

英文书《Asking the right questions: a guide to critical thinking》,即《学会提问:批判性思维导读》。这周读完的收获是勇于质疑,质疑不一定要全弄懂成为专家时才可以提,也不是为了批评,而是就接触到的信息进行属于自己的加工。



If this were the case, we could read and listen passively and let others do our thinking for us.




Consequently, you need critical reading and listening skills to help you determine what makes sense and distinguish this clear thinking from the sloppy thinking that characterizes much of what you will encounter.

分析:比较有魅力的一个句子。Sloppy thinking马马虎虎的思考。



The inadequacies in what someone says will not always leap out at you.

分析:adequate准确的,前缀in-表示否定,再变成名词。名词这么用 inadequacies觉得挺精炼。Leap out是什么意思?本意是跳出,在句子里就是别人说的话的不准确不是那么容易跳到你眼前来,也就是不是那么显而易见。



A powerful advantage of these questions is that they permit you to ask searching questions even when you know very little about the topic being discussed.

分析:即使你对讨论的话题并不清楚,也可以提出searching questions

searching questions怎么翻译?——有建设性的问题


For example, you do not need to be an expert on childcare to ask critical questions about the adequacy of day-carecenters.




The Myth of the “Right Answer”,这一节的小标题 ,对正确答案的误解


While the precise distance to the moon or the age of a newly discovered bone from an ancient civilization may not be absolutely certain, agreement about the dimensions of our physical environment is widespread. Thus, in the physical sciences, we frequently can arrive at “the right answer.”




In addition, because many of us care a great deal about explanations and descriptions of human behavior, we prefer that explanations or descriptions of the rate of abortion, the frequency of unemployment, or the causes of child abuse be consistent with what we want to believe.

分析:表达不错,the rate of abortion(堕胎率)。

