


1. 語法重音:


1.)名詞(girl, student, cup, desk, newspaper, classroom 等)

Did the 'students 'see the 'teacher 'after the 'class? 學生們課後見到老師了嗎?

2.)指示代詞(this, that, these, those 等)

'That's what l 'told you. 這就是我告訴你的。

3.)形容詞(strong, famous, small, pretty 等)

These 'new 'car are 'very 'pretty. 這些汽車很漂亮。

4.)數詞(one, two, three, first, second, third 等)

'Two 'students 'got the 'first 'prize. 兩名學生獲得一等獎。

5.)主動詞(like, see, play, sing, read 等)和動名詞

l 'like 'swimming in the 'river. 我喜歡在河裡游泳。

6.)副詞(slowly, hard, very 等,關係副詞 when, where 等除外)

The 'old 'woman is 'walking 'very 'slowly. 那位老太太正慢慢地走著。

7.)現在分詞與過去分詞(going, coming, written, broken 等)

'Looking 'out of the 'window, l 'saw my 'friend 'coming to 'see me. 朝窗外望去,我看見我的朋友正來看望我。

8.)疑問詞(who, what, when, where, which, how 等)

'Who are you 'talking to? 你在和誰說話?

9.)感嘆詞(what, how, oh, ah 等)

'What a 'beautiful day! 多好的天氣啊!

'Oh, is that 'true? 啊,是真的嗎?


1.)人稱代詞(l, you, he, she, her, him, they 等)

l 'didn't 'give him 'anything. 我沒有給他一點東西。

2.)冠詞(a, an, the)

The'book on the 'table is a 'good one. 桌上的那本書很好。

3.)助動詞與情態動詞(shall, will, do, did, can, must 等)

l shall 'write him a 'lettle to'morrow. 我明天寫信給他。

4.)代詞所有格(my, your, his, her, their, our 等)

'This is my 'book and 'that is your 'pen. 這是我的書,那是你的鋼筆。

5.)單音節連接詞(and, but, so, or 等)

l 'asked him a 'question, but he 'didn't 'answer me. 我問了他一個問題而他卻沒有回答。

6.)單音節介詞(in, at, from, on 等)

The 'children are 'playing in the 'garden. 孩子們在花園裡玩。

7.)聯繫動詞 be 與動詞 have

l am a 'teacher, and you are a 'student. 我是個教師,你是個學生。

8.)關係代詞和關係副詞(who, where, that 等)

'This is the 'book that l 'bought 'yesterday. 這是我昨天買的書。

2. 邏輯重音:


1.)Are you 'angry with me? 你是跟我生氣嗎?

——Are you 'angry with 'me?

——Are 'you 'angry with me?

2.)Did you 'tell my 'wife? 你要告訴我妻子嗎?

——Did you 'tell 'my wife?

——Did 'you 'tell my wife?

3.)We 'heard 'John 'talking. 我們聽見約翰在談話。

——We heard 'john talking.

——We heard John 'talking.


