

This video highlights President Donald Trump's attempts to respond to the coronavirus outbreak and show that, in the crucial period from January till early March, when the virus was spreading quietly in America, little was done.


"Never seen anything like it," read the headline of a New York Times article on April 8 as the U.S. entered its fourth week of national emergency due to the novel coronavirus. On April 12, U.S. President Donald Trump issued a major disaster declaration in all 50 states in the country – for the first time in U.S. history.

From January 3, when China began to inform the United States of the coronavirus outbreak, to March 13, when the U.S. announced the national emergency, around 70 days had passed. How did things develop in the U.S.?


China reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province on December 31, 2019. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified as the cause.


On January 3, China began to inform the United States of its response measures on a regular basis.


The WHO released its first briefing on unknown pneumonia in Wuhan.


Information on the novel coronavirus' genome sequence was shared with the WHO.


According to Zhong Nanshan, "the virus is confirmed to have human-to-human transmission." CBS reported that at least six people died in a coronavirus outbreak in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed the first U.S. case was detected in Washington state.


Dr. Tedros, Director-General of the World Health Organization, declared a public health emergency of international concern over the global outbreak of novel coronavirus.


By February 3, 2020, China briefed the United States on epidemic information and control measures 30 times.




But, Trump said on the press conference, "People die from the flu, we have 12 cases, 11 cases, typically that will go away at April. We are in great shape now."

卫生与公共服务部(Health and Human Services,HHS)部长艾力克斯•阿扎尔,“病毒在美国被控制得很好。”

Alex Azar, U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, "This disease is contained."


"One day, it's like a miracle. It will disappear."


On February 29, President Donald Trump said at a rally in South Carolina, "Democrats will only say horrible things. So far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Our country is doing so great, we are so unified."


WHO made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic on March 11.


"To unleash the full power of the federal government in effort, today, I'm officially declaring a national emergency. The CDC is advising the use of non-medical cloth face covering. I don't think I am gonna be doing it."


On March 18, China reports no new locally spread infections for the first time since the pandemic began.


On March 31, "16,000 deaths in New York that means you're going to have tens of thousands of deaths outside of New York."


According to Dr. Anthony Fauci from National institutes of Health, "I would say between 100 and 200,000 cases, I don't want to be held to that."


"If we could hold that down as we're saying to 100,000. We altogether have done a very good job. "


The global death toll surpasses 100,000 on April 10.


Trump declared a major disaster in all 50 states at once for the first time in history.




Here are things that can be done in 70 days.

Development of test kits in 10 days.

Test kits put into mass production in eight days.

Build a mask production line in seven days.

Build a thousand-bed makeshift hospital in 10 days.


The question is:

What has the White House done in this precious time?