英语小说阅读0403《暮光之城 暮色》第五章10 附单词注释

  "What's wrong — is she hurt?" His voice was closer now, and he sounded upset. I wasn't imagining it. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to die. Or, at the very least, not to throw up.

  Mike seemed stressed. "I think she's fainted. I don't know what happened, she didn't even stick her finger." "Bella." Edward's voice was right beside me, relieved now. "Can you hear me?" "No," I groaned. "Go away." He chuckled.

  "I was taking her to the nurse," Mike explained in a defensive tone, "but she wouldn't go any farther." "I'll take her," Edward said. I could hear the smile still in his voice.

  "You can go back to class." "No," Mike protested. "I'm supposed to do it." Suddenly the sidewalk disappeared from beneath me. My eyes flew open in shock. Edward had scooped me up in his arms, as easily as if I weighed ten pounds instead of a hundred and ten.

  "Put me down!" Please, please let me not vomit on him. He was walking before I was finished talking.

  "Hey!" Mike called, already ten paces behind us.

  Edward ignored him. "You look awful," he told me, grinning.

  "Put me back on the sidewalk," I moaned. The rocking movement of his walk was not helping. He held me away from his body, gingerly, supporting all my weight with just his arms — it didn't seem to bother him.

  "So you faint at the sight of blood?" he asked. This seemed to entertain him.

  I didn't answer. I closed my eyes again and fought the nausea with all my strength, clamping my lips together.

  "And not even your own blood," he continued, enjoying himself.

  I don't know how he opened the door while carrying me, but it was suddenly warm, so I knew we were inside.

  "Oh my," I heard a female voice gasp.

  "She fainted in Biology," Edward explained.

Gingerly 小心翼翼地

Nausea 恶心

Gasp 喘气




“听不见。”我呻吟着。“走开。” “我带她去。”爱德华说。


“你可以回去上课了。” “不。”迈克抗议道。“这应该是我的工作。”









