



I agreed to support him. 我答應支持他。

He said he wanted to be a professor. 他說他想當教授。

My daughter preferred to have eggs and milk for breakfast when she was in her twenties. 我女兒二十幾歲時早飯喜歡吃雞蛋和牛奶。


2、不定式可以和how, which, what, who, whom, whose, when, where還有whether等詞連用作賓語。

常跟這種結構作賓語的動詞有:ask詢問,advise建議,consider考慮,decide決定,discover發現,discuss討論,explain解釋,find out查明,forget忘記,inquire打聽,know知道,learn學會,remember記得,show演示,tell告訴,teach教,think想,understand懂得,wonder想知道,等等。


I don’t know where to get so much money. 我不知道去哪裡搞這麼多錢。

They haven’t decided whether to leave or stay. 他們還沒決定是走還是留。


How to live a happy life is a difficult question to answer. 怎樣過幸福生活是個很難回答的問題

The question is whom to choose for the position. 問題是這個位置選誰。

That was a discussion about how to increase their strength. 那是一次關於怎樣增強他們力量的討論。

He said nothing about what to do with her. 關於拿她怎麼辦,他啥也沒說。

She asked my suggestion just now about where to go for her holidays. 關於去哪裡度假,她剛才徵求了我的意見。



這種動詞常見的有:ask請求,advise勸告,allow允許,beg乞求,believe相信,call on號召,cause促使,compel強迫,command指揮,direct指導,enable使…能夠,encourage鼓勵,expect期望,feel覺得,force迫使,get使得,hate不喜歡,have使,hear聽見,help幫助,inspire鼓舞,intend 打算,invite邀請,instruct指示,know知道,lead引導,let讓,like喜歡,listen to 聽,look at看,make 使得, notice注意到, observe觀察,order命令,permit允許,persuade說服,prefer更喜歡,press施加壓力,remind提醒,request請求,teach教,tell告訴,urge敦促,want 想要,warn警告,wish希望,等等。


I asked my mother to buy a new bike for me. 我請求媽媽給我買輛新自行車。

Tony knew his girl friend to be a shy college student. 託尼知道他的女朋友是一個害羞的大學生。

They helped you to get on the bus, didn’t they? 他們幫你上了汽車, 是嗎?



這樣的動詞有:feel覺得,have使,hear聽見,help幫助,let讓,listen to 聽,look at看,make使,notice 注意,see看見,observe 觀察,watch觀看等,一類是感官動詞,一類是使役動詞。

A policeman saw the accident happen. 一位警察看見事故發生。

We listened to her talk about her experience abroad. 我們聽她講國外的經歷。

We’d be glad to have you work with us. 我們會很高興有你和我們一起工作。


I heard the dog come in. 我聽見那條狗進來。

=The dog was heard to come in. 有人聽見那條狗進來。

I saw her go out by bike. 我看見她騎著自行車出去了。

=She was seen to go out by bike. 有人看見她騎著自行車出去了。

Can I help (to) lift this heavy box? 我可以幫著搬起這個沉重的箱子嗎?

You may as well help me (to)get things straight. 你不妨幫我把東西整理好。

She helped the old woman (to) cross the street. 他幫助那位老婦人過街

在had better(最好),would rather(寧願),would sooner(寧願),would (just) as soon(寧願),cannot but(不能不,不由得不),cannot help but(不能不,不由得不)等成語後面也跟不帶to的不定式:

He would rather listen to others than talk himself. 他寧願聽別人也不願自己說。

He would sooner play than work. 他寧願玩也不願幹活。

You had better go away right now. 你最好立即就走。

I would rather take this method. 我倒願意採取這個辦法。

I’d rather walk than take a bus. 我寧可走也不願坐公共汽車。

She’d rather die than lose the children. 她寧可死也不願失去孩子們。

I’d rather not have eggs and bacon for breakfast.

She’d sooner stay at home.

I would as soon do it by myself.

I would just as soon stay as go. 我寧願住下也不願去。

We couldn’t but weep at the sad news.

You can’t but respect them.

Rather than和sooner than同義,都是“寧可”,“與其…(不如)”,“不是…(而是)”的意思。當它們放在句首時,其後跟不帶to的不定式;在其它位置時其後的不定式可帶也可不帶to。

Rather than risk breaking up his marriage, he told his wife everything. 他把一切都告訴了妻子,而不是冒離婚的危險。

Rather than cause trouble, he left. 他寧可走開而不願引起麻煩。

Sooner than marry that man, she would earn her living as a waitress. 她寧可當女招待養活自己,也不嫁給那個男人。

He decided to write rather than telephone. 他決定寫信,不打電話。

The manager believes it is important to invest in new machinery rather than to increase wages. 經理相信重要的是投資買新機器,而不是增加工資。

Rather than John do it, I’d prefer to do the job myself. 與其讓John幹這件事情,我寧可自己動手。



在Why 起首的疑問句中跟不帶to的不定式:

Why not come with us? 為什麼不跟我們一起來呢? =Why don\' t you come with us?

Why not go for a game of tennis? 為什麼不去打網球呢?

Why not relax yourself? 為什麼不放鬆你自己呢?

Why not try to train your character? 為什麼不培養你的性格呢?

Why not give the $40 to Tom? 幹嗎不把那40美金給湯姆呢?

For God’s sake, why bring that up again? 看在上帝的份上,幹嗎又提這事呢?

Why split hairs over the color of the dress? 幹嗎對連衣裙的顏色吹毛求疵呢?

Why run this risk? 幹嗎冒這個險?

Why risk breaking the law? 幹嗎冒犯法的險呢?





I think it best to go. 我想最好走。

Do you consider it right to send our doctors over? 你覺得派我們的醫生去對嗎?

I found it strange for her not to come today. 我發現她今天沒來是很奇怪的。



I hope you to be happy. 我希望你快樂。

I suggest you to take him seriously. 我建議你要把他當回事。

We demanded them to give us a definite answer. 我們要求他們給個確切的答覆。


I hope that you’ll be happy. 我希望你快樂。I suggest that you take him seriously. 我建議你要把他當回事。

I advise you not to take him seriously. 我建議你不要把他當回事。

We demanded that they give us a definite answer. 我們要求他們給個確切的答覆。

