Maxim Kashin Architects

该项目旨在为一个四口之家设计他们位于莫斯科的联排住宅。团队希望打造出一个既重视光影,又具备功能性的独特室内空间。极具未来主义的设计灵感主要源于Santiago Calatrava的作品City of Arts和Sciences in Valencia。而未来感与白色轻量建筑的结合,也正是建筑师希望在项目中呈现的。

The project is the interior design of a townhouse in Moscow, completed for a young family with two children. The main idea of the project was to create a fascinating design of the space that values both light and shadow and still is functional at the same time. The design is futuristic and was inspired by the works of Santiago Calatrava, especially by the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia. The combination of futurism and white weightless architecture was an inspiration and the architect decided to embody it in this project.

▼极具未来感的室内空间设计,futuristic interior space design © Maxim Kashin Architects

▼以白色为基调的明亮空间,the bright space that is fundamental key with white © Maxim Kashin Architects

▼兼具光影效果与功能性的居住空间,a living space with both light and shadow effects and functionality © Maxim Kashin Architects


Curved shapes of open storage systems create interesting visual accents of light and shadow. They dominate and that changes the perception of the usual rectangular volume of space. Curved shapes are accompanied by soft coaches that are placed on different levels.

▼曲线型开放式储物系统,curved open storage system © Maxim Kashin Architects

▼圆润柔软、高低错落的沙发,curved shapes are accompanied by soft coaches © Maxim Kashin Architects

餐厅的地板和部分墙壁是由采用了角砾岩磨块技术的和大理石制成。它们的花纹类似于Santiago Calatrava作品中的景观,为室内增添了浓烈的未来感。此外,地板的制作也是项目中最具挑战性的部分。因为它不仅可持续,而且还十分美观耐用。餐厅里的钢制座椅,则是受到了Leon Ransmeir酒吧凳的启发。

▼独特的大理石纹地板,unique marbled flooring © Maxim Kashin Architects

The floor and part of the wall in the dining room of the Vidneo townhouse project are made of the breccia technique, out of marble pieces. It resembles landscapes of Santiago Calatrava’s projects and complements the futuristic mood of the interior. The floor was the most challenging part of the project, it is not only sustainable but also very durable. The chairs in the dining room were designed from the sheet steel, the inspiration for them was the bar stool design by Leon Ransmeir.

▼大理石纹墙面,the marbled wall © Maxim Kashin Architects

▼地板和墙面细部,the floor and wall details © Maxim Kashin Architects

▼平面图,plan © Maxim Kashin Architects