
藝界網訊:2018年2月21日至25日,著名書畫家、敦煌美術館館長李雲川先生“一帶一路”上的明珠——李雲川敦煌藝術展在具有600年曆史的劍橋出版社會展中心隆重舉行,這也是劍橋大學出版社這一全球最大、影響力最強的出版社之一首次為中國書畫家舉辦畫展,開幕式的盛況,請點擊新浪報道鏈接瞭解。為期5天的畫展於25日落下帷幕,期間共有數千名劍橋大學師生和當地居民參觀交流,在劍橋當地吹起了一股強勁的“中國風”。為了表彰李雲川先生傑出的藝術成就以及對於中英文化交流的貢獻,3月1日,劍橋市市長喬治·皮珀斯(George Pippas)邀請李雲川先生做客劍橋市政廳,並授予劍橋市“藝術形象大使”榮譽稱號並頒發聘任證書。出席活動的還有劍橋市政府工作人員以及在英的李雲川先生姐姐李玲女士和姐夫田源喜先生等。

Famous artist, Curator of Dunhuang Gallery, Mr. Yunchuan Li’s art exhibition ‘Pearl on the Belt and Road – Yunchuan Li Dunhuang Art Exhibition’was hold at the 600-year-old Cambridge University Press Pitt Building from 21st – 25th of February 2018. Thousands of students from University of Cambridge and local residents viewed the exhibition. To appreciate the great efforts Mr Yunchuan Li made to strengthen the culture communication between China and UK, the Mayor of Cambridge Mr George Pippas invited Mr Li to visit the city council of Cambridge and rewarded Mr Li as the Art Ambassador of Cambridge. Mr Yunchuan Li’s families also participated the event, including his sister Ms Lin Li and her husband Mr. Yuanxi Tian.


劍橋市長George Pippas授予李雲川劍橋市“藝術形象大使”證書

Mayor of Cambridge Mr George Pippas rewarded Mr Li as the Art Ambassador of Cambridge.

隨後李雲川先生還與George Pippas市長互贈了禮品。李雲川將自己的作品之一、被定為“國禮”贈送給十餘個國家領導人的《道德經及其釋義》贈送給劍橋市政廳永久收藏。George Pippas市長向李雲川先生贈送了代表劍橋市的國王徽章(King’s Arm).此禮物曾作為外交禮物贈送給包括中國領導人在內的多個國家領導人。

Then Mr. Li Yunchuan also exchanged gifts with the mayor George Pippas. Li Yunchuan donated one of his works, handwritten versions of Dao De Jing and Interpretations’to Cambridge city council. Mr George Pippas presented to Mr. Li Yunchun a King's Arm representing Cambridge, which was presented as a diplomatic gift to many national leaders, including Chinese leaders.



Mr Yunchuan Li gave his manu ‘Dao De Jing andInterpretations’to Cambridge city council


劍橋市長George Pippas贈與李雲川代表劍橋市的國王徽章(King’s Arm)

Mayor of Cambridge Mr George Pippas gave Mr Yunchuan Li King’s Arm as gift


This is the first time that Cambridge, the world famous city, has awarded the title of "Ambassador of the Arts" to Chinese artists. Mr. Li Yunchuan told reporters that he cherishes this honor tremendously and will introduce more of the culture and art of Cambridge to more Chinese in future artistic career so that more Chinese will know about Cambridge and learn about Cambridge and do a good job of this Ambassador's job.

李雲川先生簡介(Introduction of Mr Yunchuan Li):



Mr Li Yunchuan is curator of the Dunhuang Gallery and director of the Dunhuang Art Research Institute. Hehas long been engaged in research on the theory of calligraphy and painting, publishing more than 500 pieces of calligraphy and artwork, and more than 40 research papers. His works have been exhibited many times in China, Japan, Thailand, Singapore and Europe. More than 300 of his works have been acquired by domestic and foreign museums, art galleries and private collectors. His art biography has also been included in a number of artists’ dictionaries. For more information。

