
作为全国制造业大省,当下广东企业的复工情况如何?复工企业又是如何做好疫情防控的?2月18-19日,由广东省新闻办举办的“助力疫情防控 广东企业在行动”采访活动举行,来自人民日报、日本广播协会(NHK)、新加坡联合早报、塞尔维亚Status、美国国际日报、香港南华早报、凤凰卫视、澳门日报等33家境内外媒体的56名记者,一连两日,走进穗佛两地企业——广州的蓝月亮集团、中大达安基因、佛山顺德的格兰仕集团和顺威公司,实地探访广东企业如何全力推动复工复产,积极参与疫情防控。








Some 4,124 companies (including industrial enterprises and technology enterprises) in Huangpu District in Guangzhou have resumed production as of February 18, Silk Road Post learned yesterday during a tour to factories in the district.

The tour included visits to the factories of Blue Moon Group and DaAn Gene Co., Ltd. of Sun Yat-Sen University (referred to as DaAn Gene below) in Huangpu district in Guangzhou. 56 reporters from 32 Chinese and foreign media organizations made the trip.

Blue Moon, one of the leading household liquid detergent brands in China, resumed production on January 26, the second day of the Chinese New Year, to help keep up supplies of anti-epidemic products, such as disinfectant, bleach, anti-bacterial hand sanitizer and laundry disinfectant products.

To aid the epidemic control efforts in Hubei province, Blue Moon has donated disinfectant and cleaning products, including anti-bacterial hand-washing and bleach products, worth over 5.2 million yuan, to the badly hit area since the epidemic outbreak.

"The company has resumed full production starting February 2," said Xu Yuling, deputy general manager of Blue Moon. "With strong government support, we are achieving a daily production capacity of over 400 tons of products at present."



DaAn Gene, a company mainly engaged in life science and technology research, has also resumed full production. In the face of the outbreak, the company immediately initiated research and successfully developed the COVID-19 RNA detection kit (PCR-fluorescence probing method) on January 13. It thus became one of the first two manufacturers to release a nucleic acid detection kit in China, and the first in Guangdong.

"The government has given great support to our company, such as opening green channels to help ensure smooth transportation of raw materials," Zhang Bin, deputy general manager of DaAn Gene, said in showing his gratitude to the government on February 19.

"At present, DaAn Gene can produce kits for 300,000 to 500,000 tests per day, and that number will reach 1 million per day in the near future," Zhang said. "For now, the production capacity can fully satisfy the market requirement."


Guangdong province on February 6 has rolled out a series of measures to help enterprises better resume production and reduce the impact of the ongoing coronavirus epidemic. The measures have already taken effect and will be kept in place for three months, bolstering the confidence of companies.

These supportive measures include rental reductions or exemptions and other forms of financial aid. A special policy has been formulated to help enterprises solve the problem of purchasing masks, protective suits, disinfectant and thermometers.

For enterprises that cannot afford to pay the premiums of social security insurance in time due to the epidemic, catch-up payments are permitted. Qualified enterprises can seek a three-month extension of tax payment, and those having payment difficulties can receive a reduction on property tax and urban land use tax in accordance with the law.

State-owned enterprises are required to exempt private enterprises from housing rent for one to two months if the firms can't operate normally because of the epidemic.

Banks and financial institutions also are encouraged to support enterprises that are greatly affected by the epidemic by permitting extensions on loan repayment, lowering interest rates, and reducing or waiving required interest.

