
必修5 重点短语 句型

Unit 1 Great scientists


1. put forward 提出

2. conclude 结束,结论

3. draw a conclusion 得出结论

4. defeat 打败

5. attend 照顾,护理,出席

6. expose ....to 使......暴露在....

8. challenge 挑战

9. suspect 怀疑,被怀疑者

10. blame 责备

11. handle 柄,把手,处理,掌控

12. link 联系,连接

13. link......to 将…和…连接起来

14. announce 宣布

15. contribute 捐献,贡献

16. apart from 除了

17. be strict with 对…严格

18. make sense 讲的通,有意义

19. spin 使旋转(spun,spun)

20. reject 拒绝,抛弃


1. Neither its cause _______ its cure was understood at that time.

2. It seemed that the water was ________ (blame).


3.Only then______I realize the importance of health.


Unit 2 The United Kingdom


1. consist 组成,在于,一致

2. consist of 由…组成(无被动)

3. divide…into 把…分成

4. break away from 脱离

5. to one’s credit 值得赞扬

6. attract 吸引

7. leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑

8. plus 加上,和,正的

9. take the place of 代替

10. break down (机器)出故障;

11. arrange 安排

12. fold 折叠,对折

13. delight 快乐,高兴,喜悦


1. ________their credit ,the four countries do work together in some areas.


2._________(worry)about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.


3. ____________interested her most was the longitude line.


4.It is a pity ______ the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.遗憾的是,这些建立于十九世纪的工业城市没有吸引游客。

Unit 3 Life in the Future


1. impression 印象,感想

2. take up 拿起,开始,继续

3. constant 时常发生的,连续不断的

4. previous 在前的,早先的

5. guide 指导,向导

6. lack 缺乏,没有

7. lose sight of 看不见

8. sweep up 横扫

9. slide into 移动,溜进

10. optimistic 乐观的

11. speed up 加速

12. desert 沙漠

13. instant 瞬间,片刻

14. settlement 定居,解决;协议


1. At first my new surroundings were difficult _________(tolerate).


2._________(exhaust), I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

3.However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached looked like a large market.然而,当我们到达一个看起来像一个大商场的时候,我看不见王平了。

4.Have you ever had a case________ someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?


Unit 4 Making the News


1. delighted 快乐的,欣喜的

2. assist 帮助,协助

3. process 加工,处理;过程,程序

4. concentrate on 集中,聚集

5. acquire 获得,学到

6. assess 评估,评定

7. inform 通知

8. depend on 依靠

9. accuse sb of ...控告某人.....

10. so as to do 为了

11. demand 需求,要求

12. ahead of 在…前面

13. approve 许可,批准


1. Never ______ Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.


2. Not only__________I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.


3. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question __________(depend)on what the persons said.


Unit 5 First aid


1. first aid 急救

2. fall ill 生病

3. poison 毒药;使中毒

4. electric shock 触电,电休克

5. swell 使膨胀,隆起(swelled,swollen)

6. squeeze 榨,挤

7. squeeze out 榨出,挤出

8. over and over again 反复,多次

9. in place 在适当的位置

10. pour 倒,灌

11. a number of 许多

12. put one’s hands on 找到

13. treat 治疗,对待,款待

14. apply 应用,运用,申请

15. make a difference 有影响,起作用


1. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.


2. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.


3. John was studying in his room ________ he heard screaming.


4. She was lying in her front garden __________ (bleed)very heavily.


5.It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid______saved Ms. Slade's life. 正是约翰快捷的动作和急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命。