






城市不能缺少樹,城市不能沒有林,樹林是製氧機,是天然吸塵器,是降低噪音的消聲器。城中的森林就像是城市的肺與腎,在城市規劃中不可缺少綠地。世衛組織提出城市人均綠地面積不少於22 平方米,我國許多城市甚至離這個最低標準還有很大距離。我們要加強城市綠化,還公眾以碧水藍天。



參考譯文:China is developing at a stunning pace in its urbanization, with old cities expanding and new ones constantly emerging.

註解:原文第一個分句的主語是“我國城鎮化的速度”,謂語是“快得驚人”,譯文若完全遵循這一主語和謂語,會出現主語過長、頭重腳輕的現象,同時表達也不夠地道。建議譯者在漢譯英時,可以選用話題“我國”作為第一個分句的主語,將原文的定語“城鎮化的”轉譯為狀語 in its urbanization。“舊城越擴越大”和“新城不斷崛起”兩個分句是對原文第一個分句的補充說明,漢譯英時可將兩個分句譯為with引導的介詞短語,連接到前面的主句上。


2. 可居住在城裡的人卻時有抱怨:灰塵多、噪音大、天不藍、空氣不新鮮,缺乏城市綠化是造成這些問題的一大原因。

參考譯文:But city dwellers often complain about the dust, the noise, the grey sky, and the unclean air, which are due in part to a lack of urban greening.

註解:原文中的“灰塵多、噪音大、天不藍、空氣不新鮮”這樣的分句在漢語中很常見,譯者可通過轉換語序的方式將其譯為英語中的名詞短語:“多的灰塵、大的噪音、不藍的天和不新鮮的空氣”。其他類似的結構也可以採用同樣的方法來處理,例如“人口多、底子薄、經濟不發達”就可以譯為large population, weak foundation and an undeveloped economy。再如“氣候宜人、土地肥沃、物產豐富”可以譯為mild climate, fertile soil and abundant natural resources。原文最後一個分句中的“原因”在英語中有多種表達方式。A是B的原因,可以表達為“A lead to (give rise to/result in/contribute to) B”,還可以說“B is attributed to (is to blame for/is due to) A”等。

3. 城市不能缺少樹,城市不能沒有林,樹林是製氧機,是天然吸塵器,是降低噪音的消聲器。

參考譯文:Trees are indispensable for cities, as they act as oxygen generators, natural vacuum cleaners, and mufflers to reduce noise.

註解:原文由五個分句構成,前兩個分句的主語為“城市”,後三個分句的主語為“樹林”,漢譯英時若能把五個分句的主語統一為“樹林”,則有利於將多個分句合併譯為英語長句。前兩個分句“城市不能缺少樹”和“城市不能沒有林”的意義重複,用trees are indispensable for cities就能譯出全部的涵義,無須重複翻譯。後三個並列分句中的重複出現“是”字,可以採取“合併同類項”的方法,將後三個分句轉換成“樹林是製氧機、天然吸塵器和降低噪音的消聲器”來翻譯。此外,前兩個分句與後三個分句暗含因果關係,漢譯英時可在譯文中增添表因果關係的as一詞來連接。


4. 城中的森林就像是城市的肺與腎,在城市規劃中不可缺少綠地。

參考譯文:Since the woods of a city are like its lungs and kidneys, green areas should not be left out in urban planning.


5. 世衛組織提出城市人均綠地面積不少於22平方米,我國許多城市甚至離這個最低標準還有很大距離。

參考譯文:The WTO proposes that per capita urban green areas should be no less than 22 square meters, and many of our cities are far from even this lowest requirement.

註解:原文在漢譯英時時要注意表示“提議、建議(propose)”的詞語,其後的賓語從句需要採用“should +動詞原形”的形式,其中should可以省略。這一類詞語包括propose、recommend、suggest、urge、demand等。原文第二個分句在翻譯時可以選用“我國許多城市”作主語,謂語動詞“有很大距離”可以採用形容詞短語be far from來譯。

6. 我們要加強城市綠化,還公眾以碧水藍天。

參考譯文:We should build more green areas in our cities and restore clear water and blue sky for their citizens.

註解:原文中的“加強”是漢語中較常出現的詞語,一般不宜直接對譯為reinforce,而應該把“加強”所體現出的“更高”“更強”或者“更多”的含義翻譯出來,如“加強城市綠化”就是“建設更多的綠地”。此外,原文中的“碧水藍天”譯為clear water and blue sky比較妥當,因漢語和英語的表達方式存在一些差異,“碧”不宜譯為green,以免英語讀者將green water理解為“渾濁的水”。



China is developing at a stunning pace in its urbanization, with old cities expanding and new ones constantly emerging. But city dwellers often complain about the dust, the noise, the grey sky, and the unclean air, which are due in part to a lack of urban greening. Trees are indispensable for cities, as they act as oxygen generators, natural vacuum cleaners, and mufflers to reduce noise. Since the woods of a city are like its lungs and kidneys, green areas should not be left out in urban planning. The WTO proposes that per capita urban green areas should be no less than 22 square meters, and many of our cities are far from even this lowest requirement. We should build more green areas in our cities and restore clear water and blue sky for their citizens.

