[學英語] toilet的由來


In the late 18th century, toilet was transferred to the room where the grooming and washing occurred. In America, the room was most often one that included facilities for bathing, and when the water closet—which in the 1700s referred to a room with a fixture for defecation and urination capable of being flushed, or to the fixture itself—was introduced into houses that could afford one, it was typically placed in the bathroom or toilet room. In the late 19th century, toilet was transferred from the room to the fixture itself.

在18世紀末,toilet演變為美容與梳洗的房間。在美國,這個房間經常包含洗澡的設施,當water closet—在1700s指一個有可以衝大小便設施的房間,或設施自己—被可以承擔費用的房子引進進來,它經常被旋轉於洗手間或都沒人你看。到19世紀末,toilet從房間轉換為設施自身。

