



《馬克思為什麼是對的》(第二版)序 言













張兵一 譯




Since this book was first published in 2011, at least one aspect of Marx’s thought has been dramatically confirmed.

Marx argues that there is a gap in liberal capitalist society between the political sphere and what he calls “civil society,” meaning social and economic existence. In the former—at the ballot box, for example—men and women appear equal and autonomous, each of them counting as one; but this simply serves to mask the actual divisions, inequalities and dependencies of everyday life. It is as though the political dimension abstracts from these conditions, so that citizens become pale simulacra of themselves. Only if democratic self-government were extended to civil society itself—in, for example, workers’ self-management—would this gap be closed.

For Marx, then, the liberal-democratic political sphere is less than fully real; and what we have witnessed in the West in the years since this book first appeared is a full-blooded reaction to this fact—not just a theoretical rejection of orthodox politics, but one that has taken to the streets in overwhelming numbers. It is not just this or that aspect of political life that has been discredited, but the political as such, so that the most powerful nation in the world is prepared to elect as its leader a sinister buffoon drafted in from reality TV—in fact, the very incarnation of unreality—rather than lend credence to the conventional political process. Not since the 1930s have we seen such a mass loss of faith in the liberal middle-class political consensus. There have been outbreaks of class warfare and talk of violent revolution, all of it fired by a fury, hatred and despair very far from the sedate, civilized climate of Westminster or Capitol Hill. The ruling class has been publicly trashed, mocked, hooted and howled down, which was not generally the case in the days of Winston Churchill or John F. Kennedy. Politics has become a roughhouse, in which you are likely to have your skull smashed in if you find yourself in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

None of this, to be sure, can be greeted by the left with anything but ambivalence. On the one hand, astonishingly, the United Kingdom in 2017 failed by a whisker to elect as its leader a left-wing socialist whose thought is much influenced by Karl Marx. On the other hand, what has taken to the streets is not simply a left-wing populism but a nastily right-wing one as well: racist, chauvinist, violent and authoritarian.

Populism has always been double-edged in this way, unleashing some of the most generous egalitarian instincts as well as some of the ugliest ones. It is important to see that such right-wing populism represents one pole of a contradiction built into capitalism itself. As the neo-liberal market system becomes more globalised and intensive, generating a world of ceaseless flux and agitation in which all secure identity and familiar coordinates are thrown into the melting pot, it creates as a backlash to this turmoil a profound sense of anxiety among those who feel themselves uprooted and destabilised by this brave new world; and that anxiety can easily be cashed in terms of rancour and racism. As is often the case, hatred has its roots in fear, not simple antagonism. The Little Englander who wants to hang paedophiles and deport ethnic minorities is the other face of the affable chief executive, open-neck-shirted and on cheery first-name terms with his subordinates, who circles the globe making lucrative deals for his company and who is thoroughly liberal and cosmopolitan in outlook.

It is this connection which political orthodoxy refuses to acknowledge, and which only the political left has insisted upon. The point is not to take sides in this sterile conflict, but to understand how it is rooted in the very nature of advanced capitalism—how that system in its globalised form cannot function without running constantly into this inbuilt contradiction, one that it cannot abolish without abolishing itself, but which threatens at every moment to undermine it. In pursuit of such understanding, the thought of Marx remains as relevant as ever.


October 2017




特里·伊格爾頓 著

李楊 任文科 鄭義 譯 張兵一 校譯



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