存在句之there be 句型用法完整总结,附习题及答案


存在句之there be 句型用法完整总结,附习题及答案

英语存在句的表现形式很多,但要数“there be...”句型最引人注目。


“there be...”句型是存在句的常用基本结构,there在句中处于主语位置,起形式主语的作用,真正的主语是随后的名词词组。其谓语动词通常是be的各种时、体等形式。如:

There is ice on the lake. 湖上有冰。

There were three students in the classroom then. 当时教室有三个学生。

There has never been anybody like you. 从来还没有像你这样的人。

There will be snow on high ground.在高地上将会有雪。

除此之外, there be句型还有一些特殊的结构:

1. there + 情态助动词 + be表示 “预见”、“可能”、“必然”或“过去习惯存在”等。如:

There might be some desserts if you wait a bit. 如果你等一会儿,可能会有甜点。

There ought to have been someone on duty all the time. 本来应该有人全天值班。

There shall be no more wars. 再也不会打仗了。

也可以用there + 某些半助动词 + be(很少使用完成体形式),如:be going to, be certain to, be sure to, be likely to, have to be等。

There is going to be a rain. 要下雨了。

There's likely to be an interview.可能会有一场面试。

There has to be a mistake. 必定有错。

2. 在正式文体中,某些表示存在、发生、出现、坐落等意义的不及物动词也可以与there连用,如:appear, seem, come, remain, exist, live, stand, lie, arise, enter, follow, occur, rise, grow, happen, belong, arrive, fly, flash, sail, pass, run, spring up, emerge等。如:

There exist many ancient temples in the country. 那个国家有很多古老的寺庙。

There lies a small village in the mountain.山里有个小村子。

Once upon a time, there lived an old queer man in the city. 从前,城里住着个怪老头。

There remains nothing more to be done. 没有什么别的事可做了。

There followed the first world war. 接着就是第一次世界大战。

There flashed through his mind the image of a heroic fighter.他的头脑中闪过英雄战士的形象。

There sprang up a wild gale.突然刮起一阵狂风。


There struck me a sudden idea. 突然我有了一个主意。

如果句中的地点状语前移就可以省略there。 如:

Behind the house (there) is a small river.

3. there + 不定式 to be 或there + being形式,称为非限定存在句,可以作主语、宾语、介词补足成分。

1) 作主语

There being a railway station in the town is a great advantage. 镇上有个火车站,真方便呀!

“there to be+NP”作主语时,通常用for作引导词:

For there to be a mistake in a computer's arithmetic is impossible. 计算机计算错误是不可能的。

It was seldom for there to be no late comers. 新来者很少没有迟到的。

2) 作宾语

The committee anticipated there being less debate in the second discussion. 委员会期望在第二次讨论中争议能少一些。

We expect there to be no objections. 我们希望不会有人反对。

I'd prefer there to be more cooperation. 我希望有更多的合作。

3) 作介词补足成分: 介词是for, 用there to be形式; 介词不是for,则用there being形式。

What's the chance of there being an election this year?今年进行选举的可能性有多大?

We have no objection to there being a meeting here. 在这儿举行会议,我们不反对。

Jill is waiting for there to be a big party.吉尔等着举行一次盛大的晚会。

此外,there + being形式还可以用作状语分句,形成独立主格结构:

There being no further discussion, the chairman stood up and left the meeting-room.没有可讨论的了,主席站了起来,离开了会议室。

There having been no rain,the stream was dry. 一直没有下雨,小溪都干涸了。

“there be...”句型的难点在于它的非限定形式, 怎样分辨使用there to be 和there being 呢? 两个要点是关键:它们在句子中的成分及与句子中其他成分的搭配关系。如非限定形式的第2小点中的例句:anticipate与there being搭配,而expect 和prefer与there to be配伍。

“there be...”句型是我们写作中常用的句型,多了解及掌握它的使

3.There be的非限定形式及用法

There be结构也可以以不定式(there to be)、动名词(there being)和现在分词(there being)的形式出现在句子中,作主语、宾语或状语。这种非限定形式中的there在形式上起着逻辑主语的作用,因此,不定式there to be前有时需加介词for,从形式上满足引出不定式逻辑主语的需要,而分词there being则具有独立主格结构的意味。例如:

I don’t want there to be any more trouble.我不希望再有麻烦了。(不定式作宾语)

I expect there to be no argument about this.我希望对此没有什么争论。(不定式作宾语)

It was unusual for there to be so few people in the street.大街上人这么少,这不大正常。(不定式作主语)

What’s the chance of there being an election this year?今年举行大选的可能性有多大?(动名词作介词宾语)

There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.离屋子这么近有一个汽车站,这太便利了。(动名词作主语)

There being nothing else to do,we went home.没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。(分词作状语)

4.由there be构成的固定句型

由there be构成的一些固定句型在英语中很活跃,需很好地掌握。常见的有:

There is no point in +v-ing:没道理,没用,没必要

There is no use(in)+v-ing:毫无用处

There is no sense in +v-ing:毫无道理

There is no need to +v:没有必要

There is no +v-ing:不可能,无法。


There is no use in hiding that fact from him .对他隐瞒那个事实没什么用。

There is no point in arguing further.再争下去也没用。

Is there any point in going on?有必要再继续下去吗?

There was no need for him to remain in Shanghai.他没有必要再留在上海。

There was no sense in making a child suffer like that.让一个孩子受那样的苦是毫无道理的。

There was no mistaking his intentions this time.这回不可能看错他的意图。

Once let this fellow start talking,there was no stopping him.一旦让这个家伙谈起来,就无法让他停下来了。



There lies a river behind the house.屋后有一条河。

Then there came a knock at the door.然后听到敲门声。

At a later stage there arose new problem swhich seemed insoluble.在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题


1 ______ a reading lamp on the table.

A There is B There has C It is D It has

2 What a rainy summer we’ve had!

Yes, there______ only 3 sunny weekends the whole summer.

A have been B are C had been D has been

3 I didn't want _____ to be a war between these two countries.

A it B them C there D their

4 There is reported ______a number of the wounded on both sides.

A to be B being C was D will be

5 ______ no coffee left, they had to make do with tea.

A It being B There being C It was D There was

6 There is a little hope of ______ a settlement of the argument.

A to be B there to be C there being D being

7 I don't expect there ______ any misunderstanding.

A is B to be C being D will be

8 There are five pairs______ , but I’m at a loss which to buy.

A to choose B to choose from C to be chosen D for my choosing

9 There is no use______ a lot without ______ anything.

A to talk, do B talked, doing C talking, being done D talking, doing

10 If the storm had happened in the day-time, there ______ many more deaths.

A were B would have been C had been D would be

11 Look! ______.

A There comes the bus B There the bus comes C The bus comes here D There does the bus come

12 ______ Mary with a baby in here arms just when I was about to leave.

A There enter B There entered C Entered there D There entered into

13 There are a lot of people ______ for the bus to come.

A waiting B to wait C waited D is waiting

14 The little girl is afraid to enter the house, because ______ a big dog at the gate.

A lies there B lays there C there lies D there lays

15 About twenty-three centuries ago, ______.

A there lived in Greece a great thinker who called Aristotle

B a great thinker lived in Greece calling Aristotle

C lived there in Greece a great thinker called Aristotle

D there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle

16 ______ plenty of water in this river.

A There used to being B There used to be C There is used to being D There was used to be

17 What a pity, my new computer doesn't work. ______ must be something wrong with it.

A It B There C This D That

18______ no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been settled.

A It has B There has C It is D There is

19 Let’s get through the work quickly. ______ seems to be little time left now.

A It B That C There D we

20 ______appeared to be a war between his heart and his mind.

A There B It C Where D What


1A 2A 3C 4A 5B 6C 7B 8B 9D 10B 11A 12B 13A 14C 15D 16B 17B 18D 19C 20A

