




They gave me 20 minutes to read a passage on election systems and then called me into a room. The interviewer was an older woman who started with some small talk and then moved to the passage. I showed her that I understood what was being talked about, but I didn't have much original analysis to add. Fortunately, she allowed me to steer the discussion into areas I was familiar with, and I think I did well. The whole thing lasted about 45 mins. Overall, the interview was probably as friendly and relaxed as it could have been, which is not saying much seeing as I was seated in a pool of light, having difficult questions fired at me.



Make sure you've read a few books on your subject, and keep up with current events in your subject. The topics that I have been asked are unemployment economics, some maths, some logic. Some about German politics.


Alice同学考古学人类学面试 :

I had to read an article on anthropology and look at some photos of the landscape before I went in. They asked me to compare the images and how useful they are to an archaeologist - I tried to analyse them and say some stuff, but I ran out of ideas and didn't know what to say after a while, then they asked me some questions on the article which I also thought were quite hard. However, I approached them logically and calmly and they seem to be satisfied. Then they gave me some containers from different time eras and asked me to talk about them - that wasn't so bad. The second interview was much more casual and was about my own interests in Archaeology and Anthropology。



I did a lot of background reading, and although not very useful, the reason I still do it is that I will become more confident. They are just testing my thinking ability, it is important to to analyze and to observe, then quickly draw relevant conclusions.


Mark 同学Economics & Management面试 :

I had two interviews. First was a management one at the Said Business School. Arrived there on time, pretty relaxed. The interviewers were very nice and made you feel quite at home. Their questions were somewhat thought-provoking, but they pushed you to argue your case in a coherent manner. My second interview was an economics interview, which was significantly worse than the management one. Because I do economics, I think the questions they asked me were quite a lot harder than the questions they asked other people who didn't study economics.The questions weren't challenging if you were familiar with all your AS stuff, as well as the A2 stuff.



They didn't expect you to know much about management as such, but I advise you to be familiar with the subject and have some questions at the end.



I had two interviews. Although I felt vague that the second went better than the first, it was extremely difficult to tell how well they went. However, the interviewers were very good at making the experience as painless as possible. For law, try to avoid giving brief, cursory answers. That doesn't mean you have to talk constantly but try to explain yourself clearly to give yourself the best chance of showing your thinking abilities. One interview concentrated on a current affair, with the questions revolving around a particular aspect. The other was a series of hypothetical situations. Decisions had to be made based on the details of the scenario given, and legal definitions (on pieces of card).

我参加了两场面试,自我感觉第二场比第一场表现要好,不过我还是不敢轻易判定一定会满意的结果。可以放心的是,现场面试官会努力营造轻松的氛围,并在你回答困难时进行必要的引导。关于法学面试 ,应尽量避免给出过于简短、粗略的答案。当然这并不意味你必须长篇大论,而是需要清晰明了地阐述观点,从而尽最大的可能展现自己的思辨能力。我的其中一场面试主题是一件时事,所有问题都是围绕某一特定方面来发问的。另一场面试是给我一系列情境假设,然后我必须根据所给情境的具体信息和法律条例,(在答题卡上)写下相关决策。


Look up all deadlines and course requirements well in advance, and comply with them as soon as possible. If possible, arrange a mock interview with someone you don't know well personally, This will prepare you for the format of the interview and should make it easier to deal with the real thing. Before the interview: Set generous margins for error in all travel arrangements to avoid panic. If you have a long journey, it may be best to travel the day before and stay overnight.


Lewis同学历史面试 :

I managed to answer the questions without getting stuck in places. The discussion just developed and flowed quite naturally. It felt like a discussion with a friend (only in a little more depth). After a while, the interviewer started to agree with what I was saying, which was nice. I think the myth about all interviewers being nasty is just that - a myth. For the essay I was asked in the interview, I remember it deviated quite a lot from the actual content of my essay, which was just used as a starting point really. I found some of the questions quite difficult and had to pause to think about them. One of the main things discussed was the importance of ideology, and whether was a significant factor at the time of the Spanish Civil War or something that is given more emphasis in hindsight. I was then asked about the books I had mentioned in my personal statement, one on the middle ages and Ian Kershaws biography of Hitler. I compare Kershaws view with that of Alan Bullock and I was asked whether I thought that historians in the present day face a continual sort of self-doubt, or scepticism about history.

我尽力回答了所有问题,且没有让自己陷入回答不出的尴尬局面。整场面试进展得十分顺利,我感觉就像与朋友的闲聊一般(只是话题深入了一点)。短暂的互动后,面试官开始对我的观点表示赞同,这给了我很大的信心。我认为对所有的面试官而言,与题目无关的荒谬言论必然是另他们反感的。我记得面试时,被问到与我论文相关的问题,和我的论文本身有极大的出入,论文的议题仅作为面试过程中一个很小的切入点 。而其中一些问题让我觉得十分困难,不得不停下来思考如何回答。面试最重要的是思想观点的阐述,不管是关于西班牙内战时期的重要影响因素还是战后的重心转移。之后我被问到的问题,有关个人陈述中提到的一些书籍,其中一本是中世纪由伊恩·克肖斯编著的希特勒传记,回答中我将克肖斯的观点与艾伦·布洛克的进行了比较。最后我被问到,是否认为当今的历史学家必须应对长期的自我怀疑或对历史保有的质疑态度。


The main thing is to be prepared to discuss anything that’s in your personal statement or the written work submitted. I was asked to talk about the books mentioned in my PS so never mention anything you haven’t read or don’t really have an opinion on.




