


:The com bination of raltitrexed (tomudex)and mitomycin-C in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer-A phaseⅡ study. Michels等(2006)在聯合用藥治療結腸直腸癌的研究時,在引言中首先簡述了結腸直腸癌的研究背景。他們是這樣開始的:

The part of introduction :Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide, according for 500 000 deaths annually. The annual incidence in the UK is 35 000 patients, and it is the second most common cause death in the UK. Chemotherapy has been shown to improve overall survival and quality of life in patients with advanced colorectal cancer[. For the past 40 years, the main treatment has been 5-fluorouracil(5-FU), which acts by inhibiting thymidylate synthase. The 5-FU schedule for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer has been debated, and, until recently, has been the only thymidylate synthase inhibitor available . It is usually given by bolus intravenous Injection, often in combination with leucovorin or as an infusional regimen.

J Michels等的這段描述背景的引言中可以看出,作者只用了6句話,106個字就概述了結腸癌、直腸癌的流行病學及其治療的現況。這是十分簡要和十分精煉的概括性描述。需要注意的是作者在此引用了5篇參考文獻,這些資料為簡化“引言”中的文字起了十分重要的作用。因此,引證是撰寫“引言”的基本條件,沒有引證,“引言”就不復存在另外,引用這些文獻也明確地告訴讀者,這些背景材料絕非虛構,而是有根有據的。

其次是進展和問題。在你研究的領域裡,當前的進展狀況如何?存在的缺欠和不足( deficient)是什麼?存在的問題及問題的重要性在哪裡?在簡述當前有關研究的來龍去脈、關鍵性的術語及概念之後,應明確地把問題提到讀者的面前,並且說明問題的重要性,綜述有關研究,提出爭論或未解決的問題,未測試的群體和未經實驗的方法等。同時說明它的重要性,使編者和讀者都深切地感到此問題亟待解決。毫無疑義,在這裡需要引用相關領域的權威文獻以便讓讀者確信你所提出的問題的重要性和可靠性。


Title : Antioxidant property of ginsenoside Re in cardiomyocytes.

The part of introduction :As alluded to above, the pharmacological properties of ginseng are mainly attributed to ginsenosides, the bioactive constituents that are found in the extracts of different parts of ginseng. We analyzed six major ginsen asides(Rb, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, and RgI )in American ginseng berry extract by using high performance liquid chromatography( HPLC)and found that the rank order of the total ginsenosides concentration is leaf> berry >root. Our results also indicated that the le specific ginsenoside re is more abundant in the leaf and berry than in he root. So far, there are no data available in the literature with regard to the antioxidant property of Re. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to further explore the antioxidant activity of ginsenoside re in cultured chick cardiomyocytes and cell-free chemical systems in vitrro.


再次,如何解決這些問題? 在提供當前研究所存在的問題和不足的基礎上,明確提出你研究解決這些問題的思路、設想和辦法,簡述你的實驗設計、方法、路線及研究的理論基礎等。簡言之,就是如何通過你的實驗研究,回答前面所提出的問題。通過這段敘述,讓讀者確信:①問題的提出是有根據的;②解決問題的設想和方案是有道理的(特別強調其獨特性和優越性);③整個“引言”的思路是順理成章的。具有這3條評價,應該說這篇“引言”是成功之作。例如,Shao等在《美國人參果提取物對心肌細胞的抗氧化作用》一文的“引言”中,較為詳細地介紹瞭解決所提出問題的具體方案和方法,並說明了為什麼採用這種方案和方法,以及這一方法的可靠性。這種寫法可以讓讀者明顯地感覺到這一研究方法和實施的方案是有根據的、切實可行的。


Title: Antioxidant effects of American ginseng berry extract in cardiomyocytes exposed to acute oxidant stress.

The part of introduction: Since the ginsenoside profile for the berry is different compared to the root, we proposed to evaluate if AGBE has antioxidant properties similar to those observed in the commonly consumed American ginseng root. In this study, we used cultured chick cardiomyocytes exposed to exogenous H₂O₂ or antimycin A, a mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC)site Ⅲ inhibitor. This cardiomyocyte model of acute oxidant stress has been successfully used in this our previous studies. Acute oxidant injury can be generated consistently in this model measured as signiticantly increased oxidant-dependent fluorescence and decreased cardiomyocyte viability. Effective protection by administration of antioxidant compounds to the cardiomyocyte culture prevented the pathological consequences of acute oxidant injury. We, therefore, used this model in the present study to investigate acute antioxidant effects of AGBE.








最後,什麼時候寫“引言”最合適,一般作者大都是先撰寫“引言”,筆者也不例外。好像總感覺不寫完“引言”,往後寫不下去似的,這也許是一種寫作的習慣,很難改變。有些人甚至不把標題想好就下不了筆,連一個字也寫不下去。但是,從習慣或道理上講,先寫引言未必對每個作者都是正確的或最好的方法,也不一定總是寫好“引言”的最有效的途徑( You may think that you have to write your introduction first, but that isn't necessarily true, and it isn't always the most effective way to craft a good introduction From University of North Caroline)。其原因可能有以下3個方面。



(3)最後再寫引言很容易與整體論文相配合,相呼應( The introduction matches the body of the paper),而不致使“引言”與後繼部分脫節。習慣於先寫“引言”的作者,在完成論文之後,回過頭來再依照這三方面修改“引言”,未必不是明智之舉。



