「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 20-低線城市增長可觀


DAY 20 原文




Yeah. Eric, this is John. Just to answer your question, in the quarter, we opened 167 stores, 46% of those were either in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. We do see very strong performance in lower tier cities, and we continue to make investments in those cities playing the long game. Clearly when we open our first few stores, there is a lot of demand for Starbucks coming into those cities. As we continue to build out the footprint, what we've seen historically is that the total transactions obviously continue to grow, and volumes show up as very similar to some of our outer Tier 1 cities. So we feel good about our growth in these Tier 4, Tier 5 cities overall.


In terms of the delivery aspect of it at 9%, clearly we see a lot of benefit. It creates a whole new occasion for our existing customers, and it's helping to drive transaction growth in our stores. We have over 3,500 stores in 130 cities, which is 80% of the store base, having delivery available to them. We see it as an incremental for these existing customers as well as attracting new customers. In total, dollar profits continue to increase because of it. It's slightly margin dilutive, but it does provide a higher ticket as well as a higher food attach. And we also see stronger demand in the mornings and during the lunch.



1. Margin dilutive:利潤稀釋。 當公司發行新股票時會發生稀釋,從而導致該公司現有股東的所有權百分比下降。稀釋會降低股票的每股收益(淨收入除以流通量),這通常會壓低股票價格。稀釋是公司籌集額外資金的一種方式,儘管在這種情況下,現有股東通常不會感到興奮。

