关于冠状病毒 你了解多少



The specter of the coronavirus is utterly different from prior moments of national panic or devastation. I keep hearing comparisons to Sept. 11 in particular, and I understand why: The terror now is similar to the terror then, a wicked weave of vulnerability, helplessness and the inability to guess what’s next.


But there’s something crueler at work this time around, a psychological contradiction and emotional oxymoron that are peculiar to a pandemic.


At the very moment when many of us hunger most for the reassurance of company and the solace of community, we’re hustled into isolation. At the very moment when we most desperately crave distraction, many of our favorite means of


specter n. 鬼怪,幽灵


oxymoron n. [语](修词中的)矛盾修饰法

特有的be peculiar to

就在..时候 at the very moment when

solace / reassurance 慰籍 安慰

渴望 hunger /be eager for / aspire / long for /yearn for /thirst for

被推入 be hustled into

分散注意crave distraction

禁止 be off limits

