

If you speak with a foreign accent and not sure it hurts your career or job prospects, I have a good news for you.


Except for the Queen, everyone speaks English with an accent, either one of the regional ones or foreign ones. These days it is no big deal.You do need to be careful if you misspronounce sounds completely.



For examples, Russians sometimes pronounce 'deal' as 'dill'. If you have a problem like that with the sound E, do not say"peace on you ", it may not go well..

例如,俄罗斯人有时会把deal读成dill。如果你对发音E有这样的问题,不要说“peace on you”,它可能不太好。

When I started as a new CTO in one of previous companies, within a week an employee came and said he does NOT want to work with Jews. I had heard all kinds of requests previously. Someone had wanted to bring his grandmother to Bring Your Daughter To Work day. Another had wanted to bring his 4-foot python snake to the office. But this one, about Jews, caught me off guard. There were a few long seconds where I was searching for a proper response. And then I realized - he is talking about a project Zeus, and he is mis-pronouncing Z. I asked you don't want work on project Zeus? He said, right, not on Jews.



Long ago, accents were indeed a problem when native speakers were not accustomed to foreign accents. Back then, I lived in North Carolina. It did not matter what the first sentence out of my mouthwas, the first sentence was never understood. I sometimes said, hello, my name is Micky Mouse.


But these days it is great. If you speak with a strong accent like I do, it is like wearing glasses, makes you look even smarter.


Accents are no longer a problem. Outside of work though, they say that the Russian accent is scary. So if you are like I am- 6'6'' tall and speak with Russian accent, do not ask strangers for directions in a dark street.



But,You do need to be careful with taking expressions out of one language and into another. I learned the hard way.


In Russian language Golden Shower means something really really good.


When I took my first job in an American company my English was full of holes.


I was invited with a group of other new hires to a breakfast with a 3rd line manager, a big boss. He went on for 10 minutes about great culture, benefits and opportunities, all good stuff. He then stopped to catch his breath. He asked for feedback looking right at me.


I said that in my opinion the company is giving it's employees the golden shower.


The moment later I knew I said something terribly wrong. The manager turned red to the color of red tomato. Everyone else turned absolutely white. The manager mumbled something. He cut the breakfast short and left.


An hour later when I got called into my immediate manager's office I knew what I had really said. I expected the worst.To my amazement, I found my manager and his manager in the convulsions of laughter. One of them was laughing so hard, he slipped out from his armchair.



Thus, I learned that I do not need to speak the Queen's English - to the the king of my own professional destiny.



