

French Indian zhina Trade Silver Circle, commonly known as Sitting in the Ocean, was one of the foreign silver circles circulating in China in the late Qing Dynasty. Scientific name: French zhina Trade Silver Circle, commonly known as " Sitting in the Ocean", is one of the foreign silver circles circulating in China at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The silver coin has the Statue of Liberty on the front, and the decorative pattern on the back is wheat ears. There are " Trade Silver Dollars" and " French Indian zhina" in French.



Sitting in the ocean, according to " Silver Dollar Illustration" published in 1952 in the People's Bank of China, its official name is Annan Silver Dollar, also known as " Sitting in People" and " Faguang", because the wreath on the head of the Statue of Liberty cast on the front of this silver coin has seven beams of light, commonly known as " Seven Corners". However, for convenience of description, the phrase " sitting in the ocean" is still used below.


法屬印度支那位於東南亞印度支那半島東部,包括法屬東京、安南、交趾支那、老撾和柬埔寨等地(相當於現今的越南、老撾和柬埔寨)。總面積741,242平方公里。 印度支那居民的祖先,是公元二世紀由中國黃河流域南遷者,1858年,法蘭西第二帝國入侵安南(今越南),1884年,強迫安南簽訂第二次《順化條約》,安南淪為法國殖民地。

French Indian zhina is located in the east of Indian zhina Peninsula in Southeast Asia, including French Tokyo, Annan, Jiaozhi zhina, Laos and Cambodia ( equivalent to present-day Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia ). The total area is 741,242 square kilometers. The ancestors of zhina residents in India were those who moved southward from the Yellow River valley in China in the 2nd century. In 1858, the French Second Empire invaded Annan ( now Vietnam ), and in 1884, Annan was forced to sign the Second Treaty of Reunification, which reduced Annan to a French colony.



A few days ago, Zhonghuang Auction Co., Ltd. collected a foreign currency for the Statue of Liberty, which is a misprinted currency with well-preserved appearance, strong and strong handwriting, clear and beautiful appearance, sophisticated and natural pulp, and is a rare and rare coin.


藏品規格: Collection specifications:

重量:24.5g Weight: 24.5 g

直徑:3.9cm Diameter: 3.9 cm


This collection is from Mr. Lang's ancestral collection in Yunnan, China. Now, if you want to find the most discerning collector and make a sincere move to delineate this collection, please contact the relevant business personnel of the company to handle the consultation number plate in advance.









港澳臺老收藏家、江浙滬收藏協會、峽西煤老闆、胡潤百富買家;江浙房地產老闆;溫州商會,溫州企業家聯合會;深圳賽車俱樂部,遊艇俱樂部,高爾夫俱樂部會員人士. 港澳臺集團客戶,新加坡買家,海外買家。各地收藏名家及公司一直在拓展的各古玩市場的高端買家和公司所做網絡報刊雜誌吸引前來的意向買家




