Ask for the moon 異想天開

Ask for the moon 異想天開

短語 to ask for the moon 意思是說某人提出過分的要求,想要得不到的東西或是想做做不到的事兒。


  • Bob's wife is always asking for the moon. He works hard 12 hours a day for poor pay, but she still expects expensive holidays and clothes.
  • Don't ask for the moon, Mr Jones. Be reasonable, please.

請注意, 短語 to promise the moon to someone 的意思是向某人答應辦不到的事兒,也就是漢語裡常說的空口許願。


  • My husband promised me the moon when we got married: a big mansion, a flashy car and all the diamonds I could wear. But none of it happened!

mansion 英 ['mænʃ(ə)n] 美 ['mænʃən] n. 大廈;宅邸


The Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 returned over 380kg of rocks from the Moon, which have been used to help us understand its origins and structure.


