


Next FewMonths Crucial For China-U.S. Trade Deal


China and the U.S. could reach apreliminary trade deal as soon as this September, following the green light fora resumption in the trade talks, although not everyone is optimistic about thechances of a quick deal, government advisors told MNI.


“Ifthe Trump administration stops flip-flopping this time, it is possible for bothsides to reach a preliminary agreement in three months,” said Chen Wenling,Chief Economist at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, ahigh-level think tank managed by the country’s powerful National Developmentand Reform Commission.


She said U.S. President Donald Trump needs“achievements” that can help him secure re-election next year and reaching adeal with China this year would help him win a second term by counteringdomestic complaints from soybean farmers and others. Defusing global tradetensions with a deal would also underpin U.S. economic growth and employment inthe run-up to the November 2020 vote.


On the other hand, Chen Fengying, formerdirector of world economy at the China Institutes of Contemporary InternationalRelations, which is affiliated to the Ministry of State Security, noted thatthe two countries still have to figure out the starting point before tradenegotiations can be brought back to life.


“The U.S. wants to resume from the previousninth round of negotiations, while China wants to continue from the eleventhround,” Chen Fengying pointed out, without elaborating on the differences thatdrove the two governments apart in May. She believes that if the U.S. can agreewith China on the starting point for renewed talks, progress can be expected“very soon”.

陳鳳英說,“美國希望在前9輪談判的基礎上繼續進行,中國則希望從第11輪談判談起”。她並未解釋5月份時導致雙方談判破裂的具體分歧所在。她認為,如果美國能同意從中國建議的談判起點開始恢復磋商,那麼將 “很快”取得進展。

Both Chens said there is no timetable orroadmap and the situation could change during the negotiations, including thepossibility of relapsing back into stalemate and escalating into a deeperconflict.


--90% AGREED


Chen Wenling, former bureau chief at theState Council Research Office, believes that the removal of all the tariffsimposed on Chinese imports by Washington since the trade dispute flared up is apriority issue for Beijing and preconditions for a deal. But she conceded thatthe Trump Administration’s willingness to we)aponisetariffs suggests it won’t give up on them lightly.


At the same time, for Chen Wenling,Washington must rein in its demands for concessions from Beijing. “It is said that China promised to buy USD200billion of American goods (at the G20) in Argentina last year, and since thenthat number has grown to USD 300 billion, then USD 330 billion,” she said,adding that “the U.S. must make a concession on what they asked for.”


More pressing for the U.S., according toChen Wenling, is for the U.S. to restore greater market access for its agricultureproducts in China, in particular to help the many soybean farmers on the vergeof bankruptcy. China can restore imports of American soybean and cool globalsoybean prices, she said, as well as expanding energy and airplanes importsfrom the U.S.

陳文玲表示,美國現在最迫切的是加大中國對美國農產品的進口,以解國內豆農瀕臨破產的燃眉之急。恢復對大豆的進口,中國可以做到,這也有利於平抑國際大豆的價格。 同時,中國還可以增加購入美國的能源和飛機,中國市場有需求,美國有供給。

As for other U.S. requirements, includingintellectual property protection, ending forced technology transfer, and equaltreatment for state-owned and privately-owned companies, China is capable ofsatisfying Washington’s hopes, according to Chen Wenling, chiming with U.S.Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s comment that the two sides are 90% agreed.She added, without elaborating, that the outstanding 10% lies in internetcontrol and data flow.

陳文玲稱,至於美國的其他訴求,如知識產權保護、禁止強制性技術轉讓、對國有企業和民營企業一視同仁等,中國都可以做到,這也符合中國未來的改革方向。她表示,正如日前美國財長努姆欽(Steve Mnuchin)的公開評論所言,90%的問題是可以達成共識的。她指出,10%的分歧之一,在於網絡空間的管制和數據的流動問題,但她並未展開說明。

She believes that the next phase in thetrade negotiations hinge on what the U.S. offers. In this context, Washington’s restoration of American suppliesto Huawei are seen not so much as a concession but a “self-correction”, drivenby the self-harm of cutting off supply chains and losing access to the Chinesemarket. Moreover, if the U.S. relaxed exports of high-tech products to China,such as in the areas of military equipment or bioengineering, the bilateraltrade deficit would shrink by USD100 to 200 billion, Chen Wenling estimated.
