


“當你處於一種不知道自己將生活在哪裡或者下一頓飯是從哪裡來的壓力中時,壓力的嚴重性會導致我們實際上關閉大腦的某些方面,”Economic Mobility Pathways(EMP)總裁兼首席執行官伊麗莎白•巴布科克(Elisabeth Babcock)解釋道,這是一家總部位於波士頓的非營利組織,旨在通過科學研究和直接支持來消除貧困。









雅虎新聞(Yahoo News)的一部新紀錄片《嬰兒大腦》(Baby Brain)將觀眾帶入美國最弱勢群體的生活







這對年輕女性來說是個好消息,比如24歲的特納,一位住在阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利的單身母親。她在一家Sonic drive-in餐廳當汽車司機,每小時只有3.13美元的收入,她在與貧窮和無家可歸的壓力作鬥爭,她大部分時間都在擔心如何養活她18個月大的女兒奧布里。

不過,她也一直在與NFP蒙哥馬利的探訪護士羅莉·羅傑斯(Lori Rogers)保持一致的合作,後者在母親懷孕的第三個月就開始與她們合作,指導她們設定目標,減輕壓力,保持健康。










The Professor

They've so got the wrong end of the stick on this!!! It's not poverty-related stressors that are driving the trends seen in their studies, but the effects of the breakdown of the family, which is why there seem to be such benefits to having the one-on-one support of a "second mom" (or first one, relationship-wise, depending on the parenting the mother in poverty received). Twenty years ago, I took a graduate education class while studying to be a teacher, and the instructor showed a documentary about childhood development and issues children with challenging home lives bring into the classroom that included a haunting segment showing video of and discussing neglected babies under 3 spitting out food even though hungry just to make the feeding/period of attention from the mother last longer. Maslow's hierarchy of needs says biological life supports are the foundation for all other aspects of life, but that craving for love and attention is so great that emotional fulfillment was often chosen first by such children, even though they have no idea what those concepts are intellectually! These weren't just cases of deliberately abusive or neglectful mothers, either, frequently involving exhausted single mothers coming home from work with limited energy to engage and/or those who hadn't been well parented and so in turn did not know how to parent. Wealthier parents who neglect children for whatever reasons can hire childcare help to provide stability, attention, affection, AND basic needs, which accounts for the offset in economic class. Poverty was the set condition of 90% of humanity for most of history and pre-history (meaning pre-records eras), and yet mankind thrived as no other species did. THAT'S what science and history over thousands of years have shown. If stress in the womb is so damaging, how is it we accomplished all that we did? The poorest person in the modern world is still extremely advantaged and well off in comparison to what passed before us, so these results are being interpreted without asking the most important question--why is "stress" in poverty seemingly more damaging to those in poverty now, when mothers' bodies aren't being so stressed by lack of food, back-breaking and endless physical work, and repeated pregnancies? In a nutshell, the answer is family. What these studies are finding relates not so much to wealth, but the breakdown of the modern family. There isn't a guiding, supporting extended family in the same way there used to be to offset the lack of economic wealth. This article gets right to the edge of that answer, mentioning the grandmotherly "love" aspect, but then it steps backward to push an agenda about poverty and handouts. We need to fix broken families as a foundation, and then the fantabulously capable children might be able to fix the rest of mankind's woes when they become functional adults!



Harvard researchers may be educated beyond their ability to comprehend.......As I recall poverty consumed much of America for the parents of the 'greatest generation', yet they produced what has become known as the 'greatest generation'.

The greatest generation also experienced great poverty and hardship, but managed to struggle, work hard, and survive as they became parents to the 'baby boomers'. They struggled, but created a platform for the baby boomers to launch a new era technology, and success for America.

IF....financial struggles, hard work, and and unsure future has the effect pointed out by the research, how did all the successes we enjoy in America happen?

Many very wealthy people are the product of parent that struggled.......?






A decade or so ago a study by the Brookings institute found that to avoid poverty follow 3 rules: graduate high school, get a job, and wait until you're married to have kids. Follow those 3 and you're chance of poverty is 2%. I would argue that the third is most important. The others can be corrected more easily than single parenthood and the best (not foolproof) way to avoid that is marriage.

大約十年前,布魯金斯學會(Brookings institute)的一項研究發現,要避免貧困,有三條規則:高中畢業,找份工作,等到結婚生子。跟著這三個,你的貧困率是2%。我認為第三個是最重要的。其他的比單親更容易糾正,避免這種情況的最好方法(不是萬無一失的)是結婚。


This article might be correct in all of its conclusions. However, it is omitting the greatest assumption: all people (children, unborn, babies, mothers, fathers and society) greatly benefit when young women are not impregnated at a young age--before they are: 1) fully educated, 2) gainfully employed; and/or 3) married to a caring, providing husband. For thousands of years this has been the norm. It is not perfect. Circumstances require acceptance of and assistance to those families unable to follow the three outlined rules. However, studies like this one state the obvious consequences yet omit the obvious problems. The solutions are so easy.


