


Fishing in this lake is forbidden. 這個湖裡禁止釣魚

Going abroad for a visit and settling down abroad are two different things. 出國訪問和在國外定居是兩件不同的事情。

It seems that reading English is easier than speaking it.似乎讀英語比說英語容易。

My favorite hobby is fishing/collecting stamps . 我最喜歡的愛好是釣魚/集郵。

在It’s no use; It’s (no) good; It’s useless ; It’s (not) wise; It’s (not) worthwhile; It’s ofgreat (no, little) importance 等習慣表達中,It為形式主語,而將做主語的動名詞短語放在後面。


It’s no use /good ringing her up now. 現在給她打電話沒用了。

Is it worthwhile bargaining two hours for two cents? 為兩分錢講價兩小時值得嗎?

It’s wise trying again. 再試一次是明智的。

It is of great importance fighting against pollution. 制止汙染有重要意義。

It is no use operating on the sick man. He should have been sent here early. 給這個病人做手術已經沒用了。本應該早些把他送來。

It is no good smoking; you’d better give it up. 吸菸沒好處,你最好戒掉。


