

1.Which do you enjoy _______ your spare time,playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?

A. spending

B. to spend C. having spent D.
to have spent


另外,通過這道題我們還可以學到一個短語,spare time——空閒時間、閒暇時間,這裡spare作形容詞,表示“空閒的,多餘的”。free time也可以表示“空閒時間”


I’m sorry I cannot help _____ the work.

A. to finish B. finishing C.

finished D. to finishing

解析:一些學生由於受cannot help doing sth.(禁不住做某事)這一習慣用法的影響,毫不猶豫地選擇了B。然而,只要仔細分析一下句子,根據句意,“對不起,我不能幫忙完成這項工作。”就可知道正確答案為A。

cannot help to do sth.表示“不能幫助做某事”,這時,help後的不定式可帶to也可不帶to。

所以,同學們,當題中見到can't help的時候不要想當然的選doing形式哦一定要根據句意來分析一下

3—Would you like some tea,please?

—Yes. I prefer tea _____ sugar.

A. to

B. for C. with D. of

解析:大家易受固定搭配prefer...to...(喜歡......而不喜歡......)的影響而錯選A。本題題幹意思為:“你想喝些茶嗎?”“是的,我喜歡加糖的。因此,名詞tea後的詞語作定語修飾它,tea with sugar表示加糖的茶,所以正確答案為C。




——Would you like meat or fish?

—I'd prefer meat, please.


——Do you like swimming? 你喜歡游泳嗎?

——Yes, but I prefer saling. 喜歡,但我更喜歡駕駛帆船。


I prefer to spend the weekend at home. 我喜歡在家裡度週末。

prefer A to B


Most people prefer trains to buses.


I prefer staying at home to going out. 我覺得在家裡比出去好。

prefer to do A rather than do B 表示“寧願做A而不願做B”

He prefers to rent a car rather than to have one of his own. 他寧願租車也不願買車。

4There’ re little oranges in the box,


A. are there B. aren’t there C. are they

D. aren’t they

解析:此題考查there be的反意疑問句,由於little出現在句中,所以大家總是認為這是考查little表示否定意義的用法,很容易誤選A我們知道,little表示否定意義時,修飾不可數名詞,而本句中little後為複數名詞oranges,little在句中意為“形體小的”,表示肯定意義,句意為:“盒子裡有小桔子。”根據“前肯後否,前否後肯”的原則,本題應選B。

5Peter makes a bike _____ on the road.

A. ride B. to ride C. riding

D. rides


6—How far is the factory from here?

—It’s about 4 kilometres _______.

A. far B. long C. away

D. near

解析:此題容易誤選A。這是由於受到漢語思維的影響,因為譯成漢語正好是“大約4公里遠”。其實,問距離時可以用How far is…. ?,但是far不能與表示具體的距離連用,此時應該用away。因此,正確答案為C。

通過這道題我們可以知道對距離遠近進行提問用How far...?回答表示多遠用"具體距離+away"

對時間長短進行提問用How long...? 回答時直接回答具體時間

對物體長度進行提問也可以用How long...? 回答物體多長時用"具體長度+long"


g.------How long is the desk ?

------The desk is two metres long .

7He is waiting _____ the bus stop.


at B. for C. in D. to

解析:有些同學可能會受詞組wait for的影響,一看到wait,就會不假思索地想到wait for,導致誤選B。實際上,wait for後跟賓語“人”或“交通工具”,wait for不跟地點作賓語,這道題裡the bus stop是個地點,而且是個小地點。故正確答案為A。

8I hear someone _______at the door. Please go and see who _______ is.

A. knock, he B. knocking, he

C. knock, it D. knocking, it

解析:此題容易誤選B這是由於漢語思維的影響引起的。大家都知道hear sb. do sth.意為“聽見某人做某事”,hear sb. doing sth.意為“聽見某人正在做某事”,根據題意“我聽見有人正在敲門”,第一空選擇knocking是沒問題的。而後面“去看看他是誰”從漢語的角度來看是沒有錯的,這就導致了大家可能會誤選B。其實,在英語中常常用it來指代身份(姓名、職業等)不詳的人。有人敲門時我們常常用英語問“Who is it?”正確答案為D。



E.g.—Who was it?


—Was it Susan? (打電話的)是蘇珊嗎?

—Yes,it was. 是的,我是。

E.g.—Who is knocking at the door? 誰在敲門?

—It's me. 是我。


E.g. —Is it your sister,Kate? (那舊照片上的baby)是你姐姐凱特吧? —No!不是。

—Is it your brother? 是你哥哥吧? —No!不是。

—I know—it's you! 我知道了,(那)是你。


E.g.It's a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl? 這是個可愛的寶寶,是男孩還是女孩?


I don't know who it is. 我不知道他是誰。注意:看到這樣的句子(或聽到這樣的話)時,要想一想,不要一看到it就把它譯成“它”。


E.g. —Who's that?


—Is it Kate? 是凱特嗎?

—Yes,I think you're right.It's Kate. 是的,我想你說對了,是凱特。

9There is _______ egg at home. Will you please get _______ for me, please?

A. no, some B. not, some C. not any, any

D. not an, any

解析:此題容易誤選C或D。這是由於死記語法引起的。因為大家都知道some一般用於肯定句中,而any一般用於疑問句或否定句中,這樣一來A和B首先就給排除了。其實,在表示請求或建議的疑問句,如Would you like…? / What would you like…? / Could you/ I…? / What about…? / How about…? / Would/ will you please…? 等等疑問句中習慣上要用some而不用any。又因為no可以直接修飾名詞,而not必須加上a/an或any之後才可以接名詞。該題中第一句There is no egg at home.=There is not any egg at home.因此正確答案為A。

10. Is this your shoe?

— Yes, but where is _______?

A. the other one B. other one C. another one D. the others

解析:本題容易誤選C,選擇C的同學要注意鞋是兩隻,第一個人問“這是你的鞋(一隻)嗎?”,第二個人回答“是的,但是另一隻在哪兒?”,而another指的是三者或三者以上的另一個,the other指的是兩者之中的另一個,所以正確答案為A。

我們來擴展一下another,other,the other,others的區別~


E.g. I don't like this coat.Please give me another(one).我不喜歡這件外套,請再給我拿一件。

I have another three days' holiday.我又有三天假。


E.g.We study Chinesemaths,English and other lessons.


I have no other place to go.我別無去處。

the other用於特指兩者中的“另一個”或“另一部分”。

E.g.Where is the other sock?另一隻襪子在哪裡?

John is here, but the other children are at school.約翰在這裡,其他的孩子都在學校。


E.g.There are a lot of people in the park.Some are walking,some are looking at the flowers,others are boating.


11.—When shall we meet again next week?

—_______ day is possible. It’s no problem with me.

A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any

解析:該題會有很多同學誤選A,第一個人問“我們下週什麼時候再見面?”第二個人答“下週任何一天都可以再見面,我沒有問題。”any在肯定句中意思是“任何的”,是泛指的“任何的”,範圍為兩者或兩者以上,所以答案為D。下週一共有七天,容易排除either, neither因為either是指兩者中的任意一個,而neither是對兩者都進行否定,意思是“兩者都不”。如果把

next week改為next Monday or Tuesday,則必須選擇A。

12.You like playing basketball, and

he likes running, _______?

A. don’t you B. doesn’t he C. do you D. does he

解析:這道題好多同學都容易誤選A,該題考察反意疑問句。我們知道反意疑問句的原則是“前肯後否,前否後肯”,這道題的反意疑問句運用在了並列分句結構中,當陳述句是由並列連接詞and, but, or, so等連接的兩個並列分句組成時,反意疑問句部分一般與最接近的分句保持一致,也就是說,採用就近原則,對後一分句進行反問。所以這道題其實不是對前面的句中進行反問,而是對he likes running進行反問,因此答案為B. doesn't he?

生題:He was a lazy child, and he didn't pass the exam, _________?

答案是did he?

13.The teacher and writer ______ coming to our school this afternoon。

A. is B. are C. be D. was

解析:此題考查主謂一致,容易誤選B, the teacher and the writer指同一個人。本題意為:那位老師兼作家今天下午要來我們學校。這道題的主謂一致需要遵循概念一致的原則,即謂語動詞用單數還是複數要看主語所表達的概念。由and連接的兩個名詞作主語,如果是指同一概念(即and後面沒有冠詞),則謂語動詞用單數形式,指的是同一個人。如果是指不同概念(即and後面有冠詞),則謂語動詞用複數形式,指的是兩個不同的人。


E.g. The singer and dancer has been invited to the party.

The teacher and the writer ______ coming to our school this afternoon。

A. is B. are C. be D. was


14.His work is better than __________.

A. anyone B. anyone else

C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else

解析:此題容易誤選B或D。比較級中,比較的對象應該前後一致。His work 應該與anyone else’s work相比較,題中選項省略了work,完整的應該是His work is better than anyone else's work。anyone else任何其他人anyone else’s 任何其他人的。這裡考察的是名詞所有格,當一些具有名詞性質的複合不定代詞,如someone, anyone, everybody等和else連用時,'s應加在else後。正確答案:C

E.g. somebody else's pencil 別人的鉛筆

15.He’ll use what he has _____ her a new dress.

A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. been bought

解析:同學們一看到題中he has,很有可能想到現在完成時,容易誤選A。其實本題是考查動詞不定式表目的。題裡的what he has是作use的賓語,句意為“他將用他所有給她買一條新的連衣裙”。


16.—Jolin,how long have you been a teacher as a pop star?

—______the end of last month, after Jolin’s English Diary Book came out。

A. Since B. In C. By D.At

解析:這道題的陷阱是B、C、D三個選項,根據句意第一個人問"Jolin, 作為一個明星,你成為一名教師多久了?”,第二個人答“自從上個月月底《Jolin的24堂英文日記課》這本書出版以後。”問句運用了現在完成時,回答應當用since+時間點,題目中的答句完整的應該是I have been a teacher as a pop star since the end of last month, after Jolin's English Diary Book came out.


另外,我們再來一起回顧一下不同介詞與the end 連用的辨析:

in the end表示”在最後”,在句中單獨使用,後面不接of短語

at the end of表示“在...的最後”,後接名詞

by the end of表示“截止到...的最後”,後接名詞,常用於完成時。

17.The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1980.

A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed

解析:同學們可能會誤選A或Cbe used to do “被用來做.. ”, be used to doing “習慣於做..”從習慣搭配角度來講沒錯, 但邏輯不對。這道題的考點並不是考查be used to do 或be used to doing 的用法, 根據句意:我習慣了的生活自從1980年以來發生了巨大變化。we were used to作the life的後置定語。這道題的考點是讓你正確分析句子成分, 判斷此句子缺謂語動詞,並根據時間狀語“since 1992”確定該用現在完成時態,而且根據主語the life,謂語用第三人稱單數。


18.—Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?

—You are_____. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris.


funny B. right C. cool D.close



19.I could not get through the door because there was a big stone___________。

A. by the way B. on the way C. out of the way D. in the way

解析:這道題考察的是不同介詞與the way連用的辨析,根據句意:因為有塊石頭擋道,所以我不能通過門。D選項in the way表示的是“擋路”,因此選D。

給大家總結一下不同介詞與the way連用的詞組辨析:

by the way 順便說

on the way 在路上 (在去...的路上,後面要加介詞to,例如“去學校的路上”,on the/one's way

to school)

in the way 擋道,妨礙

out of the way 不擋道

in this way


in a way 在某種程度上

20.Jim’s father got very angry _________ 。

A. with that he had done B. with what he had done

C. at what he had done D. at what had he done

解析:這道題容易誤選B。be/get/become angry with sb. 對某人生氣,be/get/become angry at sth. 對某事生氣所做的事發生在生氣之前,賓語從句用陳述句語序,題意為“吉姆的父親對吉姆之前做過的事非常生氣”,故選擇C。

21.The shop ________ at 8:00 a.m. and it ________ for ten hours everyday。

A. opens; is open B. is opened; opens

C. is open; has opened D. opened; opens


首先,open作動詞時是瞬間性動詞,不能與表示一段時間的狀語連用,意為“開始營業、開門”,是不及物動詞。因此第一個空選opens。其次,後半句根據句意:每天開門10小時,表示狀態,不表示動作,因此選is open,這裡open是形容詞,表示“開著的、營業的”。 正確答案:A另外,我們需要注意open的反義詞close作為動詞表示“關門、不開放、不營業”時,句中多用被動語態(也就相當於形容詞)


The museum is closed on Mondays. 博物館每逢星期一閉館。


E.g. The new store will be open in the spring. 這家新商店將在春天開業。


Remember to spend some time____ your loved ones, because they are not going to be aroundforever.

A. from B. with C. in D. on

解析:這道題95%的學生容易選錯。主要是受spend…on思維定勢的影響。其實句意是:“記住與你喜歡的人或物度過一段時間,因為他們不會永遠與你在一起。”,with表示“和、與”。 正確答案:B



主語一般是物,用於花費金錢。 物+cost+人+錢

E.g. My father bought a new car. It cost him ¥60,000.


take 主語只能是it,用於花費時間。 It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.

E.g. It takes me an hour to go to school by bus every day.


spend 主語是人,用於花費時間或金錢。 sb.+spends+錢/時間+on sth./(in) doing sth.

E.g. I spent 80 yuan on the dictionary.


比較:I spent 2 hours on my homework yesterday.

I spent 2 hours (in) doing my homework yesterday.


pay 主語是人,用於花費金錢。 人+pay+錢+for 物

E.g. He paid 30 yuan for that jacket.


23.—A latest magazine, please.

—Only one left. Would you like to have ________?

A. it B. one C. this D. that

解析:這道題容易誤選B. 根據句意:“買一份最新報紙。”“只剩下一份了,你要買這份嗎?”根據句意我們知道指的就是手裡的那份報紙,並不是同一類事物。正確答案:



it 特指上下文提到的同一對象,是同一事物。

E.g. The book is mine. It's very interesting.



E.g. ---Who has a pen? 誰有鋼筆?

---I have one. 我有一支。

24.________ is the population of the city?

A. How many B. What C. How many people D. How much

解析:這道題容易誤選A、C。人口多少用what來提問,相當於How many people are there in the city?在問到人口是多少時,其實是在說“人口數是什麼”, 正確答案:B不能選A,要注意排除中文的干擾。



人口多:a large population

人口少:a small population

25.He hardly had anything to eat, ________ he?

A. didn’t B. hadn’t C. had D. did



如果主句中含有little, few, hardly, never, seldom, nothing等否定意義詞的陳述句,是否定句。附加疑問句中的謂語動詞應為肯定形式。

例如:There is nothing wrong with your car, is there?  你的車沒壞,對不對?

You are seldom late for school, are you? 你很少上學遲到,對不對?

但是,否定前綴不能視為否定詞,其反意疑問句仍用否定形式。如unhappy, careless(粗心)等,只是詞語意義的否定,而不能構成整個句子的否定。

例如:It is impossible, isn't it?  這不可能,是嗎?

She is careless to her friends, isn't she?  她對她的朋友粗心,是嗎?

26.—It’s getting late. I’m afraid I must be going now.

—OK. ______ .

A. Take it easy    B.Go slowly    C. Stay longer   D. See you

解析:按照中國人的習慣,同學們可能要選B或C,而英語中在這個時候要用“See you.”,表示告別。句意為“很晚了,恐怕現在我得走了。”“好的,再見。”B和C選項都是中式英語,不符合英文表達習慣。正確答案:D

另外,我們來看看這裡的A選項"Take it easy." 這句話可是地地道道的英文表達哦~

Take it easy. 用來側重心理上的“別緊張、放輕鬆”。

E.g. Take it easy. Just give it a try. 放輕鬆,就試一試。

Take your time. 用來側重時間上的“彆著急、慢慢來”。

E.g. You still have much time to do it, take your t



27. Can I help you?



  A.Two teas B.Two cups of teas

C.Two cup teas

D.Two cup of tea

解析:這道題應選A 。要做好這道題,先要弄清tea的兩種用法:


E.g. I don't like to drink tea.


   Would you like a cup of tea? 要喝杯茶嗎?


E.g. —What can I do for you? 你要吃點什麼?

   —Two teas,please.


但是值得注意的是,雖然以上兩種用法都可以,但千萬不要將這兩種用法混雜在一起。如可以說two teas,也可以說two cups of tea,但是不能說two cups of teas。



E.g. I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜歡喝茶不喜歡喝咖啡。

He served us with two cups of coffee. 他用兩杯咖啡招待我們。


E.g. —Can I help you? 你要點什麼?

   —Two coffees,please. 請來兩杯咖啡。

同時也要注意不要將以上兩種用法混在一起。如可以說two coffees,也可以說two cups of coffee,但是絕對不能說two cups of coffees 。

28.The boy was _____ frightened to see the animals _______ he couldn’t move.

  In fact, they don’t attack people unless they are cornered.

A. too, to

B. so, that C. very, that D. such, that


題中的to是to do不定式,作賓語補足語。句中的核心結構是so...that...”, 如此...以致於...


E.g. The man was finally cornered by the police in a garage.


29.Look at the photo. The man ________me is my uncle.

  A. next    B. beside    C.besides    D.





next後面一定要加介詞to,next to表示與…鄰接的,其次的

E.g. The shop is next to the school.


E.g. Come and sit beside me.

close後面也要有介詞to,close to表示“靠近”,beside是在邊上,不太靠近;close to相對來說更靠近點

E.g. He was standing close to the door.

30.— Have some candy?

  — I am sorry, I have diabetes.

  — It doesn’t matter, because it is _________of sugar.

  A. none   B. without    C. free    D. not


來一些糖果嗎?”“對不起,我有糖尿病。”“沒關係,這些糖果是無糖的。這道題考察的是"be free of sth."表示”沒有...,不含...",如果用without應該說成"
It doesn't matter, because it is without sugar."但是,同學們要清楚,英語中表示
"沒有...,不含..."更經常用"be free of sth." 正確答案:C


The stories of Batman and Spiderman have been made _________filmsand TV programs.

A. into    B. from    C. of    D. up of

解析:根據句意“蝙蝠俠和蜘蛛俠的故事已經被拍成電影和電視節目了。”"be made into"的意思是“被製成... ”正確答案:A這道題實際上考察了be made與不同介詞搭配的辨析,這道題中四個選項都可以和be made搭配,但是意思大不相同,具體選擇要根據語意來判斷。

我們來總結一下be made常見結構:

be made in 在某地製造“Made in China""中國製造”

be made of "由...製成"(強調從成品上能看出原材料)

E.g. The table is made of wood. 這張桌子是用木頭製成的。

be made from "由...製成"(強調從成品上看不出原材料)

E.g. Salt is made from sea water. 鹽是由海水製成的。

be made into 被製成 ...

E.g. The material will be made into a dress. 這塊料子是要做成連衣裙的。be made after


E.g. The new church is made after St. Peter's in Rome.


be made up of 由...組成

E.g. Our class is made up of six groups. 我們班是由六個小組組成的。

32.A knife and a fork _________ on the table. A knife and fork ________on the table.

  A. is; is    B. are; are    C.

are; is   D. is; are

解析:題考察的是主謂一致,兩個單數名詞用and連接,表示兩個不同的概念時,謂語動詞常用複數形式表示同一人、同一物或同一個概念,或表示不可分割的整體時,謂語動詞仍用單數形式a knife and a fork表示物體是兩件,是一把刀和一把叉,所以用複數,選are;a knife and fork表示刀和叉是同一件物品,是一套刀叉,所以用單數,選is正確答案:C

33.Bread and butter ________ a daily food in the west.(用be動詞填空,並翻譯整個句子

解析:這道題考察的就是有些用and 連接起來的單數名詞,由於關係密切,已被看做一個整體,因而作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。屬於這種情況的還有 knife and fork 刀叉,needle and thread 針線

fish and chips 炸魚加炸薯條,a horse and carriage 馬車,law and order 法律和秩序等正確答案:is塗黃油的麵包是西方的一種日常食品。

34.The people speak __________ of the film Not One Less. It is really necessary for every child to go to school.

A. brightly   B. loudly    C. happily   

D. highly

解析:這道題考察的是"speak highly of sb./sth." 意為“高度讚揚某人/某事”,整道題的句意為“人們高度讚揚‘一個都不能少’這部電影。對於每個孩子來說上學是真地很有必要的。”那麼我們再學一個短語:“speak ill of sb." 表示的是“說某人壞話”,ill當形容詞時表示“生病的”,當副詞時,則表示“不利地 正確答案:D

E.g. Kelly never speaks ill of anyone even if she doesn’t like him or her.


35.As well as __________ the fresh air,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

A. breath    B. breathe    C. breathing    D. to breathe

解析:正確答案:C這道題大家很可能誤選A,認為as well as連接的是enjoyed和breathed兩個並列的過去時,其實不然,就as well as這個短語給大家系統地總結一下用法:

as well as 可連接並列的單詞或短語。

E.g. The child is lively as well as healthy.


as well as 連接兩個謂語動詞時,它們的時態應保持一致。

E.g. He publishes as well as prints his own books.


E.g. We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls.


as well as 與動詞連用時,其後可用V-ing形式,尤其as well as 位於句首時,此時相當於in addition to。

E.g. As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm.


E.g. She sings as well as playing the piano.


如果as well as 前面是動詞不定式,那麼其後的動詞也是不定式,但to要省略。

E.g. You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.


由as well as 連接的複合主語並不影響謂語動詞的數,也就是我們常說的就遠原則。

E.g. Helen as well as I is

eager to see the performance.


E.g. I as well as they am ready to help you.


as well as 連接的人稱代詞既可以是主格也可以是賓格,但句意不同。

E.g. They have invited you as well as me.

E.g. They have invited you as well as I.

as well as 用於肯定結構和否定結構中,其意義不同。as well as 和not搭配使用,as well as 位於not前時,兩者均否定;位於not後時,否定前者,肯定後者。

E.g. George, as well as his brother, has gone abroad.


E.g. George hasn”t gone abroad as well as his brother.


E.g. George, as well as his brother, hasn’t gone abroad.


as well as 在意義上通常強調前者,而not only …but also在意義上則強調後者。

E.g. He’s got a car as well as a motorbike.

他不但有一輛摩托車,而且有一輛小汽車。 (= He’s got not only a motorbike but also a car. )

注意as well as 有時會引起歧義句。

E.g. He can speak french as well as English.


(2)他說法語能說得像英語一樣好。(…as well as he speaks English)

36.—Where does Mr. Smith work?

—He works in a glass _____ around here.

  A.work B.works C.working D.workes

解析:此題容易誤選C,誤認為:因為其前用了不定冠詞a,所以不能選work(因為不可數)和works(因為是複數),D 顯然是錯的。正確答案:B

這裡work 有三個意思很容易弄混:


E.g. He has too much work to do. 他要做的工作太多。


E.g. The mangained his wealth by printing words off famous writers.



E.g. The glass works is near the station.



green 綠色 ——greens 青菜,蔬菜 wood 木頭,木材 ——

woods 小樹林

manner方式,方法 ——manners 禮貌 arm 臂 arms 武器


—— waters河川,海,溫泉 spirit精神——spirits心境

quarter四分之一 ——quarters軍營


force力氣 ——forces軍隊

37.— He told us that the earth____ round the sun.

  — At one time some scientists thought that the sun____ round the earth.

  A.turns,turns B.turned,turned

  C.turned,turns D.turns,turned





E.g. He told the little boy that the sun rises in the east.



E.g. The teacher said that hydrogen is the lightest element.



E.g. He knew that pridegoes before a fall.


38.I met Jim last week.We____ each other for about twenty years since we left Japan.

  A.didn't meet B.don't meet

C.haven't met D.hadn't met


E.g. He has lived here since he came here. 自從他來到這裡,他就一直住在這兒。

E.g. We haven't heard from her since she left. 自從她離開後,我們就一直未收到她的來信。


  1.We haven't met each other for about 20 years since we left Japan.

  2.I met Jim last week.We hadn't met each other for about twenty years since we left Japan.

第1 句用現在完成時,這大家比較好理解。但是第2句用過去完成時,有的童鞋就感到費解了。其實第2句用過去完成時的主要原因是I met Jim last week,既然“我上個星期見到了吉姆”,所以“30 年未見面”顯然應在“上星期”這一過去時間之前(即“過去的過去”),所以要用過去完成時。正確答案:D

39.My friend and I keep in touch_______ writing often.

A. with B. on C. by D. from

解析:這道題同學們容易誤選A。大家的思維定勢是 keep in touch with sb.(與……保持聯繫)是一個固定搭配,然而這道題空格是writing(寫信),不是某人,因此只能是靠某種方式保持聯繫,選擇方式介詞by,故答案選C


keep in touch with sb.


get in touch with sb. 和某人取得聯繫(側重動作)

lose touch with sb. 和某人失去聯繫

E.g. I don't know you have lost touch with her. 我不知道你同她失去了聯繫。

It was in 2000 that I lost touch with her. 我是在2000年同她失去聯繫的。

注意:在完成時態中,lose touch with... 不能同表示“一段時間”的狀語連用,如要表示“失去聯繫多久了”,要用be out of touch with sb.

E.g. 我和湯姆失去聯繫兩年了。

誤:I have lost touch with Tom for two years.

正:I have been out of touch with Tom for two years.

40.Father made a promise _______ I passed the exam he would buy me a bike.

A. that B. if C. whether D. that if

解析:這道題同學們容易誤選B。大家的思維定勢為:此處是if引導的條件狀語從句。整句話的意思是“爸爸許諾如果我考試幾個了,他就給我買一輛自行車”。分析一下句子,promise後接一個用that引導的同位語從句,that不能省略,同位語從句中還有一個用if 引導的條件狀語從句,所以答案選D。



同位語從句用that引導,that引導同位語從句時,應在某些抽象名詞之後,如:fact, hope, desire, thought, suggestion, idea, news, problem, possibility等,對前面的名詞起補充說明的作用,連詞that只起引導同位語從句的作用,在從句中不擔當任何成分,不能省略。

E.g. Jim got to know the news that the whole village was in great danger.


41.It’s dangerous to let children who are________ go swimming in the river alone.

A. too young to B. old enough to

C. so young D. young as to

解析:此題同學們易誤選A。大家的思維定勢是 too…to+動詞原形,表示“太...以致於不能”,然而仔細分析整個句子,不難看出who are so young是children的定語從句,根據let sb. do sth. ,所以答案選C,整句話的句意為“讓如此小的孩子在河裡獨自游泳是危險的”。

42.That is the reason________ he gave us for carrying out the plan.

A. because B. why C. when D. which

解析:這道題同學們易誤選B。大家的思維定勢為:the reason後應接why引導的定語從句。仔細分析整個句子,the reason在定語從句中做gave的賓語,which he gave us是reason的定語從句,而why是關係副詞,在從句中只能充當狀語,故選關係代詞which,整句話的意思是“那就是他給我們執行這項計劃的原因”,所以答案應選D。carry out是“執行”的意思,一般後面接的賓語是plan、task(任務)、project(項目、工程)等。

43.Is there a shop around _____we can buy some toilet articles?

A. that   B. which C. where  D. what


44.—— John has hurt his leg.

—— Really? ________?

A. Who did that? B. How did that happen?

C. What's wrong with him? D. Why was he so careless?

解析:如果選A 或C: 語法、搭配沒有錯, 但題幹已說明是John 弄傷了自己的腿,這是明知故問; 選D:用的是一種責問或責備的語氣, 不夠禮貌, 故不選; 選B: 正確!當對話中聽到對方說不好的消息時,一般首先要表示出你的難過、同情或是關心, 如I’m sorry to hear that; I hope you will feel better soon;或如本題所示表示你的關切。

45.— _______do you _______ about spring?

—The flowers and the green trees.

A. How, like B. How, think C. What, think D. What, like

解析:這道題陷阱選項為A或B或C。這是由於忽略語境造成的。由答語The flowers and the green trees. 可知,所問的是“你喜歡春天的什麼?”而不是“你覺得春天怎麼樣?”。正確答案為D。如果問“你覺得春天怎麼樣?”,應該是“What do you think of spring?"或”How do you like spring?",A、B、C選項表達都不正確。

46.The film he isn’t interested _______ really interesting.

A. in sounding B. to sound C.

sounds D. in sounds

解析:此題易誤選A。一看這四個選項就可能會認為介詞in後面接v-ing形式,其實he isn’t interested in是充當後置定語,be interested in是一個固定搭配,去掉這個定語從句後,我們可以很清楚地發現整個句子缺少謂語動詞,故正確答案是D,整句話的意思是“他不感興趣的那部電影聽起來真的很有趣”。

47.It’s going to rain. I think it is better _______ at home than _______out for a walk.

A. to stay; going B. to stay; to go

C. stay; go D. go; went

解析:受had better句型的影響易誤選C。it是形式主語,真正的主語是不定式,因此,第一空填to stay。than前後兩成分表示對比關係,形式上要一致,所以第二個空也要用不定式。句意為“將要下雨了。我認為呆在家裡比外出散步要好“。正確答案:B

48—How do you write with your new pen?

— _______.

A. Quickly and neatly B. Quick and neat

C. Quick and neatly D. Quickly and neat

解析:這是一道語境陷阱題。同學們容易誤選B,題幹上文意思為“用新筆你寫字寫得如何?”,下文答語是“我寫得又快又整潔”,修飾動詞write,用副詞充當,完整的答語是I write quickly and neatly with my new pen. 正確答案:A

49.Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he ____ English.

A. could learning B. learned C. to learn D. could learn

解析:根據句意“在他出國之前,他花費盡可能多的時間來學習英語。”此題中包含句型結構spend… (in) doing sth., 其中題中spent的賓語為much time , much time作為先行詞,as...as he could是“盡他所能......”,could後面省略了動詞spend,這道題的核心結構是spend … (in) doing sth.,因此選A。

50.The man whose songs we are fond of ____ in our city next week.

A.singing B.to sing C.will sing D.sang

解析:這道題中whose songs we are fond of是定語從句,修飾中心詞the man,短語be fond of表示“喜歡......",of是介詞,賓語是the man,而句中時間狀語為next week,是一般將來時的時間標誌,答案為C.

