news feed. Traditional 2D media can be shared with friends within spaces on a kind of virtual screen.


Spaces also allows users to create media, to a degree: The app comes with its own virtual selfie stick, which can be used to take group selfies in front of 360-degree photos and videos, making it more or less look like the avatars are visiting waterfalls and famous buildings around the world.


Users can then share these selfies on their Facebook feeds, much like they would with a regular selfie.


Eventually, the company wants to enable developers to build in-app games and media services, which could make it possible to, for example, listen to music together, or maybe play tabletop games.


How to greet VR


Engineers have solved most of the hardware challenges, driven down the price to just a few hundred dollars. Store shelves will soon be teeming with head-mounted displays and hand controllers that can paint dazzling virtual worlds.



(Oculus Touch操縱手柄 圖片來源:新浪科技)

While welcoming the virtual world, we must consider the challenges it brings.


For example, the news media needs to handle the balance between virtual reality and news content; the development company is looking for new ways to realize cash; and more importantly, users must be vigilant about virtual reality.


After all, the "virtual indulging" comes after the smart machine has attracted a lot of attention. When the technology of virtual reality is more advanced, will we ignore the real world around us?



As the father of virtual reality put it, "My opinion is that apart from people, technology is nothing. It's kind of like a philosophical point of view. I don't think there is technology that exists independently. It's all about how you use it. This is all about people. There really is no other thing."



[1] 鈞雷,陳韻林,安樂,宋海濤等.虛擬現實+:平行世界的商業與未來[M].中信出版社,2016.3-27.

[2] 雷霞.虛擬現實主動性感知意義探析[J].現代傳播,2017,(12):86-89.

[3] P. Dempsey.VR at the Olympics[J].Volume 11, Issue 7,August 2016,p.30-33.

Tekla S. Perry.Virtual reality goes social.Spectrum, IEEE.0018-9235.Issue53.2016.56-57.



