05.21 绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

小朋友们好!今天小编带大家一起来读一本有趣的绘本——《My Lucky Day》,准备好了吗?


饥肠辘辘的狐狸正在磨爪子准备外出猎食,忽然听到门外传来敲门声。一开门,竟是一只肥嫩多汁的小猪自己送上门来。狐狸大喜,开心地嚷嚷:“这真是我的幸运日耶!” 狐狸为了这顿美餐大费周章——又是给小猪搓澡清洁,又是喂食增肥,还给小猪做按摩——小猪说这样可以改善肉质!狐狸最后真的享受到这顿幸运的美餐了么?



One day,a hungry fox was preparing to hunt for his dinner. As he polished his claws, he was startled by a knock at the door.

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"Hey ,Rabbit!" someone yelled outside. "Are you home ?"

Rabbit? Thought the fox. If there were any rabbits in here, I'd have eaten them for breakfast.

When the fox opened the door, there stood a delicious -looking piglet.

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"Oh, no!" screamed the piglet.

"Oh, yes !" cried the fox."You've come to the right place."He grabbed the piglet and hauled him inside.

"This must by my lucky day!" the fox shouted. "How often does dinner come knoching on the door?"

The piglet kicked and squealed,"Let me go! Let me go !"

"Sorry ,pal,"said the fox. "This isn't just and dinner. it's a pig roast. My favorite! Now get into this roasting pan ~"

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

It was useless to struggle. "All right," sighed the piglet. "I will. But, but there is just one thing."

"What?" growled the fox.

"Well, I am a pig, you know. I'm filthy. Shouldn't you wash me first? Just a thought, Mr. Fox."

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"Hmmm..." the fox said to himself, "He is filthy."

So the fox got busy.

He collected twigs.

He made a fire.

He carried in the water.

And, finally, he gave the piglet a nice bath.

"You're a terrific scrubber," said the piglet.

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"There," said the fox. "Now you're the cleanest piglet in the country. You stay still, now!"

"All right," sighed the piglet. "I will. But ,but..."

"But what!" growled the fox.

"Well, I am a very small piglet, you know. Shouldn't you fatten me up to get more meat? Just a thought, Mr. Fox."

"Hmmm..."the fox said to himself, "He is on the small side."

So the fox got busy.

He picked tomatoes.

He baked cookies.

And, finally, he gave the piglet a nic dinner.

"You're a terrific cook," said the piglet.

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"There," said the fox. "Now you're the fattest piglet in the country. So get into the oven!"

"All right," sighed the piglet. "I will. But..."

"What? What? WHAT?" shouted the fox.

"Well, I am a hardworking pig, you know. My meat is awfully tough. Shouldn't you massage me first to make a more tender roast? Just a thought, Mr. Fox."

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"Hmmm..." the fox said to himself, "I do prefer tender meat."

So the fox got busy, again.

He pushed...

and he pulled.

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

He squeezed and he pounded the piglet from head to toe.

"You give a terrific massage." said the piglet.

"But," the piglet continued, "I've been working rdally hard lately. My back is awfully stiff. Could you push a bit harder, Mr, Fox? A little to the right please...yes, yes... now just a little to the left..."

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"Mr. Fox, are you there?"

But Mr. Fox was no longer listening. He had passed out, exhausted. He couldn't lift a finger, let alone a roasting pan.

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

"Poor Mr. Fox," sighed the piglet. "He's had a busy day." Then the cleanest, Fattest and softest piglet in the country picked up the rest of his cookies and headed for home.

"What a bath! What a dinner! What a massage!" cried the piglet. "This must be my lucky day!"

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》

When he got home, the piglet relaxed before a warm fire. "Let's see," he wondered, looking at his address book. "Who shall I visit next?"

绘本推荐丨《My Lucky Day》


fox /fɔks/ 狐狸

piglet /'piglət/ 小猪

claw /'klɔ:/ 爪子

polish /'pɔliʃ/ 磨光,擦亮

startle /'sta:t(ə)l/ 惊吓,惊奇

rabbit /'ræbit/ 兔子

yell /jel/ 大叫

filthy /'filθi/ 肮脏的

terrific /tə'rifik/ 极好的

stiff /stif/ 坚硬的

