
作 者|BingChan

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本期嘉宾:Dean McClelland,资深金融行业投资人,深耕投资领域二十余年,曾在PayCorp,Oppenberg Capital等多家金融机构工作,现任Tontine Trust唐提信托创始人。





聊了聊投资 创业和人生






Bing chan


区块链投资 哪里最有潜力?

Bingchan: Dean,我知道您最近在亚洲和世界其他很多地方奔波;那么,走过了这么多地方,那么对于区块链项目投资来讲,您觉得最有潜力的地方是哪里?

Bingchan: Hi, Dean, I know you have traveled around many places in Asia and other places worldwide recently, and as far as you are concerned, what is the most potential place for blockchain investment?


Dean: The reason I am spending so much of my time in Asia these days is that I see amazing potential to adopt new technologies to solve problems. In Europe & the US you have all these massive established industries that have spent hundreds of years building up their businesses and in many ways they have crowded every corner of their markets.


In Asia though we have enormous, fast growing populations that are becoming more and more wealthy and that are now seeking to solve the same problems that developed economies solved 30 years ago.


The big difference though is that Asia is not trying to replicate the 30 year old solutions, they are looking at how to make better, more modern solutions that “leapfrog” the old technologies.


A simple example of leapfrogging is that in US/Europe, most homes have a copper cable running to their homes for phone / internet connection but in many parts of Asia everyone just uses their mobile.


Another good example is WeChatPay and Alipay. Who needs a bank account anymore if you have these?



I think we will see something similar with blockchain where blockchain based payments solutions and remittance solutions will take over whole areas of economies.


Next after that will be insurance. When people start gaining more wealth, they also start thinking about how to protect themselves from financial problems and there is no reason why people will look to old inefficient solutions that do not meet their needs. They will want the simplest most trustworthy solutions that offer the best value for money.




Bingchan: Could you tell us some details about TontineTrust project (the advantages and risks for example) and what is the driving force for you to lead this programme? For example, we know your goal is “live longer, obtain more”, and readers want to know a brief introduction and how they can benefit.

Dean: 找个你认识的已退休人士,问问他们每个月花多少钱才不会入不敷出。事实是他们并不清楚这些,所以他们在退休之后会担忧他们花费几何,这实际上非常糟糕。

Dean: Talk to anyone you know that has retired and ask them how they know how much money they can spend every month without running out of money. The fact is that they cannot know and therefore they spend their retirements worrying whether they are spending too much or too little. That is an awful way to live in retirement.


For the last 10 years at least, academics around the world have suggested bringing back the most popular financial product in history to solve this problem and to create a whole new alternative type of pension system that automatically provides longevity insurance. This is called a Tontine and we have designed and filed a patent for a blockchain based Tontine that is mathematically guaranteed against ever running out of money.


So basically now people can save and invest for retirement knowing for certain that they will receive an income for life that will never run out of money. Even better is that the monthly payments more or less increase slightly on a monthly basis such that if the member lives a very long time then monthly payments should just keep increasing and the elderly member will probably feel a little bit like a lottery winner.


This is also a great solutions for taking pressure off of families. If you are a married couple with responsibility for taking care of 4 retired parents then you now have the added stress that the longer your parents live, the more likely that their savings will run out.


But if your 4 parents invest into a Tontine then you have no need to worry, you just need to take care of your parents as best you can knowing that the total family income is likely to keep increasing for as long as you are blessed to have your parents around.


In many ways this is how everything used to work all over the world before financial institutions stepped in and pushed community based tontines out of the market.





Bingchan:您的顾问团队阵容强大,包括Jon Matonis(比特币基金会的创始董事),Michael Edelson(曼联董事会成员),数字货币经济学家Jorg Platzer及前高盛亚太区资深咨询师Norbert Gehrke。他们是否是项目的投资者?还有一个小问题就是您是否是曼联的粉丝?

Bingchan: You have a very powerful consulting team, including Jon Matonis, Michael (Mike) Edelson, Jorg Platzer and Norbert Gehrke. Are they investors for your project?And one quick question is that are you a fans of Manchester United?

Dean: Jon在2011年成立比特币基金会;在那之前我们就已经是彼此的挚友;我跟Mike在合作了一些IPO项目后,就成了好友,现在已经20多年了。

Dean: I have known & trusted Jon since before he set up the Bitcoin Foundation in 2011 and have known Mike for around 20 years as we collaborated on some amazing tech IPOs.


I was excited to meet Joerg last year at his world famous Room77 Bitcoin Bar in Berlin as he had been talking to Jon for years about building Tontines on a Blockchain. We were also lucky enough to meet Norbert while in Berlin and he is already being incredibly helpful introducing us to major players in the Fintech industry last year while visiting Joerg.



All of the advisors have either bought TON$ personally or introduced buyers or both.

I have supported Manchester United since 1994 which makes it even more enjoyable to work with Mike whom has been a director of Manchester United for the last 30 years.



I was having lunch with Mike last year explaining what I was working on when he told me that his father had been a member of a Tontine about 60 years ago and that the Tontine had on many occasions helped Mike’s family survive during the financial depression after World War 2. For this reason, Mike is very excited to help us grow Tontine into a global platform that can help hundreds of millions of families worldwide. I can also imagine that once we are ready, Mike will be able to help us get some retired footballers investing into our Tontines to ensure they never run out of money in their old age.






Bingchan: Why do you call Tontine Trust “The Hunger Games” of Pensions?

Dean:去年我和Jon Forman教授通了一次电话,他是一位著名的美国学者,曾经写过几篇关于唐提的重要文章并且阐释过为什么我们把能够一次性持有Tontine的人数限制在10, 000人以内。

Dean: I was on a call last year with Professor Jon Forman, a famous US academic that has written some important papers about Tontines and was trying to explain why we limit our Tontines to 10,000 members at a time.


The idea is to provide a motivation for the members to try to take better care of their health and to try to be the last surviving member which means that they will have benefited the most financially during their lifetime.


The best way we could describe it at the time was “The Hunger Games” of Pensions although in recent months I am hearing more and more people compare us to the Battle Royale or even the Fortnite of pensions. I think this is a fair comparison of the life-affirming “game mechanics” motivation which being in a tontine creates although in our system winning comes not from killing off the other members but rather from outliving the other members by taking better care of your health.




Bingchan: As an investor with profound experiences, do you have some suggestions for rookie investors like me?



Dean: This is an important question. I have been investing in technology start-ups for 20 years so you learn a lot of lessons along the way, especially starting from such a young age.

The important thing to know is that the biggest reason that technology start-ups fail is that there is no genuine need for the product in the first place.



So the questions you always have to ask yourself is;


1、Is there a real and large scale problem for which there is no popular solution already in existence? For example, do you personally or anyone in your family have the problem? Have you read in many places about people discussing the problem and the need for a solution?


2、Do you believe in your own heart that the proposed solution will reduce the pain of this problem by a large amount or perhaps even solve it completely?


3、Does the management team have relevant experience?


4、Are the incentives aligned between token buyers and the management teams?


I think if you start by filtering out projects that do not fill the above criteria then you have already given yourself a far better chance of backing a great project.







To speak to the TontineTrust team, please contact:

Email: [email protected]

Telegram: https://t.me/TontineTrustSupergroup

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TontineTrust

