

US and Taliban sign deal to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan


The US and the Taliban have signed a landmark peace agreement after nearly 20 years of war that could result in American troops leaving Afghanistan within 14 months.

20年之後,雙方現已簽署一項具有里程碑意義的和平協議。該協議有望使美軍在未 來14個月內撤出阿富汗。

The deal also paves the way for talks between Afghans to end one of the longest-running conflicts in the world.


The Taliban have agreed to sever ties with al-Qaida and other international terror groups and sit down for peace talks with other Afghans, including a government they have always denounced as a US puppet. In return, Washington will start a phased withdrawal of troops.

塔利班已同意切斷與“基地”組織及其他國際恐怖組織的聯繫,並坐下來同阿富汗各方認真進行和談,其中包括一直 被他們譴責為美國“傀儡”的阿富汗政府。作為交換,美國將開始分階段從阿富汗撤軍。

Civil war - in various iterations - has torn Afghanistan apart over 40 years. With the majority of the population under 30, most have known nothing but conflict. So there is excitement that efforts to negotiate an end to the war have made progress.


But there is also widespread concern about Taliban motives in signing a deal they have described as a “victory"”, and fears the US may use the deal as cover to leave regardless of the state of the war.

但人們也普遍擔心塔利班簽署這項協議的動機,它稱這項協議是場“勝利”。 人們還擔心美國利用這項 協議,掩護其罔顧戰爭局勢而撤離阿富汗的舉動。

“Like many Afghans, I have mixed feelings. The general secrecy around the deal, the lack of presence of non-Taliban Afghans in the process, the fact that the US- Taliban talks seemed to marginalise other Afghan voices, all have made me anxious,said Shaharzad Akbar, the chair of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.


“However, on the other hand, if the agreement allows for a reasonable timeline for a responsible withdrawal and ensures intra-Afghan talks, there is room for hope about a substantive reduction in conflict and violence. Peace will require much more.”

“不過,從另一方面來看,如果這項協議為美方按責撤軍規定了合理的時間表,並確保阿富汗的內部談判(順利進行), 那麼從本質上減少衝突和暴力的希望還是存在的。而要想實現和平,這還遠遠不夠。

