04.19 特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!

特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!


我寫的越多,就越提防馬斯克,因為他現在已經不滿足寫 Twitter 了,開始嘗試發越來越長的郵件,這不由得讓我很擔心:這廝不會又想當編輯了吧?


特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!




這周特斯拉 Model 3 的生產線又停工了,一時間很多人又開始擔心,這 3-5 天的停滯是不是又會影響銷量?


特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!

本次升級,將對之前 Model 3 生產線上一些影響裝配關鍵環節的部分進行調整和升級,徹底對瓶頸環節進行消除,樂觀估計到 5 月份,Model 3 就能相對上個月翻一倍,達到 4000 輛每週的速度。



特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!

5 月份停產之後,同樣再進行一次產線升級,這樣就能在 6 月份實現 6000 輛/臺的生產速度了。

這話可不光是說給媒體聽的,馬斯克甚至還手動 @ 了全體部門和供應商,要求他們在 6 月底之前單天生產出來 850 套零部件,此事可是要追責的,如果不能做到,“需要有一個非常好的理由告訴我為什麼不能,並提交解決問題的計劃,直接向我演示”。



4 月 13 日,馬斯克在 Twitter 上親口承認,在特斯拉,高度依賴自動化是一個錯誤,人的力量被低估了。

特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!



在接下來的日子裡,Model 3 的生產線要實現每週 7 天 24 小時不間斷運行,這就使得衝壓、噴塗、總裝線都要多出一個班次。

人從那來呢?招聘,馬斯克表示特斯拉將每週新增 400 人,持續幾個星期。

特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!

雖然特斯拉的裝配質量一直像企鵝的產品原創一樣是重災區,但馬斯克表示,Model 3 的裝配精準度必須要比其他任何車都好上 10 倍。



每週多 400 張嘴,吃的不都是錢麼。


特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!


所有超過 100 萬美元的支出,以及在未來 1 年裡累計支出超過 100 萬美元的開支,都會被暫停直到馬斯克明確的同意。



特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!



“不好意思,我們跟媒體所有花費 50 美元以上的支出都算賄賂”。


之前有人在採訪車和家老闆李想的時候問到公司規模的問題,李想答曰:目前 1000 人,年底前 2000 人,2020 年突破 10000 人規格。李想表示,不擔心團隊規模擴張帶來的管理問題,因為一切都會被制度約束住。


特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克:不不不不不不要開會!












首先,祝賀一切走上正軌!我們已經連續三週每週生產2000輛以上的Model3了,三週分別為2020輛、2070輛以及上週的2250輛,同時每週有2000輛的Model S和Model X。


從今天開始(Giga工廠,Fremont工廠從明天開始),我們將暫停三至五天的生產來進行全面的升級,這應該可以讓我們在下個月把Model 3 的產量提升到每週3000至4000輛。

此外,另一個於五月底進行的升級將會把我們的產量在六月底提升到每週6000輛。請注意,特斯拉的所有生產部門以及我們的供應商必須能夠最遲在6月30號具有每24小時生產850個部件的能力,以此來確保Model 3 每週6000 輛的產能。



通過我們在6月底每週6000輛Model 3 的生產要求,我們將會為未來整個Model 3 系統達到每週6000輛的產量打下堅實的基礎。

作為行動的一部分,Fremont工廠的 Model 3 生產線將24小時不間斷運營,這意味著我們將在汽車的組裝、鈑金、以及油漆噴塗環節新增一個輪班,請向我們推薦任何你認為可以滿足我們要求的人才。在Fremont 和 Giga 兩個工廠中,我們預計每週大約新增400人,持續幾個星期。


大多數 Model 3 的許多設計誤差已經比世界上其它任何車都要強了。不久,我們的車將會變得更好。目前還遠遠不夠。我們將繼續努力,直到Model 3 的精準度比世界上其它任何車都要好10倍。我沒有在開玩笑。

我們的車需要達到這樣的準確度,如果一個車主測量汽車的尺寸、面板縫隙以及平整度,如果得到的數據不符合Model 3 的規格,那隻能證明他們的測量儀器不夠準確。









  • 過多的會議是大公司的災難,並且會隨著時間的推移變得越來越糟,請從所有的大型會議中脫身,除非你認為這些會議對所有的聽眾都有價值,在這種情況下請把會議時間儘量壓縮。

  • 同時離開頻繁的會議,除非你正在處理非常緊急的事務。一旦事情得到解決,會議頻率應該立馬降低。

  • 如果你沒有在創造價值,請立刻離開會議或者放下電話。離開並沒有不禮貌,不禮貌的是你讓其他人留在那裡並且浪費他們的時間。

  • 不要在特斯拉的物品、軟件及流程上使用首字母縮略詞或沒有意義的詞。通常情況下,所有需要進一步解釋的東西都阻礙了交流。我們不希望人們為了在特斯拉工作而不得不背誦詞彙表。

  • 溝通應該通過最短的途徑來進行,而不是所謂的“指揮鏈”。所有嘗試通過“指揮鏈”來交流的管理者都會很快地發現他們會在別的地方工作。

  • 問題的主要來源是部門間溝通不暢。解決這個問題的方法是允許所有級別之間的信息自由流動。如果為了在部門之間完成一些事情,一個人先告訴他的經理,再傳給下一個經理,再傳給下一個副總裁,再傳給另一位副總裁,這樣具體執行時就會發生超級愚蠢的事情。人們有權直接談話並且恰當地做出正確的事情。

  • 總是選擇常識作為你的引導。死命遵守“公司規則”而不變通在某種特定情況下顯然是荒謬的。

如果您認為應該做某些事情能讓特斯拉變得更好,或者能讓你更樂意去工作,請直接給我發郵件:[email protected]



Progress, Precision and Profit

Elon Musk



First, congratulations are in order! We have now completed our third full week of producing over 2000 Model 3 vehicles. The first week was 2020, the second was 2070 and we just completed 2250 last week, along with 2000 Model S/X vehicles.

This is more than double Tesla’s weekly production rate last year and an amazing feat in the face of many challenges! It is extremely rare for an automotive company to grow the production rate by over 100% from one year to the next. Moreover, there has simultaneously been a significant improvement in quality and build accuracy, which is reflected in positive owner feedback.

Starting today at Giga and tomorrow at Fremont, we will be stopping for three to five days to do a comprehensive set of upgrades. This should set us up for Model 3 production of 3000 to 4000 per week next month.

Another set of upgrades starting in late May should be enough to unlock production capacity of 6000 Model 3 vehicles per week by the end of June. Please note that all areas of Tesla and our suppliers will be required to demonstrate a Model 3 capacity of ~6000/week by building 850 sets of car parts in 24 hours no later than June 30th.

Any Tesla department or supplier that is unable to do this will need to have a very good explanation why not, along with a plan for fixing the problem and present that to me directly. If anyone needs help achieving this, please let me know as soon as possible. We are going to find a way or make a way to get there.

The reason that the burst-build target rate is 6000 and not 5000 per week in June is that we cannot have a number with no margin for error across thousands of internally and externally produced parts and processes, amplified by a complex global logistics chain. Actual production will move as fast as the least lucky and least well-executed part of the entire Tesla production/supply chain system.

By having a Model 3 subsystem burst-build requirement of 6k by the end of June, we will lay the groundwork for achieving a steady 6k/week across the whole Model 3 system a few months later.

As part of the drive towards 6k, all Model 3 production at Fremont will move to 24/7operations. This means that we will be adding another shift to general assembly, body and paint. Please refer anyone you know who you think meets the Tesla bar for talent, drive and trust. Between Fremont and Giga, Tesla will be adding about 400 people per week for several weeks.


Most of the design tolerances of the Model 3 are already better than any other car in the world. Soon, they will all be better. This is not enough. We will keep going until the Model 3 build precision is a factor of ten better than any other car in the world. I am not kidding.

Our car needs to be designed and built with such accuracy and precision that, if an owner measures dimensions, panel gaps and flushness, and their measurements don’t match the Model 3 specs, it just means that their measuring tape is wrong.

Some parts suppliers will be unwilling or unable to achieve this level of precision. I understand that this will be considered an unreasonable request by some. That’s ok, there are lots of other car companies with much lower standards. They just can’t work with Tesla.


A fair criticism leveled at Tesla by outside critics is that you’re not a real company unless you generate a profit, meaning simply that revenue exceeds costs. It didn’t make sense to do that until reaching economies of scale, but now we are there.

Going forward, we will be far more rigorous about expenditures. I have asked the Tesla finance team to comb through every expense worldwide, no matter how small, and cut everything that doesn’t have a strong value justification.

All capital or other expenditures above a million dollars, or where a set of related expenses may accumulate to a million dollars over the next 12 months, should be considered on hold until explicitly approved by me. If you are the manager responsible, please make sure you have a detailed, first principles understanding of the supplier quote, including every line item of parts & labor, before we meet.

I have been disappointed to discover how many contractor companies are interwoven throughout Tesla. Often, it is like a Russian nesting doll of contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, etc. before you finally find someone doing actual work. This means a lot of middle-managers adding cost but not doing anything obviously useful. Also, many contracts are essentially open time & materials, not fixed price and duration, which creates an incentive to turn molehills into mountains, as they never want to end the money train.

There is a very wide range of contractor performance, from excellent to worse than a drunken sloth. All contracting companies should consider the coming week to be a final opportunity to demonstrate excellence. Any that fail to meet the Tesla standard of excellence will have their contracts ended on Monday.

Btw, here are a few productivity recommendations:

– Excessive meetings are the blight of big companies and almost always get worse over time. Please get of all large meetings, unless you’re certain they are providing value to the whole audience, in which case keep them very short.

– Also get rid of frequent meetings, unless you are dealing with an extremely urgent matter. Meeting frequency should drop rapidly once the urgent matter is resolved.

– Walk out of a meeting or drop off a call as soon as it is obvious you aren’t adding value. It is not rude to leave, it is rude to make someone stay and waste their time.

– Don’t use acronyms or nonsense words for objects, software or processes at Tesla. In general, anything that requires an explanation inhibits communication. We don’t want people to have to memorize a glossary just to function at Tesla.

– Communication should travel via the shortest path necessary to get the job done, not through the “chain of command”. Any manager who attempts to enforce chain of command communication will soon find themselves working elsewhere.

– A major source of issues is poor communication between depts. The way to solve this is allow free flow of information between all levels. If, in order to get something done between depts, an individual contributor has to talk to their manager, who talks to a director, who talks to a VP, who talks to another VP, who talks to a director, who talks to a manager, who talks to someone doing the actual work, then super dumb things will happen. It must be ok for people to talk directly and just make the right thing happen.

– In general, always pick common sense as your guide. If following a “company rule” is obviously ridiculous in a particular situation, such that it would make for a great Dilbert cartoon, then the rule should change.

If there is something you think should be done to make Tesla execute better or allow you to look forward to coming to work more (same thing in the long term), please send a note to [redacted]

Thanks for being such a kickass team and accomplishing miracles every day. It matters. We are burning the midnight oil to burn the midnight oil.


