英語每日十句:The door to knowledge is study

英語每日十句:The door to knowledge is study

1、 what's the matter with you today?(你今天怎麼回事?)

2、If they disagree, what shall we do?(他們不同意怎麼辦?)

3、Let's get down to business.(我們談點正事。)

4、Strike while the iron is hot.(事不宜遲,趁熱打鐵。)

5、Thanks, lads. I appreciate it.(謝了,哥們,感激之情銘記於心。)

6、I'm so tired and I want is an early night.(我很累了,想早點睡。)

7、I don't know how to say it.(這事我都不知道怎麼開口。)

8、There is something fishy behind this. (這事兒準有貓膩兒。)

9、This sounds like a terrible idea.(這事聽上去不靠譜。)

10、The door to knowledge is study.(通向知識的門徑是學習。)

