08.01 当我说我是佛教徒时

在牛津大学任教四十余年的理察德贡布里奇教授(Richard Gombrich)将毕生精力奉献给了佛学与巴利文研究。佛教的真谛常常被误解、扭曲,以下是英国知名佛学家、80岁高龄的理察德贡布里奇教授的心得。

Professor Richard Gombrich,who dedicated 40 years of his life to studying Buddhism and Pali language at Oxford University,shares his understanding of Buddhism.



When I say I’m a Buddhist,it doesn’t mean I’m purer and nicer than others.But it means I have too much ignorance and mental defilement to remove.I need Buddhas' wisdom.


When I say I’m a Buddhist,it doesn’t mean I have more wisdom than others.But it means I have been occupied by too much arrogance.I need to learn to be humble and to develop a broader perspective.


When I say I’m a Buddhist,it is not because I am better or worse than others,but because I understand all beings are equal.


When I say I’m a Buddhist,I know I only love those to my taste,but Buddha loves even people he does not like,guiding them to be full of wisdom and compassion.That’s why I choose to follow Buddha’s teachings!


When I say I’m a Buddhist,it is not with the goal of getting what’s in my interest.But for letting go of my personal clinging to all worldly desires.



When I say I am a Buddhist,it is not because I pursue a smooth life.But for the calm acceptance of impermanence,and be calm and confident like a king in any adverse circumstances.


When I say I am a Buddhist,I do not mean to manipulate others with the motivation of self-interest.But with good use of wisdom,to benefit self and others while being empathetic to all sentient beings.


When I say I am a Buddhist,it is not because I want to escape from the world and pursue nothingness.But to know everyday life is within Dharma,and to live in the present is to practice.


When I say I am a Buddhist,it does not mean that my life will no longer experience setbacks.

But with the Dharma,setbacks are transformed into a cause for my growth.


When I say I am a Buddhist,my heart is filled with endless gratitude.Just thinking I was born as a human and have the ability to practice in this life,with the opportunity to meet wise teachers and hear the Buddha's teachings,I am deeply moved by this unbelievable karmic affinity.


When I say I am a Buddhist,it is not because there is a God outside me.But that I find the true Buddha-nature of my own heart.

