


毛筆(Chinese brush)是一種源於中國的傳統書寫工具,與墨、紙、(ink stone)並稱為“文房四寶”。毛筆有著悠久的歷史,相傳為秦始皇的大將蒙恬所創。毛筆筆尖最初用兔毛,後來也用羊、狼、雞、鼠等動物毛,筆管用竹或其他材料製成。在古代,毛筆不僅是一種基本的書寫工具,還被廣泛用於書法(calligraphy)和繪畫創作。幾千年來,它為創造中華民族光輝燦爛的文化做出了卓越的貢獻。

Chinese brush is a traditional writing instrument originating from China. Ink stick, paper, ink stone and Chinese brush are known as “Four Treasures of the Study”.

Chinese brush has a long history. Legend has it that the brush was invented by Meng Tian, a general under the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Originally, the head of the brush was made from rabbit hairs, and later also from the hairs of goats, wolves, chickens, mice and other animals. The shaft is made of bamboo or other materials. In ancient times, Chinese brush was not only an essential writing tool, it was also widely used in calligraphy and painting. For thousands of years, it has made outstanding contributions to the creation of the effulgent Chinese culture.



Embroidery, one of traditional Chinese folk handicrafts, has a long history. The history of embroidery can trace back to the Shang Dynasty. The Han Dynasty witnessed a leap in the styles and techniques of embroidery. A lot of things can become the content of embroidery, such as the sun, the moon, the stars, flowers, birds, fish and insects. In ancient times, embroidery could be enjoyed only by the privileged class and symbolized their high social status. With the development of society, it enters the life of ordinary people. Nowadays it has stepped out of China and become a bridge of friendly exchanges between the Chinese and foreigners.



Face is immensely important for the Chinese. It can be defined as a notion of one's reputation rooted in self-esteem. Most of Chinese people believe that to have face is one of the most valued things, while to lose face is a cause of great anguish. Thus, in China, people are expected to know and abide by the rules of face and will be penalized harshly if they break them. However, sometimes a person could lose face not only because of his failure to match up to social requirements, but also because of the failure of others to act in accordance with his expectations.



在中國,農村人口占相當大的比例。雖然他們的收入遠比城鎮居民要低,抗風險能力更差,但是長期以來,他們卻不能像城鎮居民一樣享受基本的醫療保障。為此,我國正在推行一項前所未有的計劃:用8年的時間,在全國農村基本建立起新型的合作醫療制度(cooperative medicare system),以解決所有農民的醫療保障問題,使他們不必再為看不起病而犯愁。經濟發達的浙江省已率先實行這一制度。

In China, the rural population accounts for a large portion. They were not entitled, for a very long period of time, to the basic medical security like urban citizens, although they were more vulnerable to risks because of their far lower incomes. Therefore, an unprecedented project is launched in China to build a new cooperative medicare system within eight years in rural areas, which will deal with the medical security issue of all the farmers and free them from worries of being unable to afford a cure. The developed Zhejiang Province has taken a lead in employing the new system.


近年來,人們常會吃驚地看到高校圖書館尚未開門,門外就早已排起了長隊。隨著一年一度的全國研究生入學考試(the national post-graduate entrance exam)的臨近,對於許多考生來說,每天在圖書館搶座就成了個苦差事。就業市場上巨大的求職壓力以及僱主對人才的更高要求迫使更多人加入了考研大軍。2014年,申請考研的人數達到了創紀錄的172萬。因此,人們將之戲稱為

“考研熱”(post-graduate mania)。

In recent years, people may feel amazed to see the long waiting lines outside college libraries much earlier than their open time. With the approach of the annual national post-graduate entrance exam, securing a seat in the library becomes a daily chore for many examinees. Huge job-hunting pressure in job market and high demands on talents from employers have pushed more people into the competition of the post-graduate entrance exam. The number of applicants reached a record as high as 1.72 million in 2014. Thus people dub it “post-graduate mania”.



The fundamental reason for such a rapid growth in China-US trade lies in the high degree of complementarity of the two economies, which, to a large extent, stems from their great differences in resources, economic structures and consumption levels. China is the world's largest developing country with a huge market and low cost of labor, but short in capital and relatively backward in technology and management. On the other hand, the US is the world's largest developed country, big in size, abundant in capital, and advanced in science and technology. But the cost of labor in the US is very high. Such difference is likely to become more prominent in the general background of economic globalization.


秧歌(the Yangko dance)是幾百年前農民在稻田裡勞作時創作的一種傳統的中國民間舞蹈。扭秧歌時,舞者跟隨音樂節奏(rhythm)扭動身體,步伐誇張,將古老的故事以一種新的形式呈現給觀眾。熱鬧的場面、豐富的舞蹈語言、興高采烈的手勢和生動的表演形式使得秧歌深受中國人民的喜愛。每逢重大節日,人們都會自發地舉辦秧歌表演。在場的所有人都聚精會神地觀看演出,欣賞和感受著舞者的感情,全然忘記了自己生活中的煩惱。

The Yangko dance is a traditional Chinese folk dance created by farmers when they worked in the rice field hundreds of years ago. During the dance, the dancers sway their bodies to music rhythms and walk at an exaggerated pace to present old stories to the audience in a new style. Thanks to its jolly scene, abundant dance language, exuberant gestures, and vivid performing style, it is always favored by the Chinese. People will organize Yangko dance performances spontaneously whenever there is a grand festival. All the people present are concentrating on the performance, appreciating and sharing the feelings of the dancers, and forgetting the troubles in their own life.




“生、旦、淨、醜”是京劇中的角色分類。“生”是男性正面角色,“旦”是女性正面角色,“淨”是性格鮮明的男性配角(supporting role),“醜”是幽默滑稽的人物或反面角色。每種角色都有表明身份的臉譜(facial make-up)和扮相(costume),只要演員一上場,你一看便知。在人的臉上塗上某種顏色以象徵這個人的性格和品質、角色和命運,是京劇的一大特點,也是理解劇情的關鍵。簡單地講,紅臉含有褒義,代表忠勇(valor);黑臉為中性,代表(vigor)智;黃臉和白臉含貶義,代表兇詐。

Sheng, dan, jing, chou refer to different types of roles in Peking Opera. Sheng is the positive male role, and dan is the positive female role, while jing is a supporting male role with a distinctive character and chou is the clown or a negative character. Each type of role has its own facial make-up and costume that expose its identity as soon as he/she appears on the stage. One major characteristic of Peking Opera is the color painted on the face of a character that shows the personality, quality, role and fate, which is also the key to understanding the plot. To put it simply, red is positive, standing for loyalty and valor; black represents a neutral role, representing vigor and wisdom; yellow and white both suggest cunning and negative characters.



餐具(eating utensil)。筷子出現在三千多年前,它的出現不僅是中國烹飪文化的變革,也是人類文明的標誌。此外,筷子在烹飪技巧的發展過程中也起著推動作用。如今,筷子不僅是一種餐具,還成為一種獨特的文化形式,對於我們來說,筷子可以作為藝術品來欣賞、研究和收藏。筷子雖小,但仍被世界上許多人所推崇。一項有趣的實驗表明,當你在使用筷子的時候,許多關節和肌肉都會得到鍛鍊。

Chopsticks, the traditional eating utensils in China, are a pair of equal length sticks. Chopsticks appeared more than three thousand years ago. The appearance of chopsticks is not only a revolution of Chinese cuisine culture, but also a symbol of human civilization. Besides, chopsticks have promoted the development of cooking techniques. Today, chopsticks are not only a kind of tableware, but also have become a unique culture form, coming in front of us as a work of art for appreciation, research and collection. Chopsticks are small, but they are adored by many people in the world. An interesting experiment shows that many joints and muscles can be exercised when you use chopsticks.


社區公益(community public benefit)以公益機構為主體,為達成公益目的而鼓勵社區發動居民積極參與各種公益服務或活動。近年來,越來越多的機構和企業投身到社會公益事業之中,或進行大額捐款,或成立慈善基金,力圖在履行社會責任的同時,凸顯企業的品牌和產品。顯然,這是社會公益不成熟的一種表現,因為那些有著巨大社會需求的社區公益服務,由於需要長期默默無聞的服務和關懷,還沒有得到更多的關注。

The community public benefit whose main body is public organizations encourages community residents to take part in various kinds of public services or activities to reach the goal of public benefit. In recent years, more and more organizations and enterprises devote themselves to public benefit by donating large amounts of money or establishing charitable funds to advertise their brands and products while fulfilling their social responsibilities. Obviously, it is a reflection of immature public benefit, because the community public benefit service with large social demand hasn't been paid more attention to due to the need of long-term obscure services and care.



The ways Chinese people adopt to get around have experienced a long process from depending on physical strength to taking convenient tools. From 1950s to 1970s, bicycles were the most fashionable means of transportation and also the most important characteristic of society during that time. In the 1980s, motorcycles gradually became the new favorite. From the early 1990s to the present, with the development of urban traffic and automotive industry, as well as the increasingly busy life, more and more people prefer private cars, making the number of private cars grow at a surprising speed. The life of ordinary people seems to be installed by wheels, moving ahead fast.




Online banking has a lot of advantages. It never closes, offering services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all you need to do is just a slight click of the mouse. If your nearby banks or ATMs are not available when financial problems arise, you can immediately log on to your online banking and cope with your business. In terms of the speed of the execution and confirmation of transactions, online banking is generally no slower than ATMs. Online banking now offers advanced tools, including account aggregation, stock quotes and so on to help you manage your assets more effectively.



(bio-based product)等的開發培育和推廣應用,因此,生物產業將繼續呈現高增長態勢。

The biological industry is an emerging industry of strategic importance designated by the state. During the past five years, the annual growth rate of China's biological industry has been beyond 20% on average. With large-scale urbanization and industrialization, China is facing worsening challenges such as the aging population, food safety, energy resources shortage and ecological environment deterioration. To ensure residents' health, food safety and the promotion of energy conservation and emissions reduction, the development and application of new drugs, new crop varieties, green planting technology, biofuel and bioelectrogenesis, biological environmental protection technology, and bio-based products, etc. are urgently needed to be accelerated. Therefore, the biological industry will keep high growth.



China is a time-honored country consisting of many ethnic groups. Various ethnical civilizations have assimilated and intermingled with each other and brought forth the splendid Chinese culture together. Due to different ecological environments, modes of production and life and folk customs, minority groups have created their fantastic culture with different genres during their long-term development. Arts and crafts of ethnic minorities created by the craft masters embody their long history and brilliant culture. These works were made from a multitude of materials by using a variety of techniques and served pragmatic use, fully embodying the unique charm of their culture. The great varieties of colorful works produced with brilliant skills by ethnic minorities contribute an exotic and appealing flavor to the whole of Chinese art.

