03.01 專訪張文宏:疫情過了,大家該追劇追劇,我自然會silently離開




▲ Photo by Gao Erqiang/China Daily


“這個事兒出來,因為我懂這個事兒,大家喜歡聽我的。等這事兒過了,大家又不要聽我講話了。你以為大家愛聽我講話啊?” 26日,上海市新冠肺炎臨床救治專家組組長、復旦大學附屬華山醫院感染科主任張文宏接受China Daily專訪時說。


Zhang Wenhong, leader of the Shanghai team of experts in the treatment of novel coronavirus cases, said he believed people like to listen to him because of his job status today.

"But soon they'll lose interest in me and return to soap operas and star reality shows in their leisure time when life fully restarts. Who'd like to watch me talking at that time?" said Zhang, who is also director of the department of infectious diseases at Shanghai Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University.


▲ Chen Qinfen/for China Daily

他戲稱自己原來在醫院裡是沒什麼存在感的,話不多,也不惹事。“當新冠大幕落下,我自然會非常silently走開。你再到華山醫院來,你也很難找到我了。我就躲在角落裡看書了。”“張爸”接受China Daily採訪,立馬語風也變得不一樣起來,中英文夾敘。

Zhang, who has been dubbed "Dad Zhang for Shanghai", described himself as a medical worker who must speak out but will return to keeping a low profile after the outbreak ends.



"I spoke because of the fear among the public, owing to limited knowledge of the contagion. People, however strong, have become fragile in the face of such an epidemic, and this is the time when doctors and nurses must be strong," said Zhang.

"However, once the curtain of this coronavirus incident falls, it may be hard to find me. I'll just hide myself in a corner, studying complicated patient cases and doing some reading, silently," he said.

China Daily提問——你覺得大家粉你是為什麼啊?

張文宏的反應很活潑:“這樣說話很奇怪嗎?我們在醫院平時都是這樣說話的啊。” 他稱這種語言風格來自於 “華山土壤”——同事間將心比心,互不防備

▲ Video by Gao Erqiang/China Daily

"This is how we work in Huashan Hospital: being frank and straightforward. We feel for others and enjoy the feeling of having no need to defend ourselves against one another."


"I, in particular, stand against being hypocritical. I'm in my 50s and my work experience as a doctor provides me with abundant opportunities to see different kinds of people. But never have I been willing to get along with others in an insincere way."


Just tell the truth. What happened and what will happen."

"I also want to emphasize that Shanghai provided me with the opportunity to 'gain popularity'. I didn't expect the kind of feedback I received when I first spoke to the media. What's more, none from the city government or the hospital has ever reminded me what to tell and what to avoid."




Zhang's words first went viral on the internet after he said in late January that he had dispatched doctors and nurses who are members of the Communist Party of China to the front-line hospital to treat coronavirus cases.

"When becoming CPC members, we vowed that we would always prioritize people's interests and press forward in the face of difficulties," Zhang said. "This is the moment we live up to the pledge. All CPC members must rush to the front line. No bargaining."


Chased by media and netizens, he not only shared information about the virus and precautionary measures but also some of his life experiences.

"When you read more, you know more, and you'll be kind to people with less work experience and power. You'll think about pains and gains from their perspectives," Zhang said.




The global spread of the novel coronavirus should come under control within six months as most infection cases in foreign countries are imported and China has gained experience in coping with the outbreak, said Zhang.

Other factors include researchers having a better understanding of the disease.


Any city with imported cases of the virus faces a high risk as the transmission capability of the virus is fairly strong — much stronger than the SARS virus — as seen from what has happened in Wuhan, where the number of confirmed cases soared to around 48,000 after the first patients were identified in December, he said.


▲ Video by Gao Erqiang/China Daily

Zhang suggested that all foreign countries and regions with imported cases take precautionary measures "to run ahead of the virus" and prevent a large-scale spread among the community.

When there is a considerable number of secondary and tertiary infection cases or those with unknown origins in a city, the situation will become dangerous as it's difficult to conduct tracing. Plus, very few countries can adopt a containment strategy that is as aggressive as China's, he said.

Zhang advised that some foreign countries could follow Shanghai's approach to controlling the spread of the virus. He noted that Shanghai, one of China's largest cities with a population of nearly 25 million residents, only has 337 confirmed infection cases by noontime Thursday — far lower than what foreign scholars predicted. In addition, there are no patients whose sources of infection were unclear.


He pointed out that the municipality has done an "excellent job" in preventing the spread of the virus by mandating that those who have returned from regions severely affected by the virus to isolate themselves at home for 14 days.


▲ Photo by Gao Erqiang/China Daily


Shanghai authorities have also been swift in prohibiting public gatherings and shutting down scenic spots and public venues.


Early prevention and containment of the spread of the disease has contributed to a desirable prognosis for the patients, Zhang said. The rate of cases of the COVID-19 who have recovered and been discharged from hospitals in Shanghai has exceeded 80 percent and the mortality rate is less than 1 percent.



“世衛組織的評價主要基於新發病例是不是被切實控制下來。如果還在出現小規模的outbreak,disease clusters, 那麼我想它不會給出如此積極的評價。”

Zhang refuted some critics' doubts about the WHO's impartiality regarding its recent positive comment on China's countermeasures against the spread of the virus.

"The WHO's comment was based on the substantial recent slowdown of the novel coronavirus spread in most parts of China. If there were still small-scale outbreaks or disease clusters, I don't think the organization would have drawn such a positive conclusion," he said.



In response to some claims that the virus was imported from elsewhere, Zhang said he believes it originated in Wuhan.

"If that was the case, we should have seen patients emerging from different regions in the country around the same time rather than their concentration in Wuhan," Zhang said. "Moreover, influenza could be easily differentiated from the coronavirus infection through CT scan."


▲ Video by Gao Erqiang/China Daily

As work gradually resumes, he reiterated that the country still needs to pay close attention to the contagion for the next one to two months and reduce large-scale gatherings, and measures such as those requiring a 14-day quarantine of people returning to big cities should continue.

"If we well implement such preventive measures, and the number of new infection cases remains zero for a certain period of time, in one or two months it'll be time to take off masks," Zhang said.


記者 周文婷

攝像 高爾強

監製 徐曉民


