iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈

本文出自NicolasLeeFreud,未經授權請勿轉載。 請勿將文章用於商業用途,否則作者有權追究一切版權法律責任。


iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈



據最新官方數據顯示,在 2018 年第四季度,iPhone XS/XR 系列手機正式發佈後,只有66.4%的 iPhone 用戶繼續使用 iPhone 手機,而有24.5%的用戶轉向其他品牌。其中有13.8 %的用戶轉向三星,8.2%的用戶轉向 LG,另外有2.5%的用戶轉向摩托羅拉。

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈


另外,在 2019 年第一和第二季度,分別又有0.6%和12.8%的 iPhone 用戶轉向三星品牌,甚至在 2019 年的 6 月份,有18%的 iPhone 用戶選擇使用三星手機。反觀三星的用戶忠誠度,在 2019 年第二季度三星有92.3%的用戶仍然在繼續使用三星手機,僅有7.7%的三星用戶轉向 iPhone 。

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈


一直以來,iPhone 憑藉著優異的 iOS 系統收穫眾多用戶,但近兩年,安卓陣營的手機也在加快技術創新,不斷髮展,並頻繁發佈新手機;另外,在 5G 方面,三項、華為等安卓手機品牌已經率先發布 5G 手機,安卓手機對 iPhone 用戶的吸引力也逐漸加強。



iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈


小米於 2018 年 3 月向 WIPO 提交了外觀設計專利,該專利於 2019 年 7 月 5 日獲得批准並公示。本次專利共有 19 張草圖,在設計上儘管看起來沒有那麼奇特,僅僅是展示了三種不同的打孔設計方案。

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈



iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈


值得米粉注意的是,型號 A 的打孔前攝位置要高於其他兩款型號。此外在專利中還提及了整合了傳感器,但是並沒有進行詳細的描述。不過在專利中提及了“結構光”,相信應該是 3D 人臉識別傳感器。

作者點評:看來小米8探索版的結構光終於迎來最新的迭代,希望“3D結構光”能和 iPhone 一樣,在人臉支付時能真正排上用場。



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iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈

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Apple: maybe I can release some High technology to get you back.

According to the latest official data, in the fourth quarter of 2018, after the official release of the iPhone XS / XR series of mobile phones, only 66.4 iPhone users continued to use the iPhone mobile phone. And 24.5 users turned to other brands. One-half of the users turned to Samsung, eight-and-a-half turned to LG, and two-and-a-half turned to Motorola.

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈

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In addition, in the first and second quarters of 2019, 0.6 and 2.8 of iPhone users switched to the Samsung brand, respectively, and even in June 2019, 18 of iPhone users chose to use Samsung phones. In contrast, Samsung's user loyalty, in the second quarter of 2019, Samsung has 92.3 users still continue to use Samsung mobile phones, only 7 Samsung users turned to iPhone.

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈

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IPhone has long benefited users with its excellent iOS system, but in the past two years, the Android camp's phones have also accelerated technological innovation, continued to develop, and frequently released new phones; in addition, in 5 G. Android mobile phone brands such as Sanxiang and Huawei have taken the lead in releasing 5 G mobile phones, and the appeal of Android mobile phones to iPhone users has gradually strengthened.

Author's comment: Regarding whether Apple can return to the peak of history, I dare not say this, I dare not ask.

Xiaomi: Believe it or not, I have exposed how many immature technologies are on the perforated screen.

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈

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Xiaomi filed a design patent with WIPO in March 2018, which was approved and announced on July 5, 2019. There are 19 sketches in this patent, although the design does not look so strange, just showing three different punching designs.

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈

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All three options are integrated with dual front cameras, either at the top of the middle or in the upper left corner.

iPhone用戶忠誠度達到歷史最低 小米最新結構光新機或於近期發佈

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It is worth noting that the model A has a higher pre-drilling position than the other two models. In addition, the integration of the sensor is mentioned in the patent, but it is not described in detail. However, "structured light" is mentioned in the patent, which is believed to be a 3 D face recognition sensor.

Author's comment: It seems that the structured light of Xiaomi 8 Exploration Edition has finally ushered in the latest iteration. I hope that "3D structured light" can be used in the same way as iPhone when paying for face.

CEO of Xiaomi Lei: "Since the cost has dropped, I will build one, too. The perforated screen is really fragrant! ”

The news source mentioned in this article comes from:

CnBeta. Com, bubble net

Author's signature: NicolasLeeFreud

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