

The total worth of the marijuana market will reach US$166 billion by 2025, according to a market report made public on Tuesday from Euromonitor International.


The firm expects legal cannabis to represent over 70 percent of the total market globally by the target date.



Zora Milenkovic, head of drinks and tobacco at Euromonitor International, said cannabis will serve as an ingredient in several consumer goods.


The researcher highlighted food, beverages, beauty, health and tobacco as the ones with highest potential of disruption from the growing cannabis market.


At the same time, the industry will continue to experience exponential growth while alcohol and tobacco will grow at a much slower pace, the report says.


“From 2018 to 2025, legal cannabis is estimated to grow more than 2,000 percent globally, compared to alcoholic drinks at 1.4 percent and tobacco at 1.2 percent,” the research firm indicated.


As the cannabis legalization movement continues across the globe, Canadian marijuana firms with first mover status in the industry have moved forward with expansion plans internationally.


Through joint ventures, acquisitions and other business tactics, Canadian cannabis companies pursue ventures across the legal marijuana map.

“歐睿信息諮詢公司預計,未來兩年, CBD 包裝食品的全球銷量將翻番,進一步模糊了消費者健康與食品之間的界限,


“Euromonitor International expects global sales of packaged food with CBD to double over the next two years, further blurring the lines between consumer health and food,” the research firm wrote.

由於大麻衍生產品找到了進入美國市場的途徑,大麻( CBD )引起了消費者的興趣。

Cannabidiol (CBD) has picked up in consumer interest as the product, derived from hemp, finds its way to the US market.

美國和加拿大的大麻生產公司已經開始尋求進入 CBD 市場的大麻生產業務。

