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When it comes toChengdu, , most people would think of its relaxing life.The ancient citycontains everything, which gives a sharp contrast between the easy culture ofteahouse and the fashion of streets such as Daci Temple versus the businessdistrict of Taikoo Li. Cultural collision promotes the diversified developmentof the city which is rich in connotations.

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Compared to thefashion of Los Angles , Tokyo , Paris and other cities of the world, Chengducontains more worldly things that base on the traditional culture of thousandsof years and come from the easy lifestyle of people.

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新旧对撞 多元融合

新希望D10天府离太古里不到三公里,贯穿古今繁华和时代的印记,元禾大千设计团队以 成都的城市文化为创意原点,表达当代年轻人对中国与世界的理解,通过设计来呈现成都海纳百川的多元灵魂。

D10 Tianfu is less than three kilometers away from Taikoo Li. Throughout the prosperity in ancient and modern times as well as the marks of the era, the design team of YHDQ Design uses the evolution of local culture and the strength of oriental design as its creative origin with free and chic brushstrokes to express contemporary young people's understanding of Chinese culture, which reflects the inclusive city feature of Chengdu through design to perceive the diversified impacts of the city.

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中国制造 惊艳时光


In accordance with the color setting of black and white, the designer add details such as rose gold, transparent glass, and fur materials to highlight the occupants' quest for quality.


Obviously, the designer intersperses carmine with every detail. People at that time said the fascinating carmine catches on all over the Qing Dynasty. This kind of color that prevailed in the Kangxi and Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty was extremely expensive at the time for craftsman putgold to mix the color, so it has always been a symbol of prominent status. In order to infiltrate the details of traditional aristocratic culture into life, the designer carves the carmine.

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A screen, a plant, and three or five low stools are all painted through carmine withlots of or few ornaments, which all points to a strong oriental spirit. However, the selection of furniture tends to be simple and fluent in modern style, and the huge contrast breaks the gap of the times and rebuilds a new aesthetic. This kind of interesting interaction is like the city spirit which more cultural collision comes, more mysterious things happen.

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艺术浪潮 承前启后


Worksof Art is unique for self - expression,and that's why it comfort our soul.

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Contemporary artist Abeil’swork featuring pandas and dragonscatches people’s eyes. Superficially, it is kind of joke but he actually understands the wildness of contemporary young upstarts. The paintings are separated from the pandas at the IFS open platform three kilometers away. The contemporary fashion passes through the forest of tall buildings, across the pavilions, and battles with traditional Chinese culture.

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隐于闹市 归于宁静


The 282-degree wide-field view brings people to enjoy the daylight, and theinterior white space design helps residents to meditate and perceive in theopen space and catch sight of the city's rapid changes. The colors continue inan orderly manner, like the ending paragraph of a music chapter, which isgentle and long. When sunlight shines through tulle, no matter where you stand,you can feel the relaxation of nature and the design.

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项目名称 | 成都新希望D10天府D户型

软装设计 | 元禾大千

硬装设计 | 无间设计

设计时间 | 2019年9月

完工时间 | 2019年10月

空间面积 | 144㎡
特别支持(甲方) | 李文静 祝里仁
摄 影 师 | 聿空间摄影

