It's good to have a friend!有朋友真好!

Today with the development of Internet, people ,especially the young don't often write letters . They'd like to text messages or type in the computer. 如今,隨著互聯網的發展,人們不經常寫信,尤其是年輕人。他們喜歡發短信或在電腦上打字。

But last week, I got a letter from a foreign friend, whom I met one year ago. When I received the letter, I was so excited, because my foreign friend didn't forget me. Then I found the date was half a year ago. There must be something delayed during its journey, so I sent an email to my friend. Luckily, she returned, and we contacted with each other again. 但是上週,我收到了一位外國朋友的來信,我是一年前認識她的。當我收到這封信時,我很興奮,因為我的外國朋友沒有忘記我。然後我發現日期是半年前。途中一定有什麼東西耽擱了,所以我發了一封郵件給我的朋友。幸運的是,她回覆了,我們再次取得聯繫了。

Now we communicate a lot and share about the different culture. I cherish our friendship so much. It is not easy for us to contact with each other, because I forgot to write down her information last year. It is good to be remembered by someone. 現在我們經常交流,分享不同的文化。我非常珍惜我們的友誼。因為去年我忘記把她的信息寫下來了,所以我們很不容易才聯繫起來。被人記住是件幸福的事。

It's good to have a friend!有朋友真好!

