







如:A famous astronaut will give us a talk the week after next.a用在以輔音音素(不是輔音字母)開頭的單詞前,如:a university student,a European country;an用在以元音音素(不是元音字母)開頭的單詞前,如:an honest girl,an underground train.現將不定冠詞的基本用法歸納如下:

1)首次提到某人某物,不定冠詞起介紹作用。如:Long long ago an old man lived in a small village.

2)表示每一的意思,常用於表示時間、速度的名詞之前,相當於every。如:ten metres a second,twice a week

3)也可用於不可數的物質名詞和抽象名詞之前,使其具體化。如:1 would like a drink.Its a great joy to live in Shanghai.

4)某些固定短語中,要用不定冠詞。如:have a good time,in a hurry,have a break,for a while,a pair of,have a look,with a smile,take an active part in.


1)指第二次提到的人或物。如:I have a dog and a cat.The dog is brown and the cat is yellow.

2)特指某人或某物。如:The old man with thick glasses is their history teacher.

3)指談話雙方都知道的人或物。如:Would you mind turning down the radio,Jim? Your father is sleeping.

4)用於序數詞或形容詞的最高級之前。如:The third truck is carrying the fewest apples of all.

5)用於指世界上獨一無二的事物。如:The moon is far smaller than the earth.

6)在江河、海洋、山脈等地理名詞前及由普通名詞構成的專有名詞前。如:the Nile,the Pacific Ocean,the Alps,the Oriental Pearl

7)用於表示方位的名詞前。如:Shanghai is in the east of China.8)用在樂器名稱的前面。如:I practise the piano every day after school.

9)在某些形容詞前加定冠詞,表示一類人。如:The sick and the old should be taken good care of.

10)用於姓氏複數形式之前,表示一家人或夫婦兩人。如:The Wangs have worked in Pudong for almost ten years.

11)在某些固定短語中,需用定冠詞。如:In the morning,the day after tomorrow,listen to the radio,at the moment,go to the beach,by the way.


1)在球類活動、學科名稱前。如:We have Chinese,maths,and English every day.

2)在節日、月份、四季、星期前。如:June l is Childrens Day.Its Saturday today.Its late spring now.

3)名詞前已有作定語的指示代詞、物主代詞、不定代詞或數詞等。如:That handbag is in her car.I have several questions to ask.

4)在物質名詞和抽象名詞前一般不加冠詞。如:Milk is white.(比較:The milk in the cup has gone bad.這裡the表示特指。)

5)三餐名詞前通常不用冠詞,如:have supper,after breakfast,但三餐名詞前如果有形容詞修飾時,要用不定冠詞,如:a big supper,a quick breakfast等。6)在稱呼、頭銜、職位前。。如What can I do for you,sir.

7)在某些固定詞組和習慣用語中。如:by motorcycle/air/train,at night,in trouble, go to church,put into jail等。


如:go to church(去做禮拜) go to the church(到那座教堂去)in class(在上課時) in the class(在班級中)in charge of(負責) in the charge of(由負責)in hospital(生病住院) in the hospital(在醫院裡工作或參觀)at table(在吃飯) at the table(在桌子旁)take place(發生) take the place(代替)in front of(在的前面) in the front of(在前部)keep house(管理家務) keep the house(呆在家裡)。


