深圳市傅抱石款 虎跑深秋圖畫 快速出手

深圳市傅抱石款 《虎跑深秋圖》畫快速出手

一:藏品名稱:傅抱石款 《虎跑深秋圖》

fu baoshi's late autumn picture of tiger running

藏品規格:長:75cm 寬:45cm

collection specifications: length: 75cm wide: 45cm

賣家報價:面議 買家報價:面議

seller's quotation: negotiable buyer's quotation: negotiable


深圳市傅抱石款 虎跑深秋圖畫 快速出手

深圳天任拍賣有限公司 傅抱石款《虎跑深秋圖》展示

三、藏品描述:傅抱石(1904年10月5日-1965年9月29日),“新山水畫”代表畫家 [1] ,原名長生、瑞麟,號抱石齋主人。生於江西南昌,祖籍江西新餘,現代畫家。早年留學日本,回國後執教於中央大學。1949年後曾任南京師範學院教授、江蘇國畫院院長等職。此藏品為傅抱石款《虎跑深秋圖》畫,此畫長:72cm,寬45cm。此畫運筆急速,色調柔和,以淡墨配淺絳,氣韻流暢,渾然天成。畫中風景刻畫精緻,極致生動,境界高雅,風格獨特,詩意濃郁,畫意深邃,章法新穎,善用濃墨,渲染等法,達到翁鬱淋漓。藏品品相完美,實屬難得一見的精品。藏品具有巨大的收藏價值和投資價值。傅抱石重慶時期的人物畫以形求神,刻意表現人物的內在氣質,雖亂頭粗服,而矜持恬靜。表現金剛坡下、成渝道上的秀美景色,反映巴山夜雨的情景意趣,成了傅抱石這一時期的山水畫創作的主題。他繼承宋畫的宏偉章法,取法元人的水墨逸趣,暢寫冊水之神情。而他的畫法也一變傳統的各種皴法,用散鋒亂筆表現山石的結構,形成了獨特的“抱石皴”。這種皴法以氣取勢,磅礴多姿,自然天成,也了傅抱石“打破筆墨約束的第一法門”。


三、藏品描述:傅抱石(1904年10月5日-1965年9月29日),“新山水畫”代表畫家 [1] ,原名長生、瑞麟,號抱石齋主人。生於江西南昌,祖籍江西新餘,現代畫家。早年留學日本,回國後執教於中央大學。1949年後曾任南京師範學院教授、江蘇國畫院院長等職。此藏品為傅抱石款《虎跑深秋圖》畫,此畫長:72cm,寬45cm。此畫運筆急速,色調柔和,以淡墨配淺絳,氣韻流暢,渾然天成。畫中風景刻畫精緻,極致生動,境界高雅,風格獨特,詩意濃郁,畫意深邃,章法新穎,善用濃墨,渲染等法,達到翁鬱淋漓。藏品品相完美,實屬難得一見的精品。藏品具有巨大的收藏價值和投資價值。傅抱石重慶時期的人物畫以形求神,刻意表現人物的內在氣質,雖亂頭粗服,而矜持恬靜。表現金剛坡下、成渝道上的秀美景色,反映巴山夜雨的情景意趣,成了傅抱石這一時期的山水畫創作的主題。他繼承宋畫的宏偉章法,取法元人的水墨逸趣,暢寫冊水之神情。而他的畫法也一變傳統的各種皴法,用散鋒亂筆表現山石的結構,形成了獨特的“抱石皴”。這種皴法以氣取勢,磅礴多姿,自然天成,也了傅抱石“打破筆墨約束的第一法門”。藏品具有巨大的收藏價值和投資價值。

3. collection deion: fu baoshi (october 5, 1904 -- september 29, 1965), "new landscape painting" on behalf of the painter [1], formerly known as changsheng, ruilin, the owner of baoshizhai. born in nanchang, jiangxi, ancestral home xinyu jiangxi, modern painter. he studied in japan in his early years and taught at central university after returning to china. after 1949, he served as professor of nanjing normal university and president of jiangsu national painting academy. this collection is fu baoshi's late autumn picture of a tiger running away, which is 72cm long and 45cm wide. this painting moves the pen quickly, the color is gentle, matches the light crimson with the light ink, the natural charm is fluent, unclouded. the landscape in the painting is exquisitely depicted, extremely vivid, elegant realm, unique style, rich poetic flavor, profound painting, novel rules, good use of thick ink, rendering and other methods, to achieve weng yu dripping. the collection looks perfect, which is really a rare boutique. the collection has great value of collection and investment. fu baoshi chongqing period of figure painting in the form of god, deliberately show the inner temperament of the characters, although the rough head dress, and reserved quiet. it is the theme of fu baoshi's landscape painting creation in this period to show the beautiful scenery of mount kumgang slope and chengyu road, and to reflect the scene of night rain in bashan mountain. he inherited the song dynasty painting of the grand chapter, from the yuan people's ink and wash yiqu, chang book water expression. and his painting method is also a change from the traditional chapped method, using scattered front random pen to express the structure of the mountain stone, forming a unique "bouldering chapping". this kind of brush brush method takes the potential by the gas, the magnificent many appearance, the natural day becomes, also has broken the fu baoshi "the first method which the pen and ink constrains". the collection has great value of collection and investment.

