

1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,中华民国成立,中国民主主义革命的先驱者孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统,并在颁布的“临时大总统令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币”,随后武昌和南京两处造币厂率先铸行了 “中华民国开国纪念币”铜元辅币,以十文面值的为主,在全国大量发行以取代清朝铜元。这就是“中华民国开国纪念币” 铜元的由来。无庸置疑,这种铜元的币名很明确,就是“中华民国开国纪念币”。正面"中华民国开国纪念币"字样,正面是面值,背面交叉龙旗。

从历史的角度出发, 中华民国开国纪念币具有浓厚的历史氛围,是收藏价值不菲的革命文物,在钱币历史上具有深远的纪念意义。从考古的角度出发,开国纪念币记录了辛亥革命漫长而惊天动地的革命历史,见证了无数革命先烈的奋斗,近代中国钱币中的精品;从收藏的角度出发,随着时间的推移,“开国纪念币”的市场存量越来越稀少, 品相好的更是稀有无比,成为了钱币市场的“老珍稀”藏品。



英文名称:Double flag currency





反面:呈双圈,外圈英文THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA TEN CASH,内圈中置楷书十文面值,稻穗组成的嘉禾纹,表面贴骨锈,锈层与器物本体浑然一体,几乎没有分离感,结实地贴在器物表面。









英文翻译:After the establishment of the republic of China, copper continued to be used in large quantities. In 1914, the copper yuan was officially changed to "copper COINS". The biggest difference between the copper COINS issued in the republic of China and the qing dynasty is that the dragon grain was replaced by the golden harvest grain composed of rice ears. Most of the COINS minted in the provinces are two-pronged national flags.

After the victory of revolution in 1911, the qing emperor to abdicate, the republic of China was founded, China's democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen became provisional President of the republic, and in the "interim executive order" issued to "another issue of the new mould, drum casting COINS", then the wuchang and nanjing mint in two places first casting line "the founding of the republic of China COINS" copper coin COINS, give priority to with the face value of 10, issue instead of the qing dynasty copper coin in the country. This is the origin of the "founding coin of the republic of China". There is no doubt that the name of this copper dollar is very clear, it is "the founding of the republic of China COINS." Front "republic of China founding coin", face value, back crossed dragon flag.

From the perspective of history, the founding COINS of the republic of China have a strong historical atmosphere, is a valuable collection of revolutionary cultural relics, in the coin history has far-reaching commemorative significance. From the perspective of archaeology, the founding COINS recorded the long and earth-shaking revolutionary history of the revolution of 1911 and witnessed the struggles of countless revolutionary martyrs. From the perspective of collection, with the passage of time, the market stock of "founding COINS" is more and more scarce, good quality is extremely rare, become the "old rare" collection of the coin market.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: double flag coin

English name: Double flag currency

Category: miscellaneous

Specification: one piece

Phase: beauty

Positive: a double ring, outer ring on the>

Reverse side: double ring, outer ring THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA TEN CASH, inner ring with regular>

Black lacquer

Bronze long-term in atmospheric corrosion mechanism analysis of copper, bronze, brass in the atmosphere is very stable, generally less than 0.00015 mm/year, in the copper surface generates a very stable layer of protective film, mainly alkaline type copper sulfate in olive green, also can produce copper oxide (CuO) in black, cuprous sulphur black, and stannous oxide (SnO), dark brown. The older the rust layer thickened color also become dark, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient", if long in the hand will make the surface as bright as a mirror commonly known as "handed down the ancient". But this type of copper also produces electrochemical corrosion, so it is "dumb". If the copper long-term in the dry environment (in the atmosphere or soil) will also produce copper oxide and Venus oxide dark black, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient"

Coated pulp is a professional term in the antique industry, which refers to the oxide layer formed on the surface of cultural relics due to long-term oxidation. "Coated pulp" is actually "luster", which refers to the natural luster formed on the surface of ancient artifacts after years and months. More than porcelain, wood, jade, bronze, ivory, play, calligraphy and painting, such as the paper silk products are wrapped pulp.

Since the envelope bearing years, the longer the age of things, the thicker the envelope. Take a simple example, the newly bought bamboo mat, no matter how much polish, are not wrapped pulp, but the old grandmother slept for 50 years of bamboo mat, wrapped pulp red bright do not need to say. The handle of the new hoe has no wrapping pulp, and the handle of the old farmer's hoe has thick wrapping pulp.

It is in the long years because of dust, sweat, the player's hand stains, or earth buried water qin, prolonged rubbing, even the air through the rays, layer upon layer accumulation, gradually formed the surface skin shell. It is smooth ripe delectable, quiet light, tell people that this thing is old, show a kind of old air of tenderness. That is exactly with the hot new goods that kind of dazzling "thief light", impetuous tone, dry texture contrast.

We can see that these two COINS, wrapped pulp is very natural, the so-called red spot green embroidery it has, double flag coin is the blue day flag, in the blue day red flag by the blue day, day, red ground three parts. The sky symbolizes the open and aboveboard, noble and great character and aspiration of the Chinese nation. The day stands for candor, justice, selflessness,

Double flag coin is extremely rare, we all know that for years of Anti-Japanese War in the republic of China, the war needs a lot of bullets, and the best material to make bullets is the republic of China period of copper COINS, resulting in the destruction of a large number of republic of China copper COINS into shells, so that the current double flag coin is very rare.

This double flag coin modelling is exquisite, coin whole is neat, natural oxidation forms pack oar, bottom light is downy, have stick bone rust to belong to the old coin that open the door, expert appraisal is real article undoubtedly, its age characteristic is obvious, have historical research value extremely, economy collects value extremely high.